Supreme Chef

Chapter 245 The Secret of the School Belle

Chapter 245 The Secret of the School Belle

Lin Mu hugged Fan Xiaoxiao and said, "I'm just reminding you that you don't have to avoid him on purpose. Anyway, she doesn't pose any threat to you now. With your current cultivation base, as long as you don't attack an earth-level master, you don't need to avoid him." You can protect yourself."

Fan Xiaoxiao put her arms around Lin Mu's neck and said, "It's okay if you can't protect yourself. Even if someone really wants to harm me, wouldn't it be you?"

Lin Mu lovingly scratched Fan Xiaoxiao's little nose, and said, "If I'm not by your side, don't you have to rely on yourself? So you must work hard, don't spend three days fishing and two days drying the net. "

Fan Xiaoxiao knocked off Lin Mu's hand, and said: "He has been practicing very hard, and it is as unbearable as you said. Besides, how could I let you leave me so easily."

Lin Mu looked at Fan Xiaoxiao's cute appearance, smiled, and said, "Do you remember what I told you about the cultivation world? When I go to the cultivation world, you and Sister Qing will practice here for a while. This passage Time, you two must work hard to cultivate, and you must have enough self-protection ability."

At the mention of leaving, Fan Xiaoxiao's mood sank.

Lin Mu pinched Fan Xiaoxiao's face, and said, "You forgot, what I told you before, we are temporarily separated so that we can be together forever in the future."

After listening to Lin Mu's words, Fan Xiaoxiao felt much better, nodded vigorously, and said, "I know, I will work hard to practice."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "In two days, I'll refine some pills for you, which will also help you reach the ninth level of Qi training as soon as possible, so that you can build a foundation sooner."

Fan Xiaoxiao hugged Lin Mu's arm, and said temptingly, "What do you want to do to build the foundation earlier?"

Lin Mu was sandwiched by Fan Xiaoxiao's pair of big breasts, and his heart became hot again.The big hand patted Fan Xiaoxiao's buttocks hard, and said: "Little girl, you don't need to seduce me now, when you beg for mercy."


Fan Xiaoxiao let out a coquettish cry, and leaned seductively next to Lin Mu's ear, saying: "When the time comes, Sister Qing and I will deal with you together, and then you will be begged for mercy."

When Lin Mu heard Fan Xiaoxiao's words, his heart became even hotter.He quickly gave himself two heart-clearing formulas to let the fire of desire in his heart go down.

The two were on the bed again, neighing for a while, and they got off the bed when Ya Qing came back.

Yu Yaqing entered the room, looked at Yu Yaqing who was in disheveled clothes, and said with a smile, "I said, why didn't Lin Mu go to the restaurant today, so it's Jinwu Zangjiao."

The three of them have been together for a long time, and Fan Xiaoxiao will no longer blush like in the past, but counterattacks: "Sister Qing, you are jealous, why don't you stay at home tomorrow, and I will go out."

Yu Yaqing tapped Yu Yaqing forcefully, and said, "Damn girl, you are getting more and more shameless."

Fan Xiaoxiao put her arms around Yu Yaqing and said, "Anyway, the three of us will be together in the future, and live a life without shame. What's the use of shame!"

Yu Yaqing pinched Fan Xiaoxiao hard, and said, "Damn girl, what are you talking about?"

Lin Mu laughed, hugged both of them in his arms, and said, "I think Xiaoxiao's words are not bad."

Hearing that Lin Mu supported her, Fan Xiaoxiao was even more proud, and said, "Look, Lin Mu supports me!"

Yu Yaqing raised her powder fist and hit Lin Mu hard, saying: "You are spoiling her too, bully me with her."

Lin Mu put his arms around Yu Yaqing, gave Yu Yaqing a long kiss, and said, "I'm bullying you, obviously I love you, okay?"

The three of them quarreled for a while, and then they all went to practice separately.

Lin Mu can no longer improve his own cultivation, now Lin Mu can only work on his consciousness and conjoined body.

However, just as Lin Mu was about to start cultivating his spiritual consciousness, his spiritual consciousness suddenly moved, and the next moment Lin Mu had disappeared into the room.

"Are you looking for me?" Lin Mu suddenly appeared behind Su Yao and asked coldly.

It turned out that when Lin Mu was about to practice, he suddenly found that Su Yao was wandering back and forth downstairs of his home, and his expression was very nervous, so he interrupted his practice and came out of the room.

If it is said that without knowing Su Yao's secret, Lin Mu might not think much about Su Yao's appearance, but now that he has known Su Yao's secret, naturally Lin Mu will not have a good face towards Su Yao up.


Lin Mu suddenly appeared behind her, which startled Su Yao too.

Su Yao looked back at Lin Mu with a bad face, and said, "Can we talk in another place?"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Yes!"

After receiving Lin Mu's reply, Su Yao leads the way, while Lin Mu follows behind.

The two arrived at the top of Yushan all the way, and it was already late at night.There is no one on the top of Yushan.

Arriving at the gazebo where Lin Mu rescued Fan Xiaoxiao that day, Lin Mu stopped and said coldly, "If you have anything to say, just say it here?"

When Su Yao heard Lin Mu's words, she also turned her head. Su Yao lowered her head and kept fiddling with her skirt with both hands, but she just didn't speak.

Lin Mu looked at Su Yao and said, "don't pretend to be pitiful with me. If you have anything to say, just say it. If you don't say it, I'll leave!"

"Don't! I said!" Su Yao stopped when she heard that Lin Mu was leaving.

Lin Mu stops, turns to look at Su Yao, and doesn't speak.

Su Yao bit her lip, knelt down to Lin Mu suddenly, and said, "I know you are not an ordinary person, so I want to beg you to get rid of that dark energy in my body, I don't want it in my body Among them, I just want to be an ordinary person! As long as you are willing to help me, I am willing to agree to any request of yours!"

Lin Mu was also taken aback by Su Yao. Of course, Lin Mu was in a daze, not because Su Yao knelt down for herself.

It's Su Yao's request to herself.Because in Lin Mu's opinion, Su Yao should ask herself to undo the prohibition. How could she ask her to abolish her cultivation.

But looking at Su Yao's appearance, it doesn't look like a fake. Lin Mu guessed that there might be some things he didn't know.

Lin Mu looked at Su Yao who was kneeling on the ground, crying pear blossoms with rain, and said, "Get up!"

Su Yao didn't move when she heard Lin Mu's words, and said, "please promise me, otherwise I won't get up."

What annoys Lin Mu the most is being threatened, no matter whether it is a man or a woman, or a beautiful woman like Su Yao.

Lin Mu snorted coldly, and said, "If you want to kneel, you can kneel, I'll go first!"

After speaking, Lin Mu really wanted to leave with his hands behind his back.

Seeing that Lin Mu was really going to leave, Su Yao got up to stop Lin Mu and said, "Don't go!"

Lin Mu looked at the tearful Su Yao, and felt a little soft-hearted. He sighed and said, "tell me about the energy in your body first, what's going on? And why you were raped by that foreign devil Take it away? Why do you go to school here?"

Su Yao nodded and said: "since you can save me from that foreign devil, I believe you must be not an ordinary person. And I think your cultivation base should be very high, I believe you can save me mine."

Lin Mu interrupted Su Yao directly, and said coldly: "I asked you to get up to talk about your own affairs, not to analyze me!"

Maybe it was frightened by Lin Mu. After hearing this, Su Yao didn't dare to refute, and said quickly: "You should be able to see the energy in my body."

This time Su Yao didn't wait for Lin Mu's answer, but continued on her own: "Actually, my birth is not different from other children, but my parents are completely different from other parents. I once heard My father said that both he and mother came from the Hundred Thousand Mountains in Miaojiang!"

(End of this chapter)

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