Supreme Chef

Chapter 2089

Chapter 2089

Lin Mu and the others quickly surpassed the Tiangong faction, and Chaos Fire was eager to try.

And Lin Shu didn't suppress the chaotic fire's instinct to take revenge, and saw the chaotic fire burning violently.

The flame suddenly turned into a fire dragon, and the fire dragon swept across the world, roaring and rushing towards the people of Tiangong lineage.

"Lin Mu, you are instigating a war!" the little god roared angrily.

Lin Mu sneered, and said: "If you start a war, I will start a war. Can you be me? When you can catch up with me, let's talk about this."

The little gods and others, upon hearing such words, all felt great humiliation and anger.

But it is obviously an impossible task for them to catch up with the trees quickly.After all, until now, they still haven't figured out what the object in Wu De's hand is.

The chaotic fire turned into a fire dragon, burning all over their bodies.

Even the little gods, etc., were burnt as black as the bottom of a pot.Not to mention the rest.

There were no dead people, and this was because the little gods and others intervened to stop them.

After humiliating the little gods and the others, Lin Mu and the others quickly advanced, and soon reached the front of the ancient tomb.

The tomb entrance of the ancient tomb is very advanced.Even with Wu De's ability, he was a bit helpless.

However, Lin Mu discovered something and was going to try it out.

Lin Mu directly used his Dharma Aspect Golden Body, and then attacked fiercely according to what he found.


There was a sound like thunder, and then the entire tomb door collapsed.

"You can. In the future, we will join you in robbing the tomb. In this world, there will be no tomb that can stop us." Wu De said excitedly.

Lin Mu said: "This is just an ancient tomb, cracked with ancient methods. There is nothing too advanced."

Wu De, said: "The things of the ancient times are already very advanced, and they are beyond our comprehension at all. So with you joining, what ancient tombs can stop us from the ancient times, the ancient times, and the current world, so that the magic weapon can be seen again?" bright footsteps."

Lin Mu was also very speechless after hearing Wu De's words, and said: "Go ahead and see what is there, worthy of the ancient immortal emperor, to be able to stay here forever."

There is no high-end arrangement in the ancient tomb, and there are three trees along the way, all of which are very smooth.

And this made Lin Mu and the others even more sure that this ancient Immortal Emperor was indeed waiting for something.Instead of actually burying the tomb, it was arranged here.

As for why an ancient tomb was built here to wait and watch, it is probably because of some special reason, this ancient immortal emperor wanted to avoid everyone's eyes and ears, so he did so.

Moreover, it is very likely that there is nothing left in this tomb.

Little Tianshen and the others saw Lin Shu go in, and they were also very anxious outside.

But their speed can only be so fast, even if they want to go fast, it's too late.

But just as the little angels were struggling to move forward, the magic vines suddenly spread out to both sides.

Such a change made the little gods and the others all stunned.What's going on here, the magic vines that were still stubborn just now, all of a sudden, they all scattered by themselves.

"Maybe it's because the heavens are helping us. Let's go in quickly, my lords, and we can't let Lin Mu and the others seize the opportunity." Someone reminded the little gods and others.

"I'm afraid there is something weird here?" The blue-clothed fairy who had dissuaded the little god before, looked at the ground and said solemnly.

For this person's words, the little gods still believe it very much.After all, the strong, no matter where they are, are easy to gain the trust of others.

"See what's weird?" Little Heavenly God and the others asked.

The blue-clothed fairy shook his head and said, "Not yet. But the magic vine scatter on its own initiative, which is already the biggest weirdness. Instead of protecting what it should protect, it scatteres automatically. There must be a conspiracy Here I am."

"My lords, I can't wait any longer. If I wait any longer, Lin Mu and the others will take the lead." Someone suggested.

"Let's go in first, even if there is any problem, with so many of us, it shouldn't be a big problem." The little god suggested.

"it is good!"

The little god's proposal was agreed by everyone including Lan Yixian.

After all, being blind is the best way.They have a lot of people, even if there is any accident, they can still use the advantage of numbers to deal with it.

After all, there is not a weak one in their combination.

Such a combination, not to mention in the current world, even in ancient times, can be ranked in the forest of the strong.

So this is their self-confidence, but also their confidence.


Lin Mu and the others advanced quickly in front, and the Blood Spirit Dragon also sensed the pace of the little gods and the others chasing after them.

"Impossible, how could their speed be so fast. After we got the magic vine, it became docile all of a sudden." Blood Spirit Dragon muttered there.

Wu De said, "It's impossible for that kind of magic vine to become docile. Unless someone forcibly changes its growth pattern. The little gods and the others definitely don't have the ability to do so."

After hearing Lin Mu's analysis, Lin Mu and Xue Linglong both took a breath and said, "You don't mean that the person hiding in the dark made a move?"

Wu De nodded, and said: "At least I think so. If it wasn't for him, the little gods and the others would never be able to do it."

This matter has basically been determined.It was shot by someone hiding in the dark.

"But what is the purpose of his attack? Is it because he is worried that we are lonely and asks them to come and accompany us? Or does he see that there is a conflict between us and wants to use the conflict between us and them to make a big deal out of it? When the time comes, let us fight them hard, and then he will be a left-handed fisherman?" Blood Linglong said with a decent analysis.

However, none of the blood spirit dragon's analysis is on point.

With the opponent's strength, it shouldn't be so boring.It is to let Lin Mu fight with the people from Tiangong.And with his cultivation base, if he wanted to destroy Lin Mu and the others, he wouldn't have to spend such a lot of trouble.

So there is still a specific reason for him to do so.It's just that Lin Mu and the others still don't know the reason.

"Forget it, let's take a deeper look first. No matter what, we are ahead of them, that is to say, no matter what, we have the advantage. First go to the front to have a look, maybe if they arrive When it's time to fight, we also have something to use." Lin Mu said.

(End of this chapter)

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