Supreme Chef

Chapter 342 Killing the Holy See

Chapter 342 Killing the Holy See

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Shi Jin didn't know what to say.Shi Jin could only pray for the people of the Holy See in his heart, and at the same time pray for himself, hoping that Lin Mu could make the movement quieter, otherwise his old bones would be easily tossed apart.

Shi Jin's actions were indeed fast enough. Before it was dark, all the killers sent by the Death Alliance were caught by Shi Jin, and all the killers were dealt with cleanly without leaving any traces. This can also cause less diplomatic disputes.

Lin Mu took a direct flight from Binhai to Sandis that night.

Sandis is the holy city in the eyes of people in the western world, and it is also the headquarters of the Holy See. The Pope lives here and presides over the operation of the entire Holy See. city ​​security.

In the eyes of Westerners, the Holy See has extraordinary significance. It can be said that Westerners may not respect the will of the Congress, but they dare not disrespect the will of the Holy See.

Because in their eyes, the Holy See represents the will of God, and people cannot violate the will of God, except of course the pagans in the eyes of the Holy See.

It was the next morning when Lin Mu reached Sandis.

The area of ​​Sandis is not large, and the total sum is only three square kilometers. Such an area is even many times smaller than a village in Huaxia.

However, although the area here is small, it is a holy place in the hearts of all the people in the world and the Holy See.

With an area of ​​less than three square kilometers, except for some necessary living buildings, the church with the largest area and the widest area is the church in the center of the city. The church occupies almost one-third of the entire Sandis area. The hub of the Western Holy See, all orders in the Holy See go out from here.

After arriving in Sandis, Lin Mu knew that the Holy Knights were not stationed in Sandis.

In Sandis, except for the people of the Holy See, no armed forces are allowed to enter, except of course those who worship.

The Holy Knights are stationed on the periphery of Sandis. For the small Sandis, the effect of stationing inside and outside is exactly the same.

After coming out of the airport, Lin Shu looked at the yellow-haired and Persian cat-like eyes all around him, somewhat unaccustomed to it.

As for the yellow-skinned, black-haired Lin Shu, the people around him also cast strange glances.

Lin Mu came out of the airport, and before he had taken two steps, two people in uniform walked over.

After the two men in uniform spoke to Lin Mu in a bird language that Lin Mu could not understand, they were about to take Lin Mu away.

Although Lin Mu came to make trouble, but someone had to lead him the way, so Lin Mu followed them very cooperatively.

The two brought Lin Mu to the only police station here. In the police station, there was a special translator to ask Lin Mu.

The translator understands quite a lot of languages. After asking in Dongyang language, Bangzi language, and Lin Mu's unknown bird language, he finally adopted Huaxia language and said bluntly: "Are you from Huaxia?"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "I am!"

When the interpreter heard that Lin Mu was from Huaxia, his expression turned cold instantly, and he said, "Please leave Sandis."

Lin Mu said: "Why?"

The interpreter's tone was full of disdain: "Because Sandis does not welcome low-level peoples, please leave immediately, otherwise we will take measures against you."

Lin Mu raised his legs and said, "If I don't leave."

Hearing Lin Mu's words, the interpreter said a few words to the two policemen who brought Lin Mu who they were, and then the two policemen came to arrest Lin Mu.

Lin Mu looked at the two policemen who came over, and said, "It's bad luck for you, let's start with you two."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he jumped up from the chair, and then punched the two approaching policemen.



Lin Mu can be more or less polite to his own people, for this kind of barbarian who does not bloom, Lin Mu has no need to keep his hand.

With two punches, Lin Mu directly knocked out all the teeth of the two of them. Their faces were covered with blood, and they fell straight backwards.


Seeing the two policemen fall to the ground, the translator panicked and said, "Huaxia people, you dare to make trouble here. Do you know where this place is? This is the place where God rests, and you will be punished by God."

Lin Mu stepped forward, grabbed his neck, and said, "Today I'm here to trouble your gods."

"Heretic... You are a heretic!" the interpreter said intermittently.

Hearing the translator's words, Lin Mu let go of his neck and said, "I've changed my mind. I don't want you to die so soon. I want you to see how your god surrenders under my feet."

"You heretic, I'm going to kill you!" The interpreter drew a gun from behind himself, and was about to shoot at the forest.

However, Lin Mu had already taken the first step, grabbed the gun, and then crushed the gun into a ball of scrap iron under the shocked eyes of the interpreter.

"You are... from China, the enemy of God!" the translator said tremblingly.

Lin Mu ignored the interpreter at all, left the police station directly, and walked towards the most magnificent church in the center of the city.

Lin Shu walked to the edge of the church in 5 minutes. Looking at this magnificent church, Lin Shu's brows were also tightly locked together.

when not close.Lin Mu didn't feel anything yet, until he got really close, Lin Mu realized how extraordinary this church is.

Although this church does not have the mountain guarding formations of the ancient martial arts sect, every part of this church is full of the so-called holy power that the Holy See gang said.

Moreover, these holy powers are very strong and surging. In the face of this ocean-like holy power, even trees feel powerless for a while.

These holy powers have been accumulated for hundreds of years, or even thousands of years. With such a total amount, Lin Mu feels that even if his cultivation level breaks through the Foundation Establishment, or even Jindan and Nascent Soul, it may not be able to reach this level. The opponent of the holy power accumulated over a hundred years.

Therefore, although this church does not have any protective formations, these holy powers are a natural protective barrier. As long as there is anyone who knows how to mobilize these holy powers, if they mobilize these holy powers, then the trees will be fighting against the entire church , the possibility of victory is almost negligible.

Although against the entire church, Lin Mu had no chance of winning.But Lin Mu didn't believe that someone in the Holy See could really mobilize all the accumulated holy power in the church.

If he wants to mobilize the holy power of the entire church, he needs a very high level of cultivation. Lin Mu does not believe that there are such people on the earth, and even if they exist, he cannot 100% do so under the premise that the rules of the world have changed. Play unless he courts death.

Lin Mu just stood in front of the church for a while, and then he was about to enter the church with big strides.

Trees will not stop because of fear of a dead object.

Lin Mu entered the church, and just two steps away, he saw two clergymen in cassocks appearing in front of Lin Mu.

Lin Mu couldn't understand what the two priests said, but Lin Mu didn't even want to understand what they said, because Lin Mu was here to make trouble.

"I don't understand what you're saying, but I hope you can understand what I'm talking about. I'm here to make trouble, not to travel!" After speaking, Lin Mu mercilessly attacked the two priests.

The two clergymen turned into a puddle of soft mud and fell to the ground without even struggling.

Lin Mu's killing of these priests is the same as killing ancient martial arts practitioners, there will be no cause and effect, so Lin Mu can completely let go of his hands and feet to kill the Quartet.

The abnormality here quickly attracted the attention of the surrounding priests, but these were just some priests, and the holy power they possessed was really pitiful, and they did not pose any threat to the forest at all.

A row of wind blades passed by, and the six priests who rushed over fell down without even a scream.

Lin Mu continued to walk in. He was not polite to all the priests who rushed over, and killed them all with one move.




The alarm bell in the church that hadn't been thought of for hundreds of years was sounded again. The sound was added by the holy power and spread far away. The Holy Knights closest to Sandis can be killed within 10 minutes. Come here.

(End of this chapter)

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