Supreme Chef

Chapter 2139 Achievement of Immortal Emperor

Chapter 2139 Achievement of Immortal Emperor

The Heavenly Tribulation rumbled down when Lin Shu didn't expect it.

Rolling thunder fell, and the first thunder was as thick as a tree over a hundred years old.

Lin Mu hasn't experienced a catastrophe for a long time since he survived the Celestial Emperor's Thunder Tribulation.

And these years, the trees have been accumulating, and they are all suppressing their own cultivation.Especially on the Supreme Ancient Road, this was the period when Lin Mu suppressed himself the most.

Every level of forest is constantly suppressing his cultivation, preventing his cultivation from making too much breakthrough.

The purpose is to make a smooth breakthrough in one fell swoop, after all, in the fairy world, the existence of the immortal emperor is no longer allowed.

This is the limitation of the rules of heaven and earth, and also the limitation of the origin of the world.Originally at the hundredth level, Lin Shu could already break through.But he was suppressed abruptly by Lin Shu.

But now, Lin Shu can't be suppressed anymore, the origin of the world here is too powerful.


The first sky thunder fell, and Lin Mu didn't even resist it, so he directly resisted.

The power of the heavenly thunder empowerment is even greater than what Lin Mu imagined.But for the current forest, this is not a problem, and it has resisted the past unharmed.

Then the second sky thunder rolled down when Lin Shu didn't respond.

This second sky thunder is more than dozens of times more powerful than the first sky thunder.

This was also beyond Lin Mu's expectations. The Immortal Emperor's Thunder Tribulation seemed a little abnormal beyond imagination.

This made Lin Shu very uncomfortable, and the second lightning calamity had to force Lin Shu to resist.This is something that has never happened in Lin Mu's career of crossing robbery.

The Heavenly Tribulation kept falling, and the first round of nine thunderbolts fell, Lin Mu's body had already been shaken, and some internal injuries had already been left.

This situation is really very bad, and it is definitely not what Lin Mu expected.

Judging from the past situation, generally speaking, forest trees were injured only after the third round of catastrophe.

But now, in the first round of catastrophe, Lin Mu has already suffered serious injuries, which is definitely not a good phenomenon.

You must know that Lin Mu's Heavenly Tribulation has always been different from others.

This time the Immortal Emperor Thunder Tribulation, I am afraid it is also a great ninety-nine heavens tribulation.

This first round of Heavenly Tribulation, he was injured, how will he survive the next eight rounds of Heavenly Tribulation.

And obviously, Lin Shu's Immortal Emperor Lei Jie will definitely not only have nine rounds.After nine rounds, there must be an unimaginable alien catastrophe.As for what this heterogeneous catastrophe will be, Lin Mu can't predict it.

The second round of Heavenly Tribulation didn't give Lin Shu time to rest, and landed directly.

Obviously, this great calamity will not give Lin Mu any chance to rest.Lin Mu could only resist all the way down, there was no other way.

But fortunately, Lin Shu got the complete "Immortal Sutra" and the complete "Da Dao Jing" at the same time.

This has made Lin Mu a huge improvement in both the resistance to the Tao and the resistance to the thunder.

If it weren't for the support of these two scriptures, Lin Mu would have already fallen by now.

At this time, the two kinds of Taoism, transformed into yin and yang eyes, continuously have scriptures flowing out.These scriptures continuously help Lin Shu to resist and resolve, round after round of catastrophe.

Five rounds of catastrophe had passed, and the trees had already been hacked from the sky to the bottom of the earth.

This is an absolutely unimaginable danger. If it were someone else, I am afraid that they would have no bones left.


However, this catastrophe also aroused Lin Shu's powerful fighting spirit.

Lin Mu sacrificed his shadowless knife and began to actively fight.


Lin Shu soared into the sky, and directly used the Shadowless Knife to perform the seventh sky-cracking slash, and began to confront the heaven and earth thunder disaster head-on.

Before Lin Mu didn't fight, it was because Lin Mu didn't think it was necessary.After all, the first round of confrontation was over, and there were still a few rounds left.

So Lin Mu has to wait, wait for this final moment, and start a frontal confrontation when the Heavenly Tribulation is at its strongest.


Feeling Lin Shu's hostility, Tian Jie was also angry, and countless strange beasts appeared in Lei Jie.


Seeing the appearance of these strange beasts, the golden creature let out a strange cry, and then hid in Lin Shu's arms.


With a single slash, all the lightning beasts disappeared.At the same time, the robbery cloud was split in half by the trees.


When Lin Mu's long knife rolled, the two halves of Jieyun shattered.

Smash the two halves of the catastrophe cloud, Lin Shu didn't wait for the next round of catastrophe to form, and the whole person continued to go upward like a cannonball.

Now that he was able to fight strongly for the first time, Lin Mu is not afraid of the second time.

And Lei Jie obviously also has spirituality.Feeling the strength of Lin Shu, the seventh round of Heavenly Tribulation reappeared after condensing for a long time.

This seventh round of Thunder Tribulation was obviously more than a hundred times more powerful than the sixth round.

It is definitely not that Lin Shu can be smashed with a knife or a punch.

But Lin Mu still has a way to solve it, and Lin Mu directly operates the "Da Dao Jing".

Based on the "Da Dao Jing", Lin Mu directly applied the principle of time.


The powerful power of time directly reversed the catastrophe.

Although time is in the avenue, it runs through all the rules.To put it bluntly, Heavenly Tribulation is also a kind of Taoism.It's just that this rule is more used for punishment.

But whether it is punishment or not, the way is always the way.

Time began to flow backwards, and Heavenly Tribulation also began to dim.

Jieyun still struggled, but in the face of time, everything was a chicken and a dog, and it was impossible to resist for too long.


Lin Mu made a move, and when Heavenly Tribulation was weakest, he split the seventh round of Heavenly Tribulation apart.

Then in the eighth round of Heavenly Tribulation, Lin Mu used Guiyuan, so that the Heavenly Tribulation was just formed and immediately solidified.

When he was weakest, Lin Mu still made a very strong shot, and with a single strike, he smashed Tian Jie into pieces.

In the ninth round of Heavenly Tribulation, there was still no difficulty.He was also chopped to pieces by Lin Shu in the most powerful manner.

After the nine rounds of catastrophe passed, the sky and the earth fell, and there were auspicious clouds one after another.

Not only in this continent, but also in the Immortal Realm, and in the Myriad Realms.Where there are immortals, there are large auspicious clouds.

"Someone crosses the Immortal Emperor Thunder Tribulation again! Who is it!"

Everyone was shocked and wanted to know who was going through the tribulation.

Since the last immortal emperor disappeared, the immortal world has not seen an immortal emperor for countless tens of thousands of years.

Now another immortal emperor appears, which proves that it is still possible for an immortal emperor to be born in the immortal world.Of course, there is another interpretation, that is, the appearance of this person cut off the opportunity for everyone else.In the fairy world, I am afraid that there will be no more immortal emperors in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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