Supreme Chef

Chapter 368 Air Crash

Chapter 368 Air Crash
The plane rushed into the sky again, but at this time there were only two people left on the plane, Tong Jiahui and Lin Mu.

Tong Jiahui sat opposite Lin Shu, and asked gracefully: "Are you going back to Binhai or Fengyang?"

Lin Mu smiled and said, "I'd better go back to Binhai with you. This plane takes off and lands once, but I don't have the money."

"Puchi!" Tong Jiahui couldn't help laughing after hearing Lin Mu's words, and said, "I didn't ask you to pay, so what are you worried about?"

Lin Mu said: "Then I'll go back to Binhai too, it's a kind of enjoyment for any man to be able to sit with the beauty for an extra hour!"

After a pause, Lin Muxiexie said with a smile: "Besides, if I were really in Fengyang, would you be willing?"

Tong Jiahui was watched by Lin Mu, and a blush rose on her face involuntarily, she looked very attractive.

Tong Jiahui was afraid to look at Lin Mu's eyes, turned her head out of the window, and said, "What's the use of such a big stone you bought? Could it be that there is really a priceless treasure in it?"

Although Tong Jiahui didn't answer Lin Mu's words directly, Lin Mu had already got the answer, that is, Tong Jiahui also wanted to stay with her for a while.

Lin Mu smiled and said, "If you want to know, you can go to Fengyang with me."

Tong Jiahui said: "I will definitely go to Fengyang, and you also promised me to invest in Fumanlou. It's just that I have to go back to Binhai first to deal with some of my own affairs."

Lin Mu said: "Then I'll wait for you, and I can take your SF Express back to Fengyang."

Tong Jiahui smiled and said, "Then you may have to wait for a long time. You should know that women are very troublesome."

Lin Mu also laughed and said, "I'm not in a hurry, I have plenty of time for beauties!"

Tong Jiahui stared at Lin Mu suddenly, and said, "I heard that you already have a girlfriend. If you tell me something like this, your girlfriend will definitely be jealous if she hears it."

Lin Mu said seriously, "Would you believe me if I told you that I came from ancient times and that I have many girlfriends?"

Tong Jiahui said: "You want to tell me that three wives and four concubines were legal in your ancient times. Your girlfriend won't be jealous, right?"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "That's what it means."

Tong Jiahui asked back, "Then do you think I will believe it?"

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "I already know the answer from your eyes, you won't believe it."


The plane suddenly jolted violently.

"What's going on?" Tong Jiahui managed to stabilize her body and shouted into the microphone.

Soon there was an echo in the cockpit, saying: "Miss Tong, we encountered a strong airflow, and found a large dark cloud ahead, which is approaching us quickly. I suggest turning back."

Tong Jiahui frowned and said, "Didn't you confirm the weather conditions before departure?"

"We have confirmed that the weather is good, and we don't know where the dark clouds come from." The captain quickly replied.

After hearing the captain's reply, Tong Jiahui said decisively: "Turn back immediately!"


Hearing the captain's words, Lin Mu leaned against the window and looked out, and sure enough, he saw a large group of dark clouds approaching him quickly.

Seeing this large group of dark clouds, Lin Mu's brows were tightly knit together.

In the eyes of outsiders, this may be extreme weather.But in Lin Mu's eyes, it was obvious that someone cast a spell on purpose to kill himself.

With the ability to cast spells, and wanting to kill himself, Lin Mu doesn't need to think about it, the answer is already coming out - Jiangnan Yejia.

Lin Mu had imagined a lot about how the Jiangnan Ye family would deal with him, but Lin Mu really hadn't thought about such a method.

The forest is now at an altitude of [-] meters, if the plane crashes.Trees can't fly at all, even if you are at the third level of foundation building, if you fall so straight, you will still be thrown to death.

Lin Mu turned his head back, looked at Tong Jiahui, and said, "Sister Jiahui, sit beside me."

Tong Jiahui looked at Lin Mu with a serious face, hesitated for a moment, then got up and staggered to sit beside Lin Mu.

"No matter what happens later, remember to hug me tightly, and don't let go!" Lin Mu solemnly urged.

Tong Jiahui said: "It's just that we encountered extreme weather, we can return to the voyage, you don't have to be so nervous."

Lin Mu said with a serious face, "Sister Jiahui, I don't have the time to explain this to you now, you just have to remember, no matter what happens later, you must hug me tightly."

Tong Jiahui saw that Lin Mu was not joking, but nodded seriously.


The plane suddenly bumped violently again, and then the captain's anxious voice came, saying: "Miss Tong, the plane has lost power due to electromagnetic interference. We suggest that you prepare for skydiving immediately!"


Suddenly a thunderbolt hit the nose of the plane, and then the captain screamed, and then the plane began to fall rapidly.

Tong Jiahui turned pale with fright when she heard the captain's scream.

Lin Mu's face was unprecedentedly solemn at this time, and he said: "Sister Jiahui, hold me tight now, no matter what happens, hold me tight, I will definitely guarantee your safety."

After speaking, Lin Mu quickly put on the parachute, then hugged Tong Jiahui's waist tightly, and directly passed through the fuselage of the plane with brute force.

At the same time as the tree jumped out, strong winds cut towards the tree like knives.

These strong winds may not harm the trees, but they are fatal to Tong Jiahui.

Lin Mu quickly circulated his spiritual energy and protected Tong Jiahui in his arms.

Tong Jiahui was also frightened at this time, she held Lin Shu tightly, and dared not open her eyes at all.


The strong wind like a knife kept raging around Lin Shu.The parachute on Lin Mu's body has completely become a decoration.Under such a strong wind, even if the parachute is barely opened, it will be blown away.

Lin Mu tried his best to adjust his body, put Tong Jiahui on his body, and put himself under Tong Jiahui.

"Sister Jiahui's parachute can't be opened now, we will fall into the sea later. I will try my best to block the impact for you. If you are fine, leave me alone and find a safe place to hide immediately." Lin Mu spoke to Tong Jiahui through sound transmission.

"Do not……"

Tong Jiahui wanted to refuse when she heard Lin Mu's words.But under such wind speed, