Supreme Chef

Chapter 256

Chapter 256
In the first competition, Lin Mu won without any suspense, or in other words, from the very beginning, this was a competition without any suspense.

"Master Lin." Just as Lin Mu was about to leave, Ouyang Yan suddenly stopped Lin Mu.

Lin Mu turned his head to look at Ouyang Yan, and said, "What's the matter?"

Ouyang Yan's pretty face blushed slightly, and she said: "Chef Lin didn't expect that you were really hiding something. I apologize to you for my rudeness before!"

Lin Mu didn't expect that Ouyang Yan would take the initiative to apologize to him, and he was also slightly taken aback, but Ouyang Yan's action was obviously in exchange for Lin Mu's favor.

Lin Mu chuckled and said, "It's okay. In fact, my biggest shortcoming is that my strengths are hidden too deep, and most people can't see them!"


It may be due to the difference in mentality, but Ouyang Yan was actually amused by Lin Mu's words.

Lin Mu looked at Ouyang Yan with a smile from the heart, and he was a little dumbfounded.

It was not the first time for Ouyang Yan to be stared at like this, but when she looked up and saw Lin Shu's clear, ethereal, deep eyes, she suddenly felt flustered: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Lin Mu looked at Ouyang Yan and said with a smile, "Has anyone ever told you that your non-formula smile is very beautiful!"

Although Ouyang Yan is a star in the spotlight, she is also a woman. She was so sweet when Lin Mu praised her, and said, "How beautiful is that?"

Lin Mu said: "It's very beautiful, it's so beautiful!"

Ouyang Yan smiled sweetly, and said: "Seeing how well you behaved, I decided to give you another exclusive interview. I wonder if Chef Lin has time?"

Lin Mu smiled and said, "If it's an ordinary person, I really don't have time, but when it comes to inviting beautiful women, I have a lot of time!"

Ouyang Yan smiled sweetly and said, "Okay, how about waiting until tomorrow during the day when there is no competition?"

"Yes! Of course!" Lin Mu laughed.

Ouyang Yan smiled and said, "Then we've agreed!"

Lin Mu said: "It's a deal!"

Because Ouyang Yan had to go to other places for interviews, she left first.

After the first round of competition, all those who advanced had a 10-minute rest period, and Lin Mu also returned to the rest area at Fumanlou.

As soon as Lin Mu came back, there was thunderous applause from Fumanlou's side, and Fang Nan said excitedly, "Uncle, you are really amazing!"

Lin Mu said: "You should always know that I am so powerful, right?"

Fang Nan smiled and said, "That's right! Uncle, you have always been so good!"

Fan Xiaoxiao looked at the trees here playfully, and said: "What did you say to the beautiful anchor just now, you seem to be very happy chatting."

When Fan Xiaoxiao mentioned it, Fang Nan was also very curious, and said, "Yes! Uncle, what did Ouyang Yan tell you just now?"

Lin Mudao: "She just thinks that she misunderstood me, and wants to do a new interview with Fumanlou and me!"

After Fang Nan heard this, he was so excited that he almost jumped up, and said, "Uncle, are you telling the truth?"

Lin Mu rubbed his nose and said, "Do I have to lie to you about this? Besides, Fang Nan, are you a little too excited tonight, you are also a chairman after all!"

Xu Mei glanced at Fang Nan and said with a smile, "He can't calm down today. Do you know how many people came to Fang Nan just now, expressing their intention to invest in our Fumanlou?"

Lin Mu said: "Investment?"

Xu Mei nodded, and said: "You are so miraculous, those capitalists with sharper noses than dogs, naturally smell it, see our potential, and come to Fumanlou to cooperate with us!"

Lin Mu said: "Then you agreed?"

Fang Nan said proudly: "How is it possible? Our Fumanlou is now a sycamore tree, and we are afraid that we will not be able to attract the Golden Phoenix. And I really don't care about their little money. As long as you win this time, uncle , We are afraid that we will have no money.

And Fumanlou is ours, even without them, we can spread Fumanlou all over the country! "

Yu Yaqing looked at the proud Fang Nan, and said, "Mr. Fang can finally feel proud now, it feels very good!"

