Supreme Chef

Chapter 238 The first thing

Chapter 238 The First Thing
Lin Mu looked at Wang Xue, like a frightened little rabbit, timidly hiding from him, and got playful for a while, and got closer, evilly said: "I am a rebellious person, the more you don't let me Come here, I will come more and more."

Speaking of which, Lin Mu sat directly next to Wang Xue, and deliberately squeezed Wang Xue into the corner.

Wang Xue was forced to have no place by the trees, so she could only curl up in the corner of the wall, looking at the trees with shock and fear.


Lin Mu suddenly heard a whimpering sound, and hurriedly looked for the sound.

"Why are you crying?" Lin Mu looked at Wang Xue whose shoulders were twitching, and asked with concern.

It was fine if Lin Mu didn't ask, but when Lin Mu asked, Wang Xue cried loudly instead.

"Woo, you bullied me... woo." Wang Xue said with a sob.

Lin Mutian is not afraid of the earth, but he is afraid of women crying. When a woman cries, Lin Mu really has nothing to do.

"Didn't I just joke with you?" Lin Mu said coaxing Wang Xue.

Wang Xue didn't listen, she just cried to herself and said, "You just... bullied me..."

Lin Mu looked at Wang Xue, really at a loss, and said, "I was just joking with you just now, why don't I just sit over there."

Lin Mu sat in his original position, but Wang Xue still just cried and ignored Lin Mu at all.

Lin Mu said: "Little aunt, how can you stop crying?"

Wang Xue sniffled, looked at Lin Shu with tears in her eyes, and said, "Unless you... invite me to dinner."

When Lin Mu heard this, he patted his chest quickly and said, "No problem, I'll take this meal."

Wang Xue stopped crying when she heard Lin Mu's words, and said, "Not only do you invite me to dinner, but you also have to cook for me yourself."

Lin Mu said: "No problem, I promise to make a meal that satisfies you."

When Wang Xue heard Lin Mu's words, she finally broke into tears and laughed, and said, "You said this, so don't lie to your debt when the time comes!"

Seeing Wang Xue laughing through tears, Lin Mu finally heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "Am I going to lie to you about a little girl?"

Lin Mu looked at the smiling Wang Xue, and also lamented Wang Xue's simplicity and cuteness.

Wang Xue twitched a bit, and said: "But no matter what, I want to thank you today. Not only did you accompany me to the class reunion, but you also helped me so much."

Lin Mu smiled and said: "Don't mention this matter, didn't you also accompany me to experience the speed of life and death again?"

Wang Xuedao: "By the way, do you know who is going to kill you?"

Lin Mu touched his nose and said, "I really don't know about this, but there are quite a few people who want to kill me, but don't worry, they will know sooner or later."

The two drank two more cups of tea, Lin Mu said: "Let's go, let's go to the hospital."

Wang Xue looked at Lin Mu puzzled and said, "Why are you going to the hospital?"

Lin Mu said: "Have you forgotten what you promised your classmate?"

As soon as Lin Mu said, Wang Xue also slapped his head, saying: "Oh, I was thinking about other things just now, and I forgot about this matter. Hurry up! Let's go! Xu Qian may be waiting impatiently."

When the two returned to the hospital, Xu Qian was really anxious to wait. Wang Xue made up a random reason and explained, then arranged for Xu Qian's father to be admitted to the hospital.

Xu Qian's father's cancer is only at an early stage, but because he has no money for treatment, he is not in good condition.

Early stage cancer was not difficult for Lin Mu, and within half an hour, Lin Mu was completely cured.After that, several more medicines were prescribed, and Xu Qian's father was discharged from the hospital.

If Xu Qian hadn't seen her father improve obviously with her own eyes.Even if she was killed, she would not believe that Lin Mu could cure her father's cancer in such a short time.

After leaving the hospital, Xu Qian thanked Wang Xue again, and Xu Qian's father almost knelt down to Wang Xue.

After sending Xu Qian away, Wang Weiping, who heard the news, also rushed down from the office.

"Lin Mu, you are here, why didn't you notify our hospital so that we can send someone to pick you up." Wang Weiping said with a smile.

Lin Mu glanced at Wang Xue beside him, and said, "It's okay, just Wang Xue can pick me up."

