Supreme Chef

Chapter 2102 No Lower Limit Yaksha

Chapter 2102 No Lower Limit Yaksha
Yasha was injured by the soul-suppressing talisman again, and screamed in pain. At the same time, the scales on his body also fell off in large pieces, and endless blood was spilled.Break down all the mountain peaks below.

The beasts in the mountains were even more difficult to escape, all of them were shot through in an instant, and none of them survived.


Yasha really worked hard, Yasha roared, flying sand and walking stones, covering the sky and the sun.

Yasha has paid a lot. It has condensed tens of thousands of years of nebula, which has been broken by Lin Shu and the others.

And now he was spattered with blood by Lin Mu and the others, and the loss was even more unimaginable.

Even if it can escape this time, I'm afraid it will have to find a place to hide, so don't even think about coming out in this era.If it came out, it would be tantamount to death.

"You all have to die!"

Yasha's eyes were scarlet, and anger really spewed out.

The black anger burned through the void and broke the avenue.

Seeing the yaksha getting angry, the three trees were all on guard, waiting for the violent blow of the yaksha.

But Yasha let them down again, Yasha broke out the strongest blow, but instead of attacking, he fled.

Yasha turned around and ran away, and fled beyond the stars in an instant.


Lin Mu and the three looked at Yasha who had fled beyond the stars, and they all felt speechless.

Especially the Blood Spirit Dragon shouted loudly, saying: "Don't you dare not to disgrace us Taigu, if you can't beat you and run away, even if you die in battle, you can't lose face."

Where does Yasha care about the ridicule of the blood spirit dragon at this time, in Yasha's view, survival is the most important thing.

And Yasha also knows that although this life is the end, there are also unimaginable opportunities, and there will be opportunities that truly transcend everything.

With such an opportunity waiting in front of him, Yasha will not be idle and fight with Lin Mu and the others.

What's the use of fighting with them.

However, Lin Mu and the others really angered Yasha, Yasha looked at Lin Mu and the others, and said coldly: "This time it was my mistake, this old man has written it down. When we meet next time, this old man will definitely beat you up." Ash."

After Yasha finished speaking, he turned and left without any delay.

Anyway, he has already escaped, so why should he stay here and be ridiculed by Xue Linglong and the others?
Seeing that Yaksha has no integrity, so no lower limit.Blood Spirit Dragon directly gave Yasha a big middle finger.

This is naturally the Blood Spirit Dragon, which he learned from Lin Mu.

Blood Spirit Dragon was also very curious about things on Earth, so he pestered Lin Shu to tell him a lot.

"It's like losing our ancient face. After the two of you, don't say that it is an ancient existence like me. Our face is almost lost by them, leaving only the soles of our shoes." Blood Spirit Dragon said to Yasha He tried his best to make complaints about what Yasha said was completely useless.

Wu De, said: "If you have the ability, you leave this level, go to it and talk about it."

The blood spirit dragon withered when he heard Wu De's words.

In fact, this Yasha is not weak, on the contrary, Yasha is already very strong.

Of course, it was only because of the rules of heaven and earth here, coupled with the suppression of the soul-suppressing talisman, that Yasha suffered a big loss.

If it were not on this star, even if Lin Mu had a soul-suppressing talisman, Yasha would be able to slap Lin Shu to death three times with one slap.

But soon the Blood Spirit Dragon became energetic again, and said: "It just lived a little longer, when I reach its age, Master Long, I can crush a group like it to death with just one finger. You must know that our Dragon Clan is the most noble bloodline in the ancient times. None of these people is our opponent, even if all the top ten monsters come, it is not enough for us to kill alone."


Lin Mu thumped, knocked on the head of the Blood Spirit Dragon, and said: "Okay, don't brag about the glorious history of your dragon clan. In the whole world, your dragon clan is the strongest."

Blood Linglong touched his head and said: "Boss, I am number two in the world at most, and you are number one in the world, boss."

Lin Mu nodded in satisfaction, and said, "That's not bad. I'll explain it to you when I find the "Book of Immortality."

The blood spirit dragon already knew from Di Jiang that his own dragon clan can also practice the "Immortal Sutra".

Moreover, the Blood Spirit Dragon also knows that if he has the "Immortal Sutra", his overall strength will rise to more than one level, and it is only a matter of time before he surpasses the sages.

"This is the "Da Dao Jing" I got, you two feel it." Lin Mu handed the carved jade slips to Wu De and Xue Linglong and said.

Although the "Da Dao Jing" is very tempting, Wu De still shook his head and said: "Forget it, I already have the "Samsara Sutra", so I don't want this "Da Dao Jing". The great scriptures are all top-notch scriptures. Any one can go to the extreme."

Xue Linglong also shook his head, and said: "I don't want it anymore, I think "The Book of Immortality" is the most suitable for me."

Lin Mu said: "You two don't have to worry, I have already picked out Jinghua from the "Da Dao Jing". It will not conflict with what you two are practicing now. It is only good for you to understand the Dao, and there is no harm. .”

Hearing what Lin Mu said, Wu De and Xue Linglong rushed up and snatched it away.

The three stars who were in the [-]th pass took a rest for half a year.

Wu De and Xue Linglong straightened out all the scriptures.

The straightening out this time brought unimaginable benefits to both of them.

The two of them woke up from their cultivation, Wu De's eyes were full of fire.

Especially Wu De, Wu De found that the essence of this "The Great Dao Sutra" perfectly complements his own "Samsara Sutra".

"When I get the complete "Samsara Sutra", I will make a copy for you to see if you can integrate the "Samsara Sutra" together." Wu De said.

The Blood Spirit Dragon seemed to have thought of something, scratched his head, and said, "I seem to remember that when I was in the egg, I heard something. It seems that there are not four ancient Taoist scriptures, but five. But the fifth No one knows where Ben is. I was quite confused at the time, and I don’t know if this is the case.”

Lin Mu was also shocked when he heard Xue Linglong's words.

In fact, Lin Mu had such doubts before. Lin Mu always felt that his "Tai Shang Yin Yang Jue" should also be a very mysterious exercise, at least it would not be worse than "The Great Dao Jing".

And judging from the current situation, it should not only be not bad, but also stronger.

But this ancient thing is really unclear, and there is no way to explain it clearly.

Even going back to take a look is impossible, because Taikoo has been completely blocked.

"Boss, where are we going next?" Xue Linglong asked. "Are you looking for the Undead Scripture?"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "I'm looking for the "Book of Immortality", and Senior Dijiang has already told me the exact location."

"Where is it?" Blood Spirit Dragon couldn't help asking.

"No. 90 level!"

When Wu De heard Lin Mu's words, his expression also changed a few times.

(End of this chapter)

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