Supreme Chef

Chapter 213 1 Cooks

Chapter 213 a cook

After hearing Zhao Yunlong's words, Yin Tianyang echoed, "Uncle Zhao, that little bastard is just a martial artist, and he will definitely not be your opponent, Uncle Zhao!"

Zhao Yunlong nodded triumphantly, and said, "I'll have someone take you two to the airport, the plane should be about to take off."

Yin Tianyang said: "Uncle Zhao is troublesome!"

Zhao Yunlong waved his hand and said, "They are all from my own family, so don't bother if there is any trouble."

After Zhao Yunlong sent Yin Tianyang and Yin Tianyang to the plane, he and Zhao Yuyang returned directly to his home.

After simple treatment, the swelling on Zhao Yunlong's face has obviously subsided, but the fingerprints are still clearly visible.

Zhao Yuyang glanced at the empty teacup in front of his father, and said, "Dad, let me pour some water for you!"

"Tell me! What is the conflict between you and that tree!" Zhao Yunlong asked with a sudden chill.

When Zhao Yuyang heard his father's words, his hands trembled, and the teacup almost fell on the table.

Zhao Yuyang calmed down, forced a smile and said: "I can have no conflict with him, he is just a cook."

Zhao Yunlong looked at his son's back and said, "Do you think I'm as easy to fool as Rongrong and the others!"

Zhao Yunlong has been in the mall for so many years, relying not only on his connections, if he didn't have an extraordinary head, no matter how strong his background is, he might not have the family business he has today.

Now that he was exposed, Zhao Yuyang didn't dare to hide any more, and told the conflict between himself and Lin Mu in detail.

After listening to his son's words, Zhao Yunlong said coldly: "I told you a long time ago that a beauty is a disaster, just because of two women, you go to provoke such an uncertain enemy, how can you let me rest assured in the future, general Dragon to you."

Zhao Yuyang lowered his head and let his father scold him.Don't look at Zhao Yuyang in front of outsiders, he looks like Lao Tzu is number one in the world, but in front of his own father, he dare not make mistakes in the slightest.

After scolding for a while, Zhao Yunlong said, "Have you investigated Lin Mu's background?"

Zhao Yuyang lowered his head and responded: "The investigation is clear, his biggest reliance is Niu Jianguo. As for Niu Jianguo, he has an inseparable relationship with Fang Hongyi, Secretary General of the Provincial Party Committee. It is estimated that Lin Mu's biggest reliance is there. .”

Zhao Yunlong doesn't see things as simple as Zhao Yuyang. If he was a simple person, Zilong Group would have died countless times.

After pondering for a while, Zhao Yunlong said: "The origin of this tree is unknown, and last time Niu Jianguo and Fang Hongyi were able to stand firm in such a political storm, it can be seen that they also have quite a background."

When Zhao Yuyang heard this, he panicked and said, "Dad, what do you mean, we won't deal with Lin Mu anymore!"

Zhao Yunlong glared at Zhao Yuyang, and Zhao Yuyang immediately fell silent, not daring to say a word.

Zhao Yunlong was a little dissatisfied, and said: "How many times have I told you that no matter what you do, you must learn to be calm, impulsive and reckless will only make you lose your mind!"

"Yes! Father, I remember!" Zhao Yuyang nodded in response.

Zhao Yunlong nodded in satisfaction, a sneer suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "How is it possible to let him go? Today's humiliation, even if I want to expose it, Rongrong and the others will not let it go. Instead of this, why don't we let him go first?" Act like a man, this will win Mr. Zhao's favor even more!

Even if Niu Jianguo and Fang Hongyi have amazing backgrounds, I am afraid they are not the opponents of the Zhao family, we just need to put on a show! "

Zhao Rongrong and Yin Tianyang returned to Zhao's house that night.

Among the third generation of the Zhao family, only Zhao Rongrong is a girl, so everyone regards Zhao Rongrong as extremely precious, especially the current prefecture-level master of the Zhao family, that is, Zhao Rongrong's great-grandfather, who regards Zhao Rongrong as the apple of his eye.

Zhao Rongrong was beaten this time, it was definitely a great event for the Zhao family.

"Grandpa, please quickly see how Rongrong is doing?" Yin Tianyang cried bitterly when he saw the real backer of the Zhao family.

Grandpa glanced at Yin Tianyang, and said to Zhao Rongrong: "Come here, Rongrong, let Grandpa have a look!"

Zhao Rongrong was obedient and came to Grandpa.

Grandpa took Zhao Rongrong's hand and looked at it, and said disdainfully: "It's just a trick!"

After speaking, the great grandfather waved his big hand, and a wave of internal energy penetrated into Zhao Rongrong's body.

However, when this stream of internal energy entered the body, it was like a stone sinking into the sea immediately, without causing any waves.

Grandpa looked at Zhao Rongrong and frowned slightly.Immediately, another wave of internal energy entered Zhao Rongrong's body.

But just like the last one, there was still no movement in this one.

At this moment, Grandpa finally realized the seriousness of the matter, and his face was extremely solemn.

With both hands resting on Zhao Rongrong's back, surging inner energy poured into Zhao Rongrong's body as if money was not needed.

However, no matter how much inner Qi the great-grandfather injected, Zhao Rongrong's body did not respond at all.

If it were an ordinary person, he would have exploded and died if he was infused with inner energy by such an earth-level expert, but Zhao Rongrong's body did not respond at all, which is simply too weird.

Zhao Rongrong didn't react at all until the thin blue smoke rose from the top of the grandfather's head.

At this time, the current Patriarch of the Zhao family who was sitting aside was also aware of the seriousness of the problem.

Zhao Jin, the current Patriarch of the Zhao family, looked straight at Yin Tianyang like a knife, and said, "Who are you messing with outside?"

When Yin Tianyang saw Zhao Jin's gaze, his cold sweat broke out instantly. If he didn't know that Lin Mu was not easy to mess with at this time, he would be a fool.

Yin Tianyang said submissively: "He's just a cook..."

Before Yin Tianyang could finish his sentence, he heard his great-grandpa, who had already received his merit, snorted coldly and said, "A cook can have this ability!"

Hearing what Grandpa said, Zhao Jin hurriedly asked, "Dad, is Rong Rong okay?"

Grandpa shook his head and said: "This person's method is very unique, his strength is only higher than mine, and I have no way to solve it at all."

When Zhao Rongrong heard that even her great-grandfather couldn't help it, tears flowed down her cheeks, and she made a whining sound.

Seeing Zhao Rongrong like this, my great-grandpa felt very distressed.

Grandpa looked at Yin Tianyang, as if he was going to kill Yin Tianyang with his eyes, and said coldly: "Say! Who are you offending outside?"

Yin Tianyang's legs trembled when he saw the sun from his great-grandfather, and he was about to collapse on the ground.

Yin Tianyang stammered and said, "He... he is indeed... a cook..."

Zhao Jin didn't think Yin Tianyang was lying, but how could a cook have such a skill?
Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Zhao Jin's mind, and Zhao Jin thought of someone who was also a cook.But it was Rang, a cook who shuddered among the four major families in the capital.

Thinking of this, Zhao Jin hurriedly asked, "Is his name Lin Mu?"

Upon hearing this, Yin Tianyang nodded quickly and said, "His name is indeed Lin Mu."

When Zhao Jin heard this, his head thumped.

Grandpa saw his son's strangeness from the side, and asked suspiciously: "Do you know him?"

Zhao Jin said in a low voice: "Dad, this Lin Mu is the one who drove the Wang family out of the capital. At that time, you were still in seclusion, so you didn't know about it."

Hearing his son's words, great-grandfather also showed a look of shock on his face.

As the four major families, everyone dare not say that they know each other well, but it is almost the same.

Grandpa still knows the strength of the Wang family very well.Moreover, the previous Patriarch of the Wang family entered the prefecture level one step earlier than himself. It can be said that his strength and talent are only stronger than his own, and such a person is no match for Lin Mu, let alone himself.

After all, Zhao Jing is the head of the Zhao family. Although she was a little apprehensive, she quickly calmed down, looked at Yin Tianyang and said, "How did you bother him? He won't pick on you for no reason, right?"

Yin Tianyang didn't dare to hide any more at the moment, and told the truth of the matter.

After Zhao Jin finished listening, he pondered for a while and said, "You mean, there is a conflict between Lin Mu and Zhao Yunlong's family?"

Yin Tianyang said: "Yes. Judging from the situation at that time, it was indeed the case, and I think the one who really had conflicts with Lin Mu should be Zhao Yunlong's son, Zhao Yuyang."

After Zhao Jin listened, he pondered again for a moment, and said, "Are you sure, you didn't have any conflicts with him before?"

Yin Tianyang said affirmatively: "It's the first time Rongrong and I have seen him, so it's impossible to have conflicts at all. Even if there were, it was just that Rongrong was so angry at the time and said a few words to him!"

After hearing Yin Tianyang's words, Grandpa suddenly snorted coldly and said, "You mean, it's all Rongrong's fault? You were there at the time, why didn't you make a sound, but let Rong Rong do it?"

Yin Tianyang shuddered again when he heard Grandpa's words, his whole body was drenched in cold sweat: "Grandfather is not like this, it's just me..."

Grandpa said coldly: "You don't need to explain. As Rongrong's husband, you failed to protect her. It's already your negligence. I don't want to hear your explanation."

Hearing what Grandpa said, Yin Tianyang entered the ice cave.In the words of grandpa, Jihang is equivalent to sentence Yin Tianyang to death.

Zhao Rongrong really loved Yin Tianyang. Seeing that her husband was said to be like this by her grandfather, although she was still worried that she would not be able to speak, she still pulled her grandfather to plead for her husband.

Grandpa glanced at this great-granddaughter whom he regarded as the jewel in his palm, and sighed lovingly.

Zhao Jin looked at Yin Tianyang and said: "I will investigate this matter, you can take Rongrong down to rest first, it is best that what you tell is the truth, otherwise, you will know what happens!"

Yin Tianyang lowered his head and said, "Yes!"

(End of this chapter)

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