Fang Nan chuckled, and said, "That's right, our Fumanlou is very precious now, if we didn't feel elated at this time, we would be so stupid."

"Jingle Bell!"

While everyone was chatting, Lin Mu's phone rang suddenly.

Glancing at the phone number, it was Wang Xue calling, and Lin Mu answered it directly.

As soon as the call was connected, Wang Xue complained to Lin Mu, saying, "You didn't even inform me about such a big event as you going to participate in the cooking competition."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Didn't I tell you because I was afraid that your hospital would be busy?"

Wang Xue pouted and said, "These are all excuses, you just didn't want to notify me at all!"

Lin Mudao: "It's not that I didn't want to notify you, I'm really worried that your hospital is too busy. If I don't want to notify you, why should I prepare the admission pass for you?"

After listening to Lin Mu's words, Wang Xue asked back, "Did you really help me prepare the admission pass?"

Lin Mu said: "Of course, if you don't believe me, you can take a look now."

After listening to Lin Mu's words, Wang Xue finally softened her tone, and said, "Okay, just trust you once, I don't have to be on duty tomorrow night, I'm going to the scene tomorrow to see."

Lin Mu smiled and said: "Welcome, of course you are welcome, you can come directly tomorrow, when the time comes, I will send you the admission pass, and Dean Wang and Auntie are also ready!"

Wang Xuedao: "Okay, don't delay your game later, you can rest for a while!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Mu said to Fang Nan: "My friend and her family may come over tomorrow, and then you can just send her the admission pass."

Fang Nan said, "Good uncle!"

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Fan Xiaoxiao said sourly, "The student you mentioned in the hospital wants to watch your game!"

Lin Mu scratched Fan Xiaoxiao's nose and said, "She's just a friend I met in the hospital, she's at most half a student of mine, and both times she and I were involved in danger together, she must be compensated!"

Fan Xiaoxiao snorted and said, "Who knows what you're planning!"

Lin Mu smiled and said, "What is my plan, you still don't know."

When Fan Xiaoxiao was still talking, the gong started again.

In the second competition, the test was a cold dish platter, which was considered one of the basic skills of a chef.

Of course, there was no suspense in this, and Lin Mu won again effortlessly.

There were only two competitions on the first day. Although they were all basic skills for investigation, the number of people eliminated on the first day was the largest.

A total of 230 companies participated. After two rounds of competition, only [-] companies were left to enter the next day's rematch.

The remaining [-] restaurants, except for the expected dark horses like Fumanlou, are all well-known restaurants and restaurants in China, each of which has a long history.

And the chefs they sent were all first-class chefs, and these chefs, almost everyone, belonged to a family of chefs, either imperial chefs or ancestors of the family, who were famous in the world back then.Compared with them, forest trees are grass roots among grass roots!
However, everyone present knew that Lin Mu, the grassroots, was the biggest threat to them.

Not to mention anything else, just the two videos circulating on the Internet are the heights that chefs like them can't reach.

Since those two videos came out, I don't know how many people have tried the dish imitating Lin Shu.

Unfortunately, no one succeeded.They couldn't even imitate half of them, and those two dishes became the existence of the entire chef world, which no one could match.

After the first day of competition, everyone returned to their respective residences.Fumanlou can be said to be the biggest winner tonight. With Lin Shu's two outstanding performances, Fumanlou attracted everyone's attention.

From the start of the game to now, Fang Nan's phone calls have never stopped.People who want to invest in Fumanlou or want to cooperate with Fumanlou, so far, there are eighty if not one hundred.

But for these people, Fang Nan's return is the about it later.

In Fang Nan's words, Fumanlou is now a sycamore tree, and Fang Nan is not afraid at all that he will not be able to attract the Golden Phoenix.Besides, the three of Fang Nan and the others haven't thought about cooperating for the time being. They want to make Fumanlou bigger and stronger by themselves, and spread it all over the country!
The next morning, Ouyang Yan came to Fumanlou, but this time she did not bring a photographer, but she came to Fumanlou very low-key by herself.

(End of this chapter)

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