Supreme Chef

Chapter 2148 Blocking for 3 days

Chapter 2148 Block Three Days
Lin Mu and Lao Tzu talked for a long time.For many unsolved mysteries in the past, Lin Mu got the answers from Lao Tzu.

And for the earth, trees also have a real understanding.Lin Mu also has a deeper understanding of foreign lands.

But next, Lin Mu will be on the road, ready to find the teleportation array back to the fairy world.

"Senior, I brought this little thing to the Immortal Realm. After all, the Immortal Realm has already realized the crisis is coming, and there are too many people in the Immortal Realm who can successfully be promoted to the Immortal Emperor." Lin Mu said.

Lao Tzu looked at the little golden man hiding in Lin Shu's arms, and said with a smile, "This little guy has been avoiding me all this time, but I didn't expect you to find him."

Lin Mu said: "It has been staying in the Dao Palace all along, so it shouldn't be hard to find."

Lao Tzu said with a smile: "This little guy is very slippery. Don't think he's inside that door. If he doesn't want to be found by us, we will never try to find him in our lifetime. Its ability is greater than we think. "

The golden creature said, "Yes. It's just that you are too powerful, so I dare not come out."

Lin Mu said: "According to what you said, you think I'm like a soft persimmon, easy to bully, you can bully me a little bit."

The golden creature said: "I was just curious, but I didn't expect that I kicked the iron plate. If I had known that you were not easy to mess with, I would have continued to hide, okay. Why bother to be taken to a place by you now?" strange place."

This golden creature is really a bullying master.But this time it wanted to bully Lin Shu, but it really hit the iron plate.This can only be considered unlucky for him.

Of course, this is also Lin Mu's chance.

"Senior, are you still going to continue guarding here?" Lin Mu asked.

Lao Tzu nodded, and said: "The foreign land will not be destroyed for a day, and I will stay here for a day."

Lin Mu said: "But senior, although there are enough origins of the world here, there is no passage to continue to ascend."

Lin Shu has already sensed that the origin of the earth's heaven and earth is strong.But it is impossible to want to achieve the supreme position.

The way of heaven is fair, the earth is the parent star, and it has enough origins of the world.But it was impossible to achieve the Supreme.

Lao Tzu let out a little breath, and Lin Mu's eyes widened immediately.

"Senior, you already..."

Lao Tzu said: "This place is very close to a foreign land. The earth does not have the conditions to become supreme. But there are conditions there. If you go there, I hope you can understand it well."

After a pause, Lao Tzu said: "But I also hope that you can do something for the fairy world and the earth. Of course, if you don't want to, I won't force you."

Lin Mu said: "I am very willing. The fairyland and the earth are the fairyland and the earth for all of us. If I can make a little effort, I am very willing."

Lao Tzu said: "After you enter the teleportation formation, you'd better do your best to strengthen the transmission formation again. Don't let it become the first formation for foreigners to attack us."

Lin Mu nodded heavily, and said: "Don't worry senior, I will do my best to strengthen the formation above the teleportation formation."

Lao Tzu nodded and said, "It's too dangerous over there, so I won't send someone to take you deep. With your cultivation base, that can be regarded as a kind of experience."

Lin Mu nodded.

In fact, I don't need to say anything, Lin Mu would not let me send someone to deliver him.

After all, these frontline soldiers have paid a lot.There is no need to make any sacrifices for your own private affairs.

Lin Mu didn't continue to delay, and set off directly from the front line.

Lao Tzu personally opened a passage for Lin Shu, so that Lin Shu could leave the city wall safely.

But for the next Lu, Lin Mu had to go by himself.

Just as Lin Mu came out of the passage, before he could stand still, hundreds or three monsters bit at Lin Shu.

This kind of three-headed monster was the ominous encounter that Lin Mu encountered once he realized Dao last time.

Obviously, this three-headed monster has a very important position in foreign lands.

Because when Lin Mu was watching the long river of time, he found that the mounts of many powerful creatures in foreign lands were also this kind of three-headed monster.

And the Blood Spirit Dragon also told Lin Mu, in its memory.The best of these three-headed monsters is definitely no weaker than the top of their dragon clan.

It can be seen that this kind of three-headed monster is really not a bad street thing in a foreign land.Obviously they are in a foreign land and occupy a very important position.

But that kind of top powerhouse is obviously not here.And this kind of low-level three-headed monster basically poses no threat to Lin Shu.

When Lin Shu raised his hand, countless rays of light bloomed.Then those hundreds of three-headed monsters melted away as quickly as ice and snow meeting sunlight.

Then Lin Shu displayed his peerless sword intent, and with a turn of the sword finger, the giant sword that held up to the sky turned into countless flying swords, with Lin Shu as the center of a circle.Sweep across within a radius of thousands of miles.

This is Lin Shu's help. The soldiers on the front line relieve some pressure and give them some time to rest.

They have spent years in battle, and they need time to rest.They should, too, get time to rest.

The soldiers on the front line watched Lin Shu's tricks.Everyone was dumbfounded, with a dry mouth feeling.

Especially Du Tong and others who have been here with Lin Mu all this time saw Lin Mu displaying such a peerless sword move.

They couldn't believe what they saw, although they knew that Lin Mu was the Immortal Emperor.But I really didn't expect that Lin Mu turned out to be such a powerful Immortal Emperor.

"Dutong, is this really the power that can only be displayed in the early days of the Immortal Emperor?" A soldier asked in shock.

Du Tong didn't know how to answer, because in his opinion, the Immortal Emperor really shouldn't have such a strong strength in his early days.

Lao Tzu looked at Lin Shu and nodded slightly.Lin Mu's performance shocked me, but also made me very satisfied.This made Lao Tzu see hope and hope for the future.

Lin Mu fought here for a day and a night, but Lin Mu did not move forward.

Of course it's not a forest, so you can't move forward.Instead, Lin Mu hoped that he could stay here for a while longer, so as to give the people behind him more time to rest.

Lao Tzu also understood Lin Mu's meaning, and his evaluation of Lin Mu was higher in his heart.

This is not what Lao Tzu asked Lin Mu to do, but Lin Mu did it on his own initiative.It can be seen that Lin Shu's strength, character, and quality are all the best.

"Good intentions, I appreciate everyone. You can persist for three days, and let them rest for three days." Lao Tzu said to Lin Mu through voice transmission.

Lin Mu also responded, "Okay!"

After receiving Lin Mu's response, Lao Tzu directly told everyone to rest.To be able to rest for three days and to breathe for three days is indeed a very luxurious thing for these fighters who have been fighting all year round.

(End of this chapter)

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