Supreme Chef

Chapter 258 Holy Knights

Chapter 258 Holy Knights

Ouyang Yan looked at Lin Mu and even wondered whether she was wrong or right to do an exclusive interview with Lin Mu.

But now that they have all come, it is obviously impossible to leave.

Ouyang Yan rolled her eyes at Lin Mu, and said, "Go! Go! You'd better hurry up this time!"

Lin Mu smiled and said, "I will try my best!"

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he got up and left the private room.

Coming out of the private room, the smile on Lin Mu's face gradually receded.

Lin Mu walked to the private room next to him, and pulled the door open.

The two foreigners inside were also surprised when they saw Lin Shu appearing at the door.But soon, the two regained their calm, and one of them asked in blunt Chinese, "Who are you looking for?"

Lin Mu showed a characteristic smile, and said, "I'll just look for you, and you should look for me again!"

Hearing Lin Mu's words, both of them burst into flames in an instant. At the same time, there was a sudden addition in their hands, a short blade very similar to a cross.

Both sides of the short blade are sharpened, and there is a long blood groove in the middle. At first glance, it looks a bit like a military stab, but the short blade looks more gorgeous, and its workmanship is much better than that of a military stab.

When the two jumped up, they both shot towards the tree at the door. The short blade in their hands pierced Lin's throat and heart immediately, as if the two had discussed it before.

Lin Mu looked at the two people who were flying over, and with a slight flash of his body, he flashed into the room, and at the same time closed the door again with one kick.

The two of them didn't expect Lin Mu to advance instead of retreating, and they were both slightly taken aback.But for Lin Mu to come in by himself, it was always a good thing for them, otherwise the two of them were really worried that Lin Mu would turn around and run away.

Dodging the opponent's blow, Lin Mu looked at the two of them and said, "Are you priests?"

Lin Mu only used a questioning tone instead of an affirmative tone because although he found energy similar to Mike's in the two of them, it was not exactly the same. The energy in Mike looked very quiet and sacred. But the energy on these two people, apart from looking divine, is also very sharp.

One of them said: "We are members of the Holy Knights, as enemies of God, we can only get rid of you!"

Although Lin Mu didn't know the difference between the Holy Knights and the clergy, since they came to kill him, Lin Mu didn't intend to let them leave this room.

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "It seems that you still don't know whose territory this is!"

The man looked proud, and said: "Anywhere the sun shines is the domain of God, and the enemies of God can only be eliminated!"

"Hehe!" Lin Mu smiled sarcastically, and said, "Your gods are really great, but it's a pity, I'm afraid after today, you will never see the sun again!"

The two men sneered at Lin Mu's threat, looked at each other, and attacked Lin Mu again.

The speed of the two of them has increased a lot this time, and the short blade in their hands also emitted a dazzling light.

Lin Mu squinted and looked at the short blades in the hands of the two. Although he wanted to try, the energy of this Holy Knights was different from Mike's so-called holy light. However, Ouyang Yan was still waiting next door, and Lin Mu decided to make a quick decision. .

The space in the private room was not that big, and the two speeded up obviously. Almost in the blink of an eye, the two arrived in front of Lin Mu.

Seeing that Lin Mu didn't have time to react at all, both of them were overjoyed.

Looking at the short blade in their hands, passing through Lin Shu's body without hindrance, both of them felt a 'thump' in their hearts.


This was the only thought in the minds of the two of them at this moment.

Apart from this thought, there was only shock in the eyes of the two of them.

They don't know how fast the trees can leave this almost real afterimage in the air.

But Lin Mu obviously didn't intend to give them too long to think.

Lin Mu's body appeared behind the two of them. The moment they were about to turn around, Lin Mu punched them hard on the back of the head.


With a muffled sound, both of them rolled their eyes and passed out.

This is a public place after all, if Lin Mu solves these two bastards with such a big fanfare, it will definitely cause a lot of unnecessary troubles, so after thinking about it, Lin Mu still called Zhang Ye, it is best for Zhang Ye to handle this kind of matter.

The energies of these two foreigners were a bit weird. Although their skills were only equivalent to those at the elementary level of the Xuan level, Lin Mu was still worried that Zhang Ye would not be able to handle it, so he simply sealed off the veins of the two of them so that they could not even move.

After finishing all this, Lin Mu directly called Zhang Ye and asked Zhang Ye to bring the man. As for himself, he turned around, left the private room, and returned to his own private room.

Opening the door of the private room, Lin Mu saw Ouyang Yan drinking tea boredly, smiled and said, "I've kept Ouyang anchor waiting for a long time!"