Wang Weiping glanced at his daughter, and remembered what his wife said that day, and felt that the two were a good match, but he couldn't ask Lin Mu directly in front of his daughter, so he had to bear with it.

"Ling Mu will live in Fengyang today, I'll let someone arrange a hotel for you." Wang Weiping said.

Lin Mu thought for a while, and said, "Alright, then I'll trouble Dean Wang."

Wang Weiping said: "Lin Mu, you are too polite. We are all on our own. If there is any trouble, don't bother me. I'll let someone arrange it for you. If you have nothing to do in the evening, come and have dinner at home."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "I will definitely go there when I have time."

Wang Weiping said: "Then it's settled, I'll wait for you at home then."

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Okay!"

Wang Weiping glanced at his daughter and said, "Wang Xue will send Lin Mu to the hotel later, and help Lin Mu make arrangements."

"Oh!" Wang Xue agreed, and then left with Lin Mu.

Wang Weiping looked at the backs of the two of them and said, "It looks like a good match, it seems that I need to match them up."

After Lin Mu arrived at the hotel, Wang Xue left first.

Lin Mu called Zhang Ye directly at the hotel and said, "Zhang Ye, I was murdered today, can you help me find out who did it?"

"What?" Zhang Ye sat up in fright when he heard Lin Mu's words.

Lin Mu said: "Don't be so nervous, I'm fine. The person who attacked me is already dead. I just want you to help me find out who wants to kill me?"

After talking, Lin Mu told Zhang Ye about today's events.

After Zhang Ye finished listening, he said seriously: "Good instructor Lin, I'll send someone to investigate now."

Lin Mu said: "Okay, you should check this matter first, and send me a letter when there is news. Also, you can help me check the news of Reaper, I always feel that the ones I solved last time should not be all the elite of Reaper, They should have some strengths hidden in the dark that we haven't seen.

We must find a way to find these people, otherwise they will always be a disaster. "

Zhang Ye said: "I will also have people follow up on this matter, but instructor Lin, our cheetahs have limited rights after all, it is best to let Commander Shi investigate this kind of matter."

When Lin Mu thought of Shi Jin, an old fox, he had a headache, but what Zhang Ye said was right, Zhang Ye's investigation did have limitations.

After pondering for a while, Lin Mu said: "I'll tell Shi Jin about this, first help me find out who wants my life?"

Zhang Ye said, "Okay, leave this to me."

After hanging up Zhang Ye's phone, Lin Mu called Shi Jin.

After Shi Jin connected, he laughed and said, "It's not easy, Instructor Lin. You have never called me before. Tell me if you need anything, I will do my best to help you, Instructor Lin."

Lin Mu said angrily: "It costs too much for you to do things, I can't afford you. I have two things to tell you this time, you can check them out."

Shi Jin said, "What's the matter?"

Lin Mudao: "I was attacked this morning, and I suspect it was done by the Death God's people. I feel that the ones I eliminated in Jiuhua Mountain should not be all the Death God's elite.

The God of Death should have some strengths that we don't know about, hidden in the dark. These hidden strengths may be more difficult than those in Jiuhua Mountain. You can ask someone to investigate.

Another one is that when I was in Mount Jiuhua, I accidentally killed Ye Yan, who was from the Ye family in the south of the Yangtze River.If you have time, you can also investigate the Jiangnan Ye family by the way. "

When Shi Jin heard Lin Mu's words, his tone became much more serious: "Instructor Lin, are you sure that the elite of Death God have not been completely wiped out?"

Whether the death elite is completely wiped out may not be very important to Lin Mu.

But for Shi Jin, this is definitely a very important thing.

Because of the Battle of Jiuhua Mountain this time, the Death God can be said to have suffered heavy losses.The god of death will definitely count on Huaxia for this account. If they still have elites, God knows what they will send people to do.

Therefore, Shi Jin had to determine in advance whether the death elite was completely wiped out.

Lin Mudao: "I'm not sure about this, it's just a feeling of mine. I think that since the God of Death has been able to stand for so many years, he must not be just such a master."

After listening to Lin Mu's words, Shi Jin was sure that the god of death had not been completely wiped out.

Such a discovery made Shi Jin feel chills down his spine, and said, "Instructor Lin, I want to ask you something?"

Lin Mu smiled and said: "No problem, anyway, I promise to help you do three things, let this be the first one!"

(End of this chapter)

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