Supreme Chef

Chapter 2135 The Bloody Taoist Palace [Part [-]]

Chapter 2135 The Bloody Taoist Palace [Part [-]]

How could it be possible for Lin Mu to put such a soft bone and guard the door for himself outside.When someone really comes, this guy will definitely be the first to betray himself.

Lin Mu grabbed the golden creature directly and entered the palace together.

The Taoist Palace is not considered spacious, only tens of thousands of square meters.Compared to the cultivation world, which can easily cover hundreds of thousands of square meters, this place is really small.

However, there is a lot of killing here. The blood on the ground has dried up for a long time. Obviously, the battle that happened here has been very, very long ago.

These bloods are the blood of high-ranking immortals.You must know that the blood of an immortal will not freeze for tens of thousands of years, but this blood has dried up. Obviously, the time has been too long to imagine.

Lin Mu searched around, but found nothing.Let alone people here, there is not even a single thing left.The place has been cleaned up very clean, except for the blood on the ground, there is nothing left here.

Obviously this is some people who want to destroy the corpse.Destroy all evidence, and don't want outsiders to know that they have been here.

Lin Mu checked the traces of the battle here, and found that at least one imperial battle took place here.

Battles between immortal emperors may have been common in ancient times.But in the current world, it is absolutely uncommon, and it is absolutely unimaginable that this is the earth.

"Who are the people who usually come here?" Lin Mu asked the golden creature.

The golden creature was about to say that he didn't know, but when he saw Lin Mu's eyes, he quickly changed his words and said, "I really don't know who they are, but I know they are outsiders, and they seem to be called the Three Emperors and Five Emperors. I really That’s all I know, apart from these, I really don’t know anything else. What Shangxian said is true.”

This was just as Lin Mu had guessed, the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors were indeed cultivators, and they were all already cultivators of Immortal Emperors.This is really, somewhat unimaginable.

Immortal Emperor, to Lin Shu, is just one step away.

But you must know that the era of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors is definitely not too long from now.You must know the current situation, the immortal emperor is no longer allowed in the immortal world.

And on the earth, there is actually an immortal emperor, which is really unimaginable.

You must know the situation on Earth, but it is much, much worse than that of Immortal World.Thinking back when Lin Mu was in the Immortal Realm, he had already reached the limit of cultivating to the Golden Core. Now it is really unimaginable to say that an Immortal Emperor once appeared on the earth.

Moreover, the rules of heaven and earth on the earth allow the existence of the immortal emperor, even Lin Shu feels incredible.

Turning around the entire hall, Lin Mu didn't find any valuable clues.

"You still know something, you'd better recall it carefully. Because if you don't remember clearly now, I will help you recall. But if I help you recall, you will be very, very painful." Lin Mu Said, while clenching his fists tightly.

The golden creature looked at the trees, trembling with fright
"Shangxian, I really don't know, I've never entered this place, I really don't know what happened here." The golden creature said while trembling.

Lin Shu snapped his fingers, and a ball of sky fire appeared in Lin Shu's palm.

Feeling the temperature of the chaotic fire, the golden creature is not well, and it is still very bad

"Shangxian, spare your life! Shangxian, spare your life! I really don't know anything, I promise I don't know anything." The golden creature is really afraid of trees.

However, Lin Mu showed no sign of holding back at all, and Lin Mu kept approaching the golden creatures with chaotic fire.And that golden creature was trembling constantly.

"Shangxian, I remembered. I remembered, there is a place that may have the answer you want Shangxian." The golden creature said.

Lin Mu said, "Sure enough, we don't cry when we don't see the coffin, let's talk about it now."

The golden creature went straight to the center of the hall and said, "There should be an altar there, where the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors worshiped the heavens. No one can open it except the Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns. Maybe there will be an answer there."

Lin Mu said: "Are you trying to trick me? Only the Three Emperors and Five Emperors can open the altar. Tell me what is the use."

The golden creature said: "I have a way, I have a way."

Lin Mu looked at the golden creature and said, "You're going to be surprised by something. If you don't tell the truth, I really don't mind using some special methods against you."

The golden creature, trembling, said: "Shangxian, I am really just an ordinary elf. If you don't believe me, I can open my sea of ​​consciousness for you to see."

Lin Mu said, "Then how did you know how to open the altar?"

The golden creature said: "I heard what they said, and then I remembered it. You know, I have been here for a long time. When I am free, I will see what they are doing. I I just saw this, if Shangxian doesn't believe it, I will show it to Shangxian right now."

After talking about the golden creature, he really opened up his sea of ​​consciousness and let Lin Mu watch it by himself.

After Lin Mu finished reading it, he also found that he was really overly nervous.There is really nothing wrong with this golden creature, it's really just been here for a long time.And the people inside didn't take it seriously at all.So in many things, I will not avoid this soft bone at all.

"Okay, let's start." Lin Mu said to the golden creature.

In fact, when Lin Mu came, he found that there was no altar here, which was really strange.

This is a place for offering sacrifices to the heavens. How could there be no altar? This is really disrespectful.

The golden creature tremblingly came to the location it remembered, and then continuously played a series of hand formulas.These hand formulas all turned into strings of runes and keys that were opened, and entered the void.

But soon the golden creature couldn't hold on anymore, because with his little cultivation, he couldn't support such a huge altar at all.

Lin Mu could also see that this golden creature couldn't hold on, and raised his hand and pierced a ray of immortal energy into the golden creature's body.

With Lin Mu's help, it was finally able to play all the moves smoothly.


As these hand formulas were typed out one after another, misty chaotic energy rose in the void.

Seeing these chaotic qi, Lin Mu couldn't help but frown.Because this altar is a bit too extraordinary.

(End of this chapter)

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