Supreme Chef

Chapter 2159 A Showdown Across Time and Space [Part [-]]

Chapter 2159 A Showdown Across Time and Space [Part [-]]

Although the problem of spears and shields cannot be solved.But one thing is certain, those who use shields must work harder than those who use spears.

Those who use spears only need to attack, but those who use shields have more problems to consider.

The extinct Heavenly Knife fell and slashed on the shield of the forest.

All of a sudden, countless Dao scriptures were shattered, countless avenues were shredded, and this place completely turned into a barren land.Everything, etc., all disappeared.

"It's useless to master two Taoist scriptures. Damn it, no one can stop it." The palm of Jue Mie fell, seemingly calm, but in fact, the situation has changed, and the world has resonated.


Lin Shu's feet were further shattered, and the whole person was beaten into the chaos and strangled to death by the chaos.

"Your era is really ruined, and there is no challenge at all." Jue Mie shook his head and said softly.

With the sleeve robe stretched out, a huge amount of immortal energy was directly poured into the Heavenly Knife, intending to completely shred the trees.



In front of Lin Mu, cracks appeared one after another on the condensed shield.


Lin Mu spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body couldn't help being two points shorter.

"After resisting for so long, you can already rank among the top masters of the ancient times, but it is still useless. Your world has long been abolished."

Lin Mu didn't answer, but just silently circulated the Great Dao Sutra and the Immortal Sutra.

But at this moment, the Taishang Yin-Yang Art suddenly worked.And the Tai Chi Yin Yang Pill in Lin Mu's body began to spin at a high speed.

Between Yinyan and Yangyan, two giant dragons appeared, one black and one white.

These two giant dragons appeared and walked along the limbs of the forest.Wherever they passed, there was a huge amount of vitality.And the countless particle worlds in Lin Shu's body also recovered.There is a steady stream of undead sutras and avenue sutras, supplemented by the two giant dragons.


Seeing the massive vitality erupting from Lin Shu's body, Extinct's brows could not help but wrinkle slightly.

Extinction's subordinates increased their strength again, and at the same time the Immortal Sutra began to speed up.

But there is no way to suppress it, the vitality in Lin Shu's body is still burning again, and there is a tendency to blow out.

The sun-like light appeared in the eyes of extinction. This is a kind of eye of heaven, which can see through all illusions.


But just as Jue Mie wanted to observe the forest, he was directly bounced back by the dragon energy of the two giant dragons.

Both eyeballs almost exploded.If it wasn't for the quick response of Extinction, I'm afraid two more drops of blood would flow out.

"how is this possible!"

Juejue looked at Lin Shu in shock, completely unable to believe what happened just now.

"The two Dao scriptures have actually merged. What kind of monster is he, and what kind of path is he walking!"

Although Extinction couldn't see through it, it could feel it.

Whether it is the Great Dao Sutra or the Immortal Sutra, they are peerless scriptures that run through ancient and modern times.The grades and grades of the two scriptures are the same.It is absolutely impossible to integrate, and it is even more impossible to go hand in hand like this.

But in Lin Mu's body, these two scriptures did not fight each other, and there was a tendency to merge.

This is really unimaginable, even if it is extinct.


Jue Mie exerted strength again, and countless scriptures surged out of Jue Mie's body and acupuncture points, and merged into the Heavenly Knife, trying to deal Lin Mu a final blow.

The trees make extinction feel, somewhat unpredictable.This kind of unpredictable person, extinction is absolutely not allowed to exist, not just a threat to himself.For the entire foreign land, the trees are dangerous and it is a variable.


Extinction exerted force, and the two giant dragons in Lin Mu's body were also roaring, wrapping the supreme scriptures, and the two ends gathered together and rushed out of Lin Mu's body.


Lin Shu's eyes suddenly opened, and there was Tai Chi in his eyes, as if he wanted to absorb everything in the world.

Even Jue Jue, who was standing opposite the forest, felt absent-minded for a moment.

It's a little too dangerous, making Extinction feel uneasy.


The extinct sky knife fell rapidly, directly cutting off all the avenues.

He is worthy of being the strong man who shines in the ancient times, and the young man who is known as the most likely to become the Taoist ancestor.


The two giant dragons were suppressed by the Heavenly Knife. Although they were roaring, they were unable to fight and could only defend passively.

Seeing such a scene, Jue Mie couldn't help feeling relieved.

Juejue looked at Lin Shu, smiled slightly and said, "In the end, it's going to fall. It's amazing for a moment, but it's like a shooting star."

"You talk too much nonsense, I'll let you shut up forever now. Tell me!" Lin Mu drank in a low voice, and then urged the "Tai Shang Yin Yang Jue".

All of a sudden, the two giant dragons entangled and merged in the air, and finally turned into a Tai Chi diagram.

The Tai Chi Diagram rotated crazily, and countless principles were all involved in the Tai Chi Diagram.The extinct Heavenly Knife was no exception, and all of them were involved in the Taiji Diagram.



The Heavenly Knife was shattered in the Taiji Diagram, turning into scriptures one after another, and finally the scriptures were all wiped out.Completely disappeared.

"how is this possible!"

The extinction was completely shocked, and I couldn't believe it, it was true.

"Death to me!"

Jue Mie punched out, directly smashing the blue sky.

Lin Shu also punched out, and the power of the fusion of the two scriptures became the driving force of Lin Shu.



The fists of the two collided three times in a row.Every time the sky falls apart, every collision destroys everything.

But this time Lin Mu didn't take a step back, nor was Lin Mu suppressed, but instead gained the upper hand.

"What's going on here? What kind of path have you taken!" Jue Mie looked at Lin Mu and was completely shocked.

"You're going to die, there's no need to know these things." Lin Mu said coldly.


Lin Shu activated the Taiji Diagram and cut into Jue Mie's body.

"You can't kill me! You and I don't belong to the same era at all!" Extinct shouted, completely unbelievable.

Lin Mu sneered and said, "Really?"

Then, as soon as Lin Mu's hand formula was drawn, the Taiji Diagram exploded in Jue Mie's body.

With the detonation of the Taiji Diagram, all the Taoism in the extinct body collapsed.


Jue Mie let out a scream, and five drops of blood burst out immediately.

The breath of extinction was weakened by most of it at once.

"How is it possible! You and I are not in the same era at all, how could you kill me!" Extinction shouted.

Lin Mu sneered and said, "If you can kill me, I can naturally kill you too."

"You know!" Jue Mie looked at Lin Mu with shock in his eyes.

Lin Mu said: "When you used the Heavenly Saber, I have seen through this method."

The two do not belong to the same era, but the Tao remains the same.Lin Mu doesn't need to kill him, he just needs to kill his Dao, and he will die naturally.What's more, in such a place, if there is no way to protect oneself, one will surely die.Life will pass away at an imaginable speed beyond extinction, and even if no one can save him, he will definitely die.

(End of this chapter)

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