Supreme Chef

Chapter 353

Chapter 353
Lin Mu came to the office upstairs, opened the door of the office, Fang Nan and the others sat in the office with sad faces.

"What are you all doing with such sad faces?" Lin Mu knocked on the door and said as he walked into the room.

"Uncle, you're back." Seeing Lin Mu coming in, Fang Nan quickly got up and greeted him.

Lin Mu said: "Can you solve the problem with such frowns?"

Hearing Lin Mu's words, Fang Nan couldn't help but lose his expression, and said dejectedly, "Uncle, you know everything."

Lin Mu said: "The foreman told me just now."

Fang Nan sat down on the chair, sighed, and said, "Oh! We are blessed and full of people, why are there so many disasters and disasters, every time there is a little improvement, something happens."

Lin Mu said: "It's a mediocrity not to be envied by others, and the same goes for your career. If no one plots against us, you should be worried."

Fang Nan said: "But if this continues, no matter how talented we are, it will be useless if no guests come."

Suddenly thinking of Lin Mu's words just now, Fang Nan was startled, and said, "What did you just say, Uncle? This time, someone is plotting against us?"

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "I believe one or two is a coincidence, but one hundred and two hundred, do you think it's still a coincidence?"

It's not that Fang Nan didn't have such speculations, but if someone really can plot against Fumanlou, it's over if they directly target Fumanlou.

Why target the diners who come here to eat, and there are thousands of people who come to Fumanlou to eat every day. Such a project is too big.

Xu Mei interjected, and said: "But some people say that our Fumanlou is due to Fengshui problems, so this situation occurs."

Lin Mu looked at Xu Mei and said with a smile: "Sister Mei, do you believe what she said? If it's really a matter of Feng Shui, why didn't the accident happen sooner or later, and why did it have to happen when I was no longer?"

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Xu Mei suddenly realized, "Could it be that these people are targeting you?"

Lin Mu shrugged and said: "I don't know if they are targeting me. I only know that if I were here, their tricks would not be successful. When you selected the site, I didn't read it in detail. , but I can be sure that there is nothing wrong with Fumanlou's feng shui."

"What the hell is going on then?"

Although we already know that the problem is man-made, we should always find the root of the problem.

"Chef Lin, all the staff have arrived and are waiting downstairs." The foreman ran up from downstairs and said to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Okay, you go down first."

After the foreman left, Fang Nan said, "Uncle, do you suspect that what happened this time is something wrong with our internal staff?"

Lin Mu said: "I can't be sure, but I have to check to find out. You should come downstairs with me."

The four came down from upstairs, Lin Mu looked at the service staff standing in four rows, and asked, "Has everyone come?"

The foreman said, "Except for those who asked for leave, the only one left in the two stores is Manager Wu who is sick and resting upstairs."

Fang Nan was worried that Lin Mu would think too much, so he came to Lin Mu's side and said, "Lili has caught a bad cold these two days, I'll let her rest in the upstairs office for a while."

Lin Mu nodded and said with a smile: "You don't need to explain to me, I'll accompany you up to have a look later."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he glanced around at all the employees, and said: "It's not the first time we have experienced such a thing in Fumanlou. I hope everyone will not have any ideas and continue to do what should be done. Everyone don't Think more, don't worry about anything, this time things will pass soon."

The foreman was the first to express his opinion, saying: "Shen Chef Lin, we believe in you. No matter how big the storm is, we have seen it before. This little storm won't break us."

After the foreman was the first to express his opinion, the rest of the people followed suit.

Lin Mu nodded and said: "Everyone believes in Fumanlou so much, Fumanlou will never treat you badly. I will tell your boss Fang that all of you will double your monthly bonuses this month."



The employees below all applauded enthusiastically when they heard Lin Mu's words.

After everyone calmed down, Lin Mu said, "Okay, everyone, go and do your own work."

After the crowd dispersed, Yu Yaqing came up and said, "Did our people do it?"

Lin Mu shook his head, did not speak, turned to Fang Nan, and said, "Come on, let's go upstairs to see Lili."

