Supreme Chef

Chapter 2157 A Showdown Across Time and Space【Part [-]】

Chapter 2157 A Showdown Across Time and Space【Part [-]】

When Lin Mu arrived, the young man just landed a blow, ready to break Taoist Guang's defense and kill Taoist Guang here.


Lin Mu punched out decisively, and at the same time Lin Mu expanded his domain, covering Taoist Guang within his domain.At the same time, he pulled Taoist Guang back to his side.

Taoist Guang finally heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that it was trees.

"How did you find this place?" Taoist Guang asked.

Lin Mu said: "It's a long story, I'll tell you after I solve it."

Daoist Guang said: "You must not be careless, he does not belong to this era, he is the most powerful man in a foreign land in the ancient times, and he was left in the ancient times."


Hearing Taoist Guang's words, Lin Shu couldn't help shaking.

How could it be the most powerful person in that period? Didn't it mean that Taikoo had been completely sealed?
Even if he was as strong as Di Jiang, he almost died when he forcibly crawled out of the ancient world. How could this young man be so perfect.

"That's right! It must be that time does not exist here, so we can meet here!" Lin Mu looked around, his mind turned, and he wanted to understand some of the key points.

"Here comes another weak ant. It's really boring. Could it be that in this life, you can't even get a decent person out of the fairy world? It seems that your extinction is a matter of time. It is impossible to save you."

On the opposite side, the foreign powerhouse from the ancient times shook his head and said.

"What kind of thing are you? I don't think you are strong enough to go there, but you are still trapped here." Lin Mu responded tit for tat.

"You weak ant, what do you know? I stay here, so naturally I have a purpose for staying here. As for this sealed ancient, it will be pierced sooner or later."

After a pause, the strongest man in the foreign land said: "It seems that the people in Taikoo have killed almost everyone, and no one talks to me, that's why I talked so much with you two little ants today."

Lin Mu and Taoist Guang were a little shocked when they heard this.

There are still people fighting in Taikoo, isn't Taikoo completely extinct.It was just sealed, but the battle was still going on.

This reminded Lin Mu of what Di Jiang had said to him back then.

Back then, Di Jiang told Lin Mu that someone would return in the end.Could it be that what Di Jiang was referring to were those people who were still fighting in the ancient times.

This is really shocking, Taikoo is not extinct, this is definitely shocking news.

"You two go up together, so that I can exercise my muscles and bones. My name is Jue Mie. It is best to tell the people of this era my name while you are alive. Let your people prepare for the best submission in advance. .” Extinction said.

"What! Your name is Jue Mie!" Daoist Guang couldn't help being shocked when he heard this name.

"It seems that you, a little ant, still know my name, so I decided to keep a trace of your soul and let you bring the news out." Jue Mie looked at Taoist Guang and said.

Lin Mu looked at Taoist Guang, but Lin Mu didn't know what was extinct and not extinct.

Taoist Guang said solemnly, "This extinction only appeared at the end of the ancient times. But as soon as it appeared, it killed many powerful people from all sides with an invincible posture. Whether it is the old generation or the young All the strong men of a generation were beheaded by him. The young people who were known as foreign lands were most likely to become the new Dao ancestors. Several people from the Blood Spirit Dragon Clan who were likely to become the Dragon Emperor all died under his hands. There are many of them who have achieved the body of the witch god, and they are only one step away from becoming the real witch god, and they were all cut off by him..."

Jue Mie looked at Taoist Guang, and said: "It seems that you know me well? There are also a few people in your human race who are called young emperors, and they were all picked out by me. In your world, except for a few people, It’s still worth challenging, and the rest are really vulnerable.”

When Lin Mu heard this, his heart was extremely solemn.Lin Mu did not expect that this extinction would have such a brilliant record.It is really not an exaggeration to say that he is the most likely person to become the Taoist ancestor.

But the more people there are, the more interesting Lin Mu thinks the challenge will be.And using him, Lin Mu can also deduce that Daozu is very powerful.

"Senior, you should rest for a while. This person is handed over to me. Your physical body has not fully recovered and you need to rest." Lin Mu said to Taoist Guang.

"Little bug, you have a high fighting spirit. Are you going to challenge me? You are good at everything in this world, but there are too many people who are overconfident." Jue Mie shook his head lightly and said.

Lin Mu looked at Jue Mie and said, "Have you finished talking nonsense? If you finish, I will send you on your way, and you don't have to go back to the ancient times."

Juejue looked at Lin Mu, and said, "Big talk is also a shortcoming in your world. But if you do this, I will have a sense of accomplishment when I kill you. The more you feel good about yourself, the more I can appreciate it after I kill you." Your anger and unwillingness."

Lin Mu nodded, and said deeply, "I feel the same way about this, and I hope you too, feel better about yourself."

Jue Mie shook his head and said, "Let's send you on your way."

After Jue Mie finished speaking, he pointed to a radiant sword energy like a sword, which directly burst open the blue sky, approaching Lin Shu's eyebrows, and wanted to split the forest tree alive.

This sword is really amazing, it is indescribable, and Lin Mu never thought that the opponent's sword move at will can be so powerful.

Although the sword move was not approaching, Lin Mu's brows were cracked, blood dripped down, and Lin Mu's whole body was also firmly fixed by a powerful aura.

If this continues, Lin Mu will definitely be directly split open by the opponent, and there will be no way to survive.


Lin Shu roared, the particles in his body vibrated, and a shocking aura erupted, directly pushing away all the aura surrounding his body.

At the same time, Lin Mu also pointed to the sword, using the peerless sword intent to fight against the opponent's shocking sword energy.


This place was completely torn apart, and the decaying breath was violent.Such a violent rotten aura is enough to easily obliterate any immortal emperor.

Lin Shu and Jue Jue stood in the midst of this violent rot, their bodies unmoved at all.Even though the atmosphere here is messy, there are two trees, and there is no wave at all.

Lin Shu's body is glowing, protected by the Great Dao Sutra, preventing the vitality in his body from passing away.

The extinct body is also emitting light, protected by the Immortality Sutra, which prevents the passage of vitality in the body.

Taoist Guang watched from the sidelines, also shocked.Daoist Guang did not expect that Lin Shu had grown to such a terrifying height in the years since he left.

This is really, very amazing, but also very extraordinary.

(End of this chapter)

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