Supreme Chef

Chapter 309

Chapter 309

As the ghost that Elder Shi raised turned into a mass of nothingness, Elder Shi spat out another mouthful of dirty blood.

"Old man, I will fight with you!" Elder Shi roared, and threw himself directly at the tree.

The ghost he raised died, and he was seriously injured. Elder Shi had no choice but to fight hard.

However, Elder Shi is at the peak of the Xuan level, and Lin Mu can crush him to death several times with a single finger.

Lin Mu tapped his finger, and a spiritual energy pierced directly through Elder Shi's forehead, and a bloody hole appeared on Elder Shi's forehead in an instant.

"Uh! Uh!"

Elder Shi made a vague sound, and it was unclear whether he was calling for help or talking about something.


Elder Shi fell to the ground, unwillingness written all over his dying face.

Lin Mu looked at Elder Shi who fell on the ground, and shot out a foundation building fire, which directly turned Elder Shi's body into ashes.

Looking at the pool of ashes on the ground, as the night wind dissipated into the night sky, the trees did not leave immediately.

Lin Mu didn't expect that the Ghost Ridge Gate would come to him so quickly.

And since Ghost Ridge Gate can send an Elder Shi today, maybe an Elder Horse or Elder Donkey will be sent tomorrow, so I have to think of a solution once and for all.

Of course, the so-called one-and-done solution is to destroy the Guiling Gate by himself. Although he is famous as a teacher, Shi Jin will definitely not agree.

After thinking for a long time, Lin Mu didn't come up with a particularly good solution.

"Forget it, I'll just kill one of them!" Lin Mu really had a headache thinking about it, so he didn't want to think about these things at all.

Coming out of the bushes, Lin Mu glanced at Fumanlou, then walked slowly towards home again.

Back home, Lin Mu saw that Yu Yaqing had come back early.

Yu Yaqing sat on the sofa, looked at Lin Mu and said, "Didn't you come back a long time ago? Why did you come back from outside now?"

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Just now a beautiful woman downstairs called my name, so I went out to chat with her."

Yu Yaqing rolled her eyes at Lin Mu, and said: "Your lie is too clumsy, some beautiful women will come here to chat with you."

Lin Mudao: "Xiao Nizi, what do you mean by that? Why do you think I'm not attractive enough? There won't be any beauties who will take the initiative to throw themselves into your arms!"

Yu Yaqing said: "If you say that you took the initiative to provoke them, I believe it, but if you say that they take the initiative to throw yourself into your arms, I really don't believe it."

Lin Mudao: "Little girl, I think you are in a hurry, you dare to doubt my charm!"

After speaking, Lin Mu rushed over, rolled with Yu Yaqing, and started to take advantage of Yu Yaqing at the same time, causing Yu Yaqing to beg for mercy and gasp for mercy.

The two quarreled for a while, and Yu Yaqing finally pushed Lin Mu away.

Lin Mu looked at the messy hair, grabbed Yu Yaqing's exposed breasts with his big hand, and said with a smile: "When I finish refining the foundation building pill, you can build the foundation, and you will beg for mercy at that time."

Speaking of this, Yu Yaqing couldn't help but blush, and said, "Lin Mu, can I ask you one thing?"

Lin Mudao: "Sister Qing, there is anything we can't ask for between the two of us, if you have anything to ask, just order."

Yu Yaqing took a deep breath and said, "I want Lin Mu to wait for Xiaoxiao to build the foundation together?"

Lin Mu was a little puzzled and said, "Why?"

Yu Yaqing struggled for a long time before blushing and said: "Xiaoxiao accepted me at the beginning, but now I don't want to possess you first, it would be unfair to Xiaoxiao, so I want to wait for Xiaoxiao to build a foundation too, The two of us give ourselves to you together!"

Lin Mu's eyes brightened when he heard this proposal from Yu Yaqing, and at the same time, his heart felt hot.

Two together, Lin Mu has never tried it before, but after Lin Mu arrived on the earth, he was influenced by the culture of a certain island country, so he also wanted to try this so-called double | Out.

Lin Mu's eyes showed a wolf-like light, and he couldn't help nodding wildly, saying: "Okay! Okay! Anyway, Xiaoxiao is now on the ninth floor of foundation building, and in another month, she can also build the foundation. Build the foundation together!"