Hearing Lin Mu's words, Fang Nan couldn't help having a bad feeling, and said nervously, "Uncle, Lili will be fine."

Lin Mu looked at Fang Nan and said with a smile, "Why are you so nervous, did I say that Lili has something wrong? I'm going upstairs to see a doctor for Lili."

Hearing Lin Mu's words, Fang Nan was also relieved, but he was still a little worried, and said, "Lili will really be fine."

Lin Mu patted Fang Nan and said, "When did you become such a mother-in-law? I'll go see Lili. You don't even believe my uncle."

Fang Nan anxiously led Lin Mu and the others to Wu Li's resting room, opened the door and Lin Mu took a look, lying on the bed covered with a thick quilt, Wu Li, who was pale, frowned inadvertently.

Xu Mei looked at Wu Li, complained to Fang Nan, and said, "Wu Li is so ill, and you didn't even mention taking her to the hospital, what did your fiancé do?"

Fang Nan also showed embarrassment, and said, "I also said to take Lili to the hospital, but Li Lifei said it's fine, and she must let me stay in Fumanlou."

Yu Yaqing looked at Wu Li and said distressedly: "Fang Nan, you are so confused. Is Fumanlou important or people important? Why can't you tell the difference between these things."

Fang Nan said, "I'll take Lili to the hospital now."

Lin Mu reached out to stop Fang Nan, and said, "I don't need to go to the hospital when I'm here, you go out first, I'm going to treat Wu Li."

Fang Nan said: "Uncle let the two of them go out, I'll stay and help you."

Lin Mu hesitated for a moment, nodded, and said, "Alright, you two go out first, let Fang Nan stay and help me."

Yu Yaqing and Xu Mei nodded and left the room.

After the two left, Fang Nan quickly closed the door and said, "Uncle, does the problem lie with Lili?"

Fang Nan is a smart person, he had already guessed that Lin Mu wanted to stay by himself just now.

Lin Mu didn't hide anything this time. He nodded and said, "The problem is indeed with Wu Li, but I think she is also a victim. She definitely doesn't know that the problem is with her."

Fang Nan was a little anxious, and said, "What's going on, uncle?"

Lin Mu said, "Let me save people first, and I will explain to you later that Wu Li's situation is very critical, and there is no time to delay."

When Fang Nan heard this, he hurriedly said, "Uncle, no matter what Lili did wrong, you must save her."

Lin Mu said: "If I don't save her, what am I doing here, you go and help Wu Li up!"

"Hey!" Fang Nan agreed, and hurried over to help Wu Li up.

"Fang Nan, why did you come to see me again? Fumanlou is fine." Wu Li felt someone help her up, she also opened her eyes, and asked intermittently as she looked at Fang Nan.

Fang Nan looked at Wu Li, who was as pale as paper, and his heart ached for a while, but when he thought that the Fumanlou incident might be related to Wu Li, Fang Nan's heart ached even more.

Fang Nan held back, and said, "I'll bring my uncle to see you. You don't need to say anything now, my uncle will heal you soon."

Wu Li said with difficulty: "Uncle...Uncle, he is back."

Lin Mu came in front of Wu Li and said with a smile: "Wu Li, close your eyes and rest for a while, I will give you acupuncture treatment, and you will be fine soon."

Wu Li nodded, thanked her, and then slowly closed her eyes.

When Lin Mu came behind Wu Li, he didn't take out the needle box, but put his palm on Wu Li's back.

At the same time, the other hand quickly pinched a tactic, and a spiritual energy went directly along Wu Li's back and entered Wu Li's body.

The spiritual energy entered Wu Li's body, and Wu Li's face immediately softened a little, but Lin Mu didn't stop.

Another hand gesture was made, and a weak foundation-building fire appeared in Lin Shu's hand.

Lin Mu carefully controlled the foundation-building fire, controlled the power of the foundation-building fire to the minimum, and then shot the flame into Wu Li's body.

(End of this chapter)

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