Supreme Chef

Chapter 2109

Chapter 2109

The immortal tea treasured by Shan Jin really surprised the three of them.

Because this fairy tea is really extraordinary.

Although the tea leaves are not wide, each piece of tea leaves is very extraordinary.

There are sun, moon and stars on it, there are three thousand avenues, and there are various top immortal artifacts.

It's so extraordinary and so amazing at the same time.

"Three little friends, please taste it. I brought this back from the hundredth level. For these few pieces of tea, the old man almost died there." Shan Jin said.

"Can we go back in front?" Xue Linglong asked after hearing Shan Jin's words.

Shan Jin shook his head and said: "Of course not, I returned to the fairy world, started all over again, and came back here again."

After ninety levels, you can go back to the road, and the three trees in this forest are already known.

After all, the little gods and others have already confirmed it, and they are probably still struggling on the way back now.

But after ninety levels, it can be said that every step is a level of heaven, and every step is a level of hell.There is absolutely no way of turning back.

It is already the luckiest of luck that Shan Jin can start all over again.Of course, in addition to luck, this is also Shan Jin's own strength.

Without a strong backing, Shan Jin would not have the chance to start over.

"Three little friends, this tea has been left for too long, but it is not good to drink." Shan Jin reminded.

The three Lin Mu picked up their teacups and took a sip each.

At the entrance of the tea, the three bodies of Lin Mu couldn't help shaking.

This feeling is too mysterious.At the entrance of the tea leaves, Tang let the three trees feel as if they had returned to the far point of Wan Dao, the beginning of the avenue, and gave the three trees a chance to directly observe the formation of the Tao.

What kind of fairy tea is this? It's Tao tea, and it is the only Tao tea in the world.

"What's the name of this tea?" Xue Linglong asked impatiently.

Shan Jin shook his head and said, "I don't know either. After I came back, I searched all over the ancient books, but I couldn't find any records about this tea. But this tea is only in the hundred level. If the three friends have the opportunity, they can Go pick some, but be careful."

Wu De took another sip, then smacked his lips carefully, and said, "I seem to know where this tea comes from?"

"What's the way?"

This time, not only the blood spirit dragon was curious, but even Shan Jin looked at Wu De.

This tea has been obtained for a long time, but I still don't know the name of this tea. It is absolutely impossible to say that I am not curious.

Wu De said: "If my guess is correct, this tea is very likely to be Dao Tea, one of the top ten spiritual roots in the world."

"Top Ten Spiritual Roots in the World!" Shan Jin had obviously heard this title before.

The top ten spiritual roots in the world are born with the Tao, and the ten strongest longevity medicines.

Although Shan Jin knew about the top ten spiritual roots in the world, he obviously didn't think that this tea was Dao tea.Because after Shan Jin came back, he searched carefully.I also once doubted whether this is Daocha.But after comparison, Shan Jin still thinks it is not.

Wu De said: "Actually, in this world, many of the descriptions about the top ten spiritual roots are inaccurate. As for why, I don't know too well. Perhaps this is a deliberate attempt to prevent too many people looking for."

After a pause, Wu De said, "Is the Daocha you saw a small tree about ten feet high?"

Shan Jin nodded and said, "Yes."

Wu De said: "That's it. The real Dao tea should be like this. As for the descriptions in many ancient books, such as the ancient trees that stand up to the sky, those are all deceptive."

After Shan Jin listened to it, his intestines were turning green with regret.

Shan Jin really didn't expect that he would pass by a plant of longevity medicine just like that.

If Shan Jin is sure that it is the Dao Tea, no matter how dangerous it is, Shan Jin will do everything possible to bring back the Da Dao tea tree.

These are the ten strongest longevity medicines, and they contain a big secret.

However, Shan Jin also felt at the time that it was impossible to be such a coincidence, and in addition to the situation at the time, it was too dangerous.So at that time, I gave up.

But thinking about it now, Shan Jin was really deceived by ancient books, by so-called common sense.

Shan Jin looked at Wu De and said, "Little friend, how do you know?"

Wu De, said: "I once got an atlas, which contained the real descriptions of the top ten spiritual roots. Later, I saw several spiritual roots. After my comparison, there is really a big gap between the ones circulated in the ancient books. big."

After hearing Wu De's words, Shan Jin regretted it, but soon he was relieved, and said: "Forget it, I can only say that I have no chance with it. If the three little friends can get it in the future, I hope I can give this old man a few more." Just a leaf. This is the route I recorded, I hope it will be useful to you.”

This Dan Jin is a free and easy person, if it were someone else.

It is absolutely impossible for such an important thing to be given to someone casually.

As for this single gold, he didn't even hesitate, so he gave Lin Mu three directly.

Lin Mu really couldn't find any reason to refuse such a generous gift.

Of course, no matter who buys you such a generous gift, I'm afraid you won't be able to find any reason to refuse it.

However, Lin Mu is a person who is not willing to take advantage of others.

Lin Mu said: "Senior, I accidentally obtained some scriptures of the "Da Dao Jing", I will give you a copy too, I hope it will be useful to you."

When Shan Jin heard Lin Mu's words, his mind was shocked again.

The "Da Dao Jing" is the supreme first Dao Jing for someone like him who walks the ancient golden fairy road.

Of course, Shan Jin still doesn't quite believe the origin of Lin Mu's "Da Dao Jing".But Shan Jin will not ask, since he has already got it, it is enough.

Lin Mu also rubbed a copy of the essence of the "Da Dao Jing" that he had given to Xue Linglong and Wu De before, and handed it to Shan Jin.

Overall, this single gold is still a good person.Although the eyes were higher than the top before, at the same time, being a human being is too realistic.

But people like Shan Jin are already very rare in today's fairy world.

Shan Jin said: "The area where the "Immortal Sutra" is located is a land of thunder and fire. You can't enter it yet, you have to wait for a while. So during this time, the three friends, just rest here with me."

Lin Mu said, "Senior, I want to go and have a look first."

Shan Jin glanced at Lin Mu, and said: "Little friend, I know that your physical body is extraordinary. But there, it is still not something we can pass through. The thunder and fire there, even if it is supreme, I am afraid there is no good way to read it."

Lin Mu said: "Senior, you have misunderstood. I just want to go and see the situation there. Know the situation there in advance, so that if there is a fight, I have some preparations and certainty."

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Shan Jin also nodded suddenly, and said, "Okay, I happen to be fine, I'll send the three of you there."

With Shan Jin leading the way, they naturally arrived at the area of ​​the Land of Thunder and Fire very quickly.

Before it approached, the three trees felt a wave of scorching heat coming from the pavement.This scorching heat not only distorts space, but even time and avenues are almost melted.

(End of this chapter)

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