Ouyang Yan put down the teacup in her hand, and teased: "It's okay, I thought you were lost just now, and I was about to go out to find you, and you came back!"

Lin Mu smiled and said: "I was really lost just now, if I hadn't met the waiter, I might still be wandering in the toilet right now.

Lin Mu was so self-deprecating, Ouyang Yan naturally couldn't continue to make excuses, stretched out her hand, and said, "Sit down, let's start now!"

Lin Mu sat down again, and Ouyang Yan started her own interview.

For Ouyang Yan's interview, Lin Mu answered seriously, which made Ouyang Yan feel a little better.

"Boom boom boom!"

Suddenly a sound of messy footsteps interrupted Ouyang Yan's interview.

Ouyang Yan frowned and said, "Who is so unqualified!"

After finishing speaking, Ouyang Yan got up and went to open the door, wanting to see who was so unqualified.


Just as Lin Mu was about to speak to stop him, Ouyang Yan had already opened the door of the box.


Seeing the soldiers with live ammunition at the door, Ouyang Yan also exclaimed, and at the same time, her feet slipped and her body fell backwards.


The body fell backwards, and Ouyang Yan uttered another scream.

However, the intimate contact between her buttocks and the floor did not appear as she expected, because her waist was tightly hugged by a strong arm.

Ouyang Yan raised her head, just in time to see Lin Mu's clear eyes, and at the same time, a strong masculinity came towards her.

"Anchor Ouyang, are you okay?" Lin Mu asked with concern.

Ouyang Yan blushed slightly, and said, "I'm fine!"

"Instructor Lin!" Zhang Ye came to the door, saluted a standard military salute, and called out respectfully.

Lin Mu didn't want to reveal his identity at first, but after Zhang Ye had spoken, Lin Mu had no choice.

Sure enough, Ouyang Yan saw Zhang Ye, a major general, respectfully called Instructor Lin Mu, with shock written all over his pretty face.

Lin Mu glared at Zhang Ye, and said, "He's in the private room next door, take care of him after you take him back!"

Zhang Ye also knew that this scene was obviously not suitable for him to appear, so he quickly said, "Yes! Instructor Lin!"

Lin Mu looked at Zhang Ye who was still standing here in a daze, and said angrily, "Don't arrest people if you know!"

"Yes!" Zhang Ye agreed again, quickly retreated, and then closed the door of the box.

After 3 minutes, Zhang Ye took people out of the teahouse, and Ouyang Yan finally didn't feel so nervous.

But to Ouyang Yan's embarrassment, she and Lin Mu had kept this kind of ambiguous posture for the past 3 minutes, and she didn't even resist.

" still don't let me go!" Ouyang Yan said anxiously, blushing pretty.

"Oh!" Lin Mu agreed, and convinced Ouyang Yan.



Just as Ouyang Yan was about to stand up, she felt a sharp pain in her ankle, and then she thought about it again and fell over.


There was no accident this time, Ouyang Yan's upright buttocks hit the floor directly.

But because Ouyang Yan didn't stand up completely, although it hurt a little, it wasn't hurt.

Ouyang Yan, who was sitting on the ground, rubbed her butt and said angrily, "Why didn't you give me a hand just now!"

Lin Mu said innocently: "You told me to let you go, I thought you didn't like me to save you!"

"You..." Ouyang Yan pointed at the trees angrily, her body trembling a little.

"Huh!" Ouyang Yan snorted angrily, and was about to stand up again and leave here.

But as soon as she moved, Ouyang Yan felt a piercing pain coming from her ankle.

"How about I carry you away!" Lin Mu said.

"No need!" Ouyang Yan directly refused.

"Oh!" Lin Mu agreed, stood up, and said, "In that case, I'll go first!"

"Let's go! Let's go!" Ouyang Yan said angrily while rubbing her ankle.

When Lin Mu really went out, Ouyang Yan started to scold instead: "You bastard! You don't know how to be sympathetic to others! You really left me here alone. Let's see how I write about you when I go back!"


The people in the room were pulled away again, Lin Mu looked at Ouyang Yan with a smile on his face, and said, "Anchor Ouyang, let's not be so cruel!"

Ouyang Yan looked at the trees that had gone and returned, and said, "Why are you back?"

Lin Mu touched his nose, and said, "I'm afraid that you will write our Fumanlou as useless, so I can only come back to save you!"

After Lin Mu couldn't help but say something, he bent down and hugged Ouyang Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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