Yu Yaqing was afraid to look into Lin Mu's eyes, her pretty face was so red that it was almost hot.

At night, the two of them embraced each other and fell asleep. Although Lin Mu couldn't do any real movements, it was still possible to have a hand addiction, especially Yu Yaqing's plump buttocks, which was enough for Lin Mu to play all night.

The next morning, Yu Yaqing got up and pinched Lin Mu vigorously, saying: "You can't be honest even if you sleep, and you will still sleep in the living room after this!"

Lin Mu said: "I was dishonest in the first half of the night, okay, and in the second half of the night I went out to practice alone."

Yu Yaqing glared at Lin Mu and said, "You were dishonest in the first half of the night, so you think I can sleep well in the second half of the night."

Lin Mu showed a look of sudden realization, and said, "Oh! Sister Qing didn't satisfy you so why didn't you say it earlier."

Yu Yaqing blushed, grabbed the pillow, threw it over at once, and said, "Satisfy you big-headed ghost!"

But Lin Mu was right. It is true that Lin Mu had a good time in the first half of the night, but in the second half of the night, Yu Yaqing was so emotional that she couldn't fall asleep at all.

After arguing for a while, the two went out to Fumanlou.

Fumanlou is still a continuation of yesterday's popularity, but today there are no local tyrants coming to occupy the table.

But before lunch time, Lin Mu received a call from Shi Jin.

"Hey! Why have you discussed with those ancient martial arts sects?" Lin Mu asked while stirring the dishes in the pot.

Shi Jin said: "Lin Mu, can you come to the capital these two days, there are some things I want to talk to you face to face."

Lin Mu thought about it and said, "Okay, I'll go there the night after tomorrow."

Shi Jin said: "Okay! I'll send someone to pick you up the day after tomorrow!"

Lin Mu said: "Okay, I'll be busy first!"

After finishing his lunch, Lin Mu told Yu Yaqing and the others about his departure the day after tomorrow.

Lin Mu wanted to leave, of course Fang Nan and the others were unwilling.

But Fang Nan also knew that his uncle was not an ordinary person, and being able to cook in Fumanlou for a few days was enough to help.

"How many days are you going this time?" Yu Yaqing asked worriedly.

Lin Mu thought for a while, and said, "It shouldn't be a big deal this time, and I guess I'll be back in a day or two."

Xu Mei said: "Don't talk so much, you talked for a day or two that time, did you come back within two days?"

Lin Mu thought for a while, and it seemed to be the case. He smiled and said, "Sister Mei, I promise to come back within two days this time."

Xu Mei gave Lin Mu a white look, and said, "You don't have to promise me, and it's useless if you promise me, we know you're going to do big things, and we won't hold you back!"

Lin Mu said: "Sister Mei, don't say that, I'm really embarrassed to say that."

Xu Mei said: "It's fine if you know it's embarrassing. You're going to the capital anyway, so don't go in vain. Help us look at these places. We're planning to strike while the iron is hot and drive our Fumanlou to the capital."

Lin Mu said: "This is a good thing. Leave it to me. I happen to have some friends in the capital. Let them help to see if they can buy the land at the lowest price."

Xu Mei said: "If you can buy the land at the lowest price, then I won't blame you for not being home."

Lin Mu said: "It's a deal!"

The next day, Lin Mu cooked at Fumanlou for another day before boarding the train to Jinghua at night.

When Lin Mu arrived in Jinghua, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening, but Jinghua is Jinghua after all, no matter what time of day, there is no slight decrease in the number of people.

When Lin Mu came out of the train station, he saw the few people who went to deliver medicinal materials to him every time.

Those few people obviously discovered Lin Mu at the first time: "Instructor Lin, please!"

Lin Mu nodded and got into the car directly.

The car soon arrived at the small canyon where Lin Mu had been to for the first time, and the environment was particularly good.

After Lin Shu entered the canyon, the few people left the canyon. Obviously, this place was not accessible to them at their level.

Lin Mu easily found Shi Jin, and Shi Jin had set up the food and wine, waiting for Lin Mu.

Lin Mu looked at the table full of food and wine, and said, "I think what you're doing, Commander Shi, looks like a Hongmen banquet?"

(End of this chapter)

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