Supreme Chef

Chapter 2151 Great Way vs Immortal

Chapter 2151 Great Way vs Immortal

The young king of a foreign land also had fiery eyes when he saw Lin Shu displaying the Dao Jing.

For these four scriptures that run through from beginning to end, no matter whether it is a foreign land or a fairy world, no one is not envious.

Especially for foreign lands who practice the Immortal Sutra, if they can gather all four scriptures.The Immortal Sutra will be a complete Dzogchen, and their achievements will be unimaginable.


The Dao scriptures in the young king's body were also shaking, and a charm from the prehistoric world burst out from his body.

This is true immortality, derived from the Sutra of Immortality.

Obviously this young king has practiced the Immortal Sutra.

The Immortal Sutra broke away from the Great Dao Sutra at once, but the Dao Principles destroyed by the Tao Te Ching cannot be remedied.

Lin Mu was also very careful when he had contact with the Immortal Sutra for the first time. Of course, Lin Mu still wanted to know more about what the real Immortal Sutra is.

This is the only scripture among the four major scriptures that has not appeared in the fairy world.


The Tai Chi Yin-Yang Pill in Lin Shu's body is running, and the Dao Jing is constantly bursting out. Thousands of Dao Jings form a chain of order, directly reversing the Heaven and Earth Dao.

The trees at this time can definitely destroy the sky and the earth with ease by raising their hands.


Carrying thousands of scriptures, Lin Mu's Shadowless Knife slashed down heavily on the bloody spear.

The young king of the foreign land also shook his arms, and his immortal power penetrated the entire blood spear.

This kind of power made the blood stained on the blood spear seem to come back to life.The blood was squirming, releasing astonishing coercion, and the entire world was shaking, as if a real witch god was resurrected.


The Shadowless Knife and the Blood Spear collided head-on.

Just for a moment, the sky collapsed, everything was blurred, and then finally gasified and disappeared.

The mountains under the two of them completely vaporized immediately.

This is a collision of two supreme scriptures and a direct dialogue between two supreme weapons.

The Shadowless Knife in Lin Mu's hand, although until now, Lin Mu hadn't figured out what its origin was.But thinking about it, it will definitely not be weak.Because even the innate spirit treasure, Lin Mu has never heard of it, and there is one that can automatically upgrade.

The Immortal Scripture hit Lin Shu's body along the blood spear, which is indeed the strongest existence among the four major scriptures.At the same time, it is also the closest, the scriptures of longevity.

But Lin Mu is still fearless. You must know that there is not only one kind of supreme scripture in Lin Mu's body.

What's more, the Dao Jing obtained by Lin Shu is complete.It's not that the young king is at a half-baked level of cultivation.



Among the thousands of particles, there was a vast sound of chanting scriptures at the same time, and at the same time, the Taiji Yinyang Pill in Dantian was also spinning crazily, and scriptures flowed out one after another.

These scriptures, like scourges, began to impact all immortality along the limbs and bones of the forest.

Although the Immortal Sutra is known as the strongest, it is also one of the four major scriptures, and the difference is not too exaggerated.

What's more, the Dao Jing in Lin Shu's body is still complete.

After such a round of impact, all immortality was completely disintegrated, and at the same time, the Shadowless Knife along the forest began to attack the blood spear in the opposite direction.

In just a split second, part of the Tao on the blood spear disintegrated again, and at the same time, a lot of the blood on it evaporated.

"The complete Dao Jing!"

The young king looked at the Wuying Dao completely covered by scriptures, his pupils constricted and his eyes widened.


The young king of the foreign land was thrown backwards by the impact of the Daojing. If he hadn't held the blood spear tightly, the blood spear might have been thrown out of his hand.


Lin Mu stepped forward, completely refusing to give this foreign young king a chance, not letting him have any chance to breathe, and trying to finish him in the shortest possible time.

The fall of Lin Shu's foot also destroyed Dao Ze, and completely isolated the young king of this foreign land, making it impossible for him to find any Dao Ze to use.

"Don't think about it!"

Seeing Lin Mu's Shadowless Knife slashing towards him again, the young king of the foreign land also shouted, not wanting to give Lin Mu a chance.

He desperately activated the Immortal Sutra, causing the blood spear to emit a light that was more dazzling than thousands of suns combined.

But Lin Mu didn't stop, and the Shadowless Knife still fell.


The weapons of the two collided again, and countless Dao words splashed, completely smashing the Dao of Heaven here.

The young king from a foreign land was knocked down heavily by the trees, and he went deep into the ground until his body barely stopped.

Just when the young king of the foreign land thought he had withstood Lin Shu's fiercest attack, he was about to breathe a sigh of relief.Suddenly he saw Lin Mu, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this sneer.This foreign young king obviously realized something.

But when he realized this, it was obviously too late.

The Dao scriptures in Lin Shu's body suddenly changed, and the same feeling from the prehistoric flooded the entire space.

"This is the Immortal Sutra! No, this is the Immortal Sutra!"

The young king of a foreign land felt the indelible scriptures, and panic appeared in his eyes.

But Lin Mu didn't give him a chance at all, his Immortality Sutra has been exhausted, and it is impossible to stop him in a short time.

But Lin Shu's Undying Sutra has not been affected at all, and the energy is quite sufficient.


Wuying Dao seems to have jumped out of the five elements, completely out of reincarnation, and at the same time commanding the world.

There is absolutely no way to resist such a knife falling.

The immortal breath swept through like a violent storm.He rushed directly to the young king from a foreign land.


The young king of the foreign land uttered an unwilling roar.But it was completely useless, the Undead Scripture completely extinguished the vitality in his body.

Although the Sutra of Immortality claims to be immortal, if it is used to kill people, it is also an excellent scripture for killing people.

The last trace of spiritual consciousness was completely shredded, and Lin Shu also jumped out from the ground.

Then Lin Mu directly entered the teleportation array without hesitation.

After activating the teleportation array, Lin Mu used what he had learned about the formation to start arranging the most powerful array on top of the teleportation array.

Above the teleportation array, there is a layer of natural formation covering it.Although sturdy and terrifying, there is no way to crack it.But no one knows whether it will be destroyed by the shock that day.Adding an extra layer of insurance like this is also adding a layer of insurance to the fairy world.

Otherwise, if this place becomes a point for foreign lands to attack the fairy world, then the fairy world may really be in trouble.

Just as Lin Mu had just finished setting up the formation, a divine sense shot towards here.


Lin Mu didn't even have the ability to resist, so he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his body hit heavily on the formation he had just arranged.

"So strong!"

Getting up from the ground, Lin Mu looked in one direction and muttered to himself.

However, this person did not dare to act rashly. This is the best news for Lin Mu.If it could shoot at will, Lin Shu would be dead by now.

"Is this the Taoist ancestor? Or the ancestor under the Taoist ancestor?" Lin Mu guessed the identity of the other party again, but obviously there would be no answer.


The teleportation array started to glow, and then quickly started, and Lin Shu's figure disappeared from the teleportation array.

(End of this chapter)

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