Supreme Chef

Chapter 2130 Re-Chapter Fumanlou [Part [-]]

Chapter 2130 Returning to Fumanlou [Part [-]]

In the entire Milky Way, where there are US warships stationed, huge mushroom clouds rise up. Looking from above the Milky Way, it seems that the entire Milky Way is blooming with fireworks.

Molly opened her small mouth, completely unable to believe what she saw in front of her eyes.

This is a bit too exaggerated. You must know that in the entire galaxy, the United States has the most military bases and is also the most powerful.

But the man in front of him, who looked no different from himself, easily destroyed the entire United States and the fleet in the galaxy.

This is a bit too scary, but also a bit too exaggerated.

" did you do it?" Molly couldn't speak very well now, she had already forgotten how to express herself.

Lin Mu said, "Now you can tell me about Fumanlou and my father-in-law and mother-in-law."

Molly told Lin Mu about the earth, and the earth was already turned upside down, especially the United States, which was completely dumbfounded.

In a few seconds, the entire Galactic Fleet disappeared in a complete explosion.Americans don't know what happened.

Tens of thousands of battleships, thousands of main ships, exploded inexplicably, and then disappeared.

This is a bit too scary.

The entire US government is crazy, and they are looking for the reason.

No foreign enemies invade!

There are no internal failures!


After finally ruling out countless possibilities, the US government finally confirmed one point.That is, before this incident, there was only one thing that might have something to do with this incident.

It was a Chinese, a seemingly inconspicuous Chinese.

Only he had clashed with the warships of the US government at the last moment.And one person destroyed the entire US fleet.

Other than that, there isn't any point left.

But he can destroy the entire US fleet, and the US can still understand and accept it.But to say that he can destroy all the warships of the United States in the entire galaxy in a few seconds, the United States really cannot accept it.

At this time, there were also huge differences in the Congress of the United States.

"This matter, we must lodge a solemn protest to the Huaxia government. If the Huaxia government does not act, we will destroy Huaxia!" A member of the pro-battle faction said loudly.

"Destroy! There is such a man in Huaxia, what do you think we will use to destroy Huaxia. If he really did all that, as long as he is willing, he can destroy us all with one thought."

If this is the case, it is like a basin of cold water, drenching them from head to toe.


If all of this was really done by that Huaxia man, then what else can they use to fight with the Huaxia government, what else can they use to fight with the Huaxia government.

One person, in a few seconds, can destroy his entire fleet of the Milky Way.It might not even take a few seconds to destroy them.

The entire Congress was completely silent.

Because they suddenly realized that their powerful force was nothing in front of such a man.

At this time, Huaxia is also experiencing the same chaos as the United States, or the whole world is experiencing the same chaos.

After all, the impact of this matter is too great.

The entire Galactic Fleet of the United States completely disappeared in a few seconds.Such a thing, it is very difficult not to cause shock.

In the headquarters of Huaxia Fumanlou!

The leader of Fumanlou, a person who seems to have both sides, is gathering a group of people to discuss this matter.

I have to say that it is really not easy for this leader to be able to cultivate to the ascension stage in the environment of the earth.

"I think he should be a fairy. We can ask him how to leave the earth." Someone suggested to the head of Fumanlou.

"I think so too. We can definitely seize this opportunity. We have been looking for a way out for so many years. This time is an opportunity." Some people continued to suggest such a way.

Only the leader didn't speak.

After everyone had finished their expressions, the headmaster said, "What if we can control him and let him be used by us?"

"Impossible! It's absolutely impossible!"

Hearing such a proposal, no one thought it was a possible task.

The head of the sect said, "Don't forget, we have the soul-suppressing pearl. This is something that can calm people's spirits. If we can, let him use it for us. Just let him take us away. Or we can see through his body Secret, wouldn't it be more beneficial to us."

After the leader said such words, many people were really moved.

It can be seen from this that the nature of Fumanlou has really changed after Lin Mu left.

In the end, everyone, after some discussions, decided on the plan to seize the forest.

Lin Mu came to the earth with Molly, and Lin Mu didn't hide anything anymore.Anyway, his arrival has been known by many people.

The trees have descended on Huaxia, and there are many people in Huaxia who are already waiting.

The head of Fumanlou brought all the senior officials of Fumanlou and the senior officials of the Huaxia government here.

And other countries in the world, after knowing that Lin Mu is really Chinese.Everyone was discouraged. They really didn't want Huaxia to have such a person.

If so, what else are they resisting and how are they resisting.They were not opponents of the same level at all, they couldn't even resist Lin Shu's fingertips.

But after being discouraged, they all acted.All the countries that had good relations with each other sent out more sincere congratulations and expressed their heartfelt continuation.

As for the countries that had been at odds with each other before, such as Japan and the United States, they are now starting to feel uneasy.

Especially Huaxia's close neighbor Dongyang, after a national discussion, they decided to apologize to Huaxia and push everything to the head of the United States.

Of course, Lin Mu would never deal with these matters.

"It's really an honor for me to come here, senior. I, the head of Fumanlou, Zuo Zhen, welcome you here." Zuo Zhen cupped his hands and said humbly.

If he didn't know what happened in Fumanlou, Lin Mu would really think that Zuo is really good.After all, this Zuo really doesn't look like a bad guy, and he can practice on the earth. It's really not easy to reach such a level.

But knowing what Fumanlou did, Lin Mu really didn't have any good feelings for Zuo Zhen.

(End of this chapter)

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