Supreme Chef

Chapter 2091

Chapter 2091

Lin Mu nodded and said, "It must be fake. If it's real, it's impossible to wait for us to get it."

After a pause, Lin Mu said: "And if it's true, the formation blocking the teleportation formation has long since disappeared. And if this thing is true, the magic vines outside probably won't disappear so quickly .”

Xue Linglong said: "Boss, where is the real Dao Jing? This place is not small, and it may be very difficult for us to find every place."

Lin Mu pondered for a while, and said: "After the people from Tiangong leave, we will go back to the ancient tomb to search, maybe there will be other clues."

Obviously this is the best way at the moment.

The three of Lin Mu sneaked back to the ancient tomb. Sure enough, the little gods and the others couldn't wait to leave the ancient tomb after reading the contents of the jade slips, and then moved forward quickly according to the records on the jade slips, for fear of being chased by Lin Mu. up front.

"This bunch of idiots, after they go there, if they find nothing. Or if they meet that person in the dark, that's enough for them to be happy." Xue Linglong said with a sneer.

Lin Mu said, "Leave them alone, let's go in and have a look. See if there are any other clues inside."

The three of Lin Mu returned to the ancient tomb again, and the head of the ancient tomb was really visible at a glance.

The three of Lin Mu didn't need to search carefully, they were able to see that there was nothing in the empty ancient tomb.

However, Wu De, who is an expert in tomb robbery, seems to have discovered something.

Wu De had already circled around the bronze coffin several times.

Xue Linglong found Wu De and said, "What did you find?"

Wu De walked around the coffin again, and said, "There is something wrong with this coffin, it's a bit different from what I've seen before."

Blood Spirit Dragon said: "Let's get to the point."

Wu De pointed to the coffin and said: "First of all, its size is very large. Of course, this may be a personal preference, but such a large size is not normal. Moreover, the totems and patterns on it are completely wrong. This is definitely not the ancient totem and coffin. The patterns, on the contrary, seem to be part of a formation."

After hearing Wu De's words, Lin Mu's heart was also moved.

Then Lin Mu put his palm on the coffin, and then Lin Mu directly used Xian Yuan to completely rub the patterns on the coffin.

The pattern of the entire coffin was completely rubbed, and Lin Mu and Wu De could see the pattern more clearly.

"This is a directional teleportation array." The three trees recognized the function of this array at a glance.

"It turns out that this is the case. This ancient immortal emperor is really adventurous. He played a trick, and the most dangerous place is the safest." Wu De said.

"This coffin should be the foundation of the formation. We need to relocate the formation patterns on it," Wu De said.

The three of Lin Mu worked together, and quickly arranged the teleportation array completely.


The coffin made a mechanical sound, and then the whole coffin split open, turning into a teleportation array.

"It really is like this!" Wu De was also very happy when he saw the teleportation array.

"Someone is here, enter the teleportation formation." Suddenly Lin Mu's consciousness moved, and he said to Wu De and Xue Linglong.

The three came to the teleportation array in one step, and then Lin Shu swayed down a pile of high-grade fairy stones to activate the teleportation array.

This teleportation array is definitely a big eater.The trees fell down, tens of millions of high-grade immortal stones.The teleportation array started to work.

The light flickered for a while, and the three trees disappeared from the teleportation array.

After Lin Mu and the others disappeared, the teleportation array also returned to its original appearance.At this time, the little gods, they also rushed back from the outside.

Obviously, the little gods are not completely stupid and hopeless.Halfway through the walk, I also thought of the doubts in this matter, and then returned immediately.

When the little gods came back, they could naturally feel the fluctuations in the space.


The little god and others cursed.

It is indeed not a very happy thing to be teased continuously.

But Lin Mu and the others clearly pointed out a clear path for the little gods and the others.

So the little gods and the others, as long as they learn from each other, it's fine.

However, after the little gods and the others finished setting up the formation, the formation did not open immediately.

But the little gods and the others discovered after careful research that the formation needed to be cooled down.After using it once, it takes half an hour before it can be used again.

This made the little gods and the others even more resentful.This is simply a great shame, and the most important thing is, Lin Mu and the others have already taken the lead, so will the Dao Jing still have anything to do with them?


Trees and the others passed through the teleportation array, not forward or backward, but downward.

When Lin Mu and the others came out of the space channel of the teleportation array, they found that they were already in an underground cave.

In the cave, there are exactly seven or seven 49 stalactite pillars.

Every stone pillar shone with a strange brilliance.And these brilliance, nothing else, are composed of scriptures.

"The Dao Jing!"

Seeing this, even fools know what these stalactites are.

It's just that Lin Mu and the others did not expect that this stalactite is actually the Dao Jing.

This is indeed a bit unexpected. In their thinking, even if the Great Dao Jing is not a wordless book, it should not be like this.

"The strongest scripture in the ancient times, here I come." With bright eyes, the blood spirit dragon was about to rush towards the stalactite pillar in front.

However, he was stopped by Lin Mu.

"Boss, why are you grabbing me?" Xue Linglong struggled to break free from Lin Mu's control.

Lin Mu captured the Blood Spirit Dragon back, pointed to a skeleton in the middle of all the stalactites, and said, "Didn't you see that there is still a person lying there?"

Lin Mu reminded that the Blood Spirit Dragon only saw that there was indeed a person lying there.

"That should be the ancient immortal emperor. He escaped the pursuit of his enemies, but died here in the Daojing, don't you think it's very strange? And even he died, you really think the Daojing is so easy Got it?" Lin Mu said.

After hearing this, Xue Linglong broke out in a cold sweat.At the same time, fortunately, Lin Mu caught him, otherwise, he might have to go to accompany that ancient immortal emperor.

Wu De also spoke at this time, and said: "I remember that I have read some ancient books. This Dao Jing is indeed strange and ominous. Although it is the strongest scripture in ancient times, it is also the most difficult scripture to comprehend and obtain. Because It is said that if one fails to comprehend, or if compelled to comprehend, one will burn oneself in the Dao, and finally die under the fire of the Dao."

Xue Linglong heard Wu De's words, and said angrily: "Then why don't you say it earlier, do you want to watch me die?"

But at this moment, Lin Mu suddenly felt something in his heart, and the ten thousand dharma in his body started to rotate automatically, and it was still spinning faster and faster.

(End of this chapter)

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