Supreme Chef

Chapter 2104 Abnormal

Chapter 2104 Abnormal
A cold snort made the whole star tremble, this is the real strength.

And Lin Mu's cold snort really dispelled many people's crooked thoughts.

Many people have given up on their plan to take the forest trees.

Of course, such a strength also has a very strong reaction.One of the side effects is to make more people regard Lin Shu as a threat.

And this kind of threat will make them absolutely kill Lin Shu.

So such a strength, although it is good, makes some people give up their minds.Of course, the disadvantages are also very obvious, that is, some people have become more determined to kill Lin Mu and the others.

After all, the balance here has been maintained for too long.No one wants to see this balance being destroyed, and even more so, no one wants to destroy this balance.

Of course, Lin Mu and the others had already expected such a change.But Lin Mu and the others had no choice.

If they had to choose, Lin Mu and the others would choose. They would rather have a few more deadly enemies than enemies all over the world.In this case, you have to be on guard every moment, which will make your life even more tiring.

Level No.90 is the smallest star on the entire Supreme Ancient Road.But at the same time it is also the most important star, because this is the final preparation for the sprint and the last place to rest.

There will be no safe place for the next eighteen stars.

So anyone who wants to sprint to the end will stay here to make final preparations and make the final sprint.

Therefore, the importance here is self-evident.

Because of the large number of people, a city was gradually formed here.

Lin Shu and Xue Linglong were standing in front of a huge city.

Looking at the bustling and bustling city, Xue Linglong couldn't believe it. This is the No.90 level.

In this city, there are tens of thousands of people as far as the blood spirit dragon can see.And among these people, not every creature is an Immortal Sovereign.

"Boss, where did these people come from? Is there any shortcut to get here directly?" Xue Linglong asked.

At the beginning, Lin Mu was also a little surprised, but soon Lin Mu figured out the reason.

Obviously, these people didn't come here by taking any shortcuts, let alone breaking through by their own strength.

These people should be the descendants of those who came here or their servants. You must know that although there are very few people who came here from ancient times to the present, there are probably tens of thousands of them.

To know the ancient, ancient and contemporary times, this is such a long and boundless history.

The total population in a period of history, I am afraid that even if it is calculated in tens of billions, it cannot be counted.

Therefore, there are tens of thousands of people who can come here, but it is still very small.

Those who can come here with their own strength are definitely the top powerhouses.They will surely have some followers, there will be some guardians, there will be some servants.

Many people often prepare here for hundreds of thousands of years.In such a long time, it is not difficult to understand that there are bloodlines left behind.

And these bloodlines, obviously, not every one has the chance to aspire to the top.

Therefore, these bloodlines will continue to combine, and as time goes by, the scale of the city will naturally emerge.

After listening to Lin Mu's explanation, Xue Linglong suddenly realized.

The three of Lin Mu also entered the city. There is no mention of entry fees here, let alone any guards.

After all, this place is so special that no one can really occupy it.As for setting up guards and entry fees, I'm afraid no one really has the guts to do so.

Because no one knows if they will offend any big shots if they do this.

You must know that the existence that has settled down here is not one or two, nor does it mean that all people came from this life.

In case someone took the lead and offended someone who shouldn't be offended, then he might not even know how to die.

And among the truly strong, there are a few who have such leisurely intentions to rule this city or that city.If they have energy.It must be all used in cultivation.

However, although there is no one to rule and govern, the order in the city is still very orderly.

As for why there is order here, the reason is the same.

The person who can open a shop in the city, who knows that he is the descendant of that peerless hater.If unnecessary misunderstandings are caused because of a little friction, the loss outweighs the gain.

Therefore, although this city is said to be open, in fact, this city is more orderly than any city with rules.

This is the real rule of inaction.

After Lin Mu and the others entered the city, they immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Because Lin Mu didn't hide his aura at all, many people immediately recognized that the three Lin Mu were the three later powerful intruders just now.

This star is not big, so any news can spread to all corners in the first time.

Therefore, on this star, there are no real secrets.

The three of Lin Mu walked on the street, feeling the fearful or hostile gazes around them, but the three of Lin Mu didn't feel the slightest bit at all.

"Let's find a place to sit and gather some information about this place." Lin Mu glanced at the teahouse by the roadside and said.

The three of Lin Mu chose a larger tea house to enter, and as Lin Mu and the others entered, those gazes disappeared.

After the three of Lin Mu entered the teahouse, the waiter immediately came up to deal with them.

Lin Mu chose a seat in the hall, after all, it is very easy to collect news here.

Although it was a seat in the lobby, Lin Mu ordered a pot of the most expensive fairy tea here.

Of course, the price is also very high. On the Supreme Ancient Road, perhaps the least valuable thing is the Immortal Stone.

And this restaurant also clearly stated that it does not accept any fairy stones, unless they are top-grade fairy stones.

However, if there is a top-grade fairy stone, not many people will take it out to drink a pot of tea.

You must know that the price here is almost several times that of Immortal World.At the same price, you can drink several pots of the same fairy tea.

Soon Xiao Er brought fairy tea, and Lin Mu also took out the corresponding things, and at the same time took out a small cloth bag and handed it to Xiao Er.

Xiao Er glanced at the contents of the cloth bag with his spiritual sense, and swallowed with difficulty.But Xiao Er didn't reach out to take it, nor did she choose to accept it.

This surprised Lin Mu very much, as can be seen from the eyes of the second child.This Xiao Er is obviously a money-grubbing master, why doesn't he want his own things now, it's too abnormal.

(End of this chapter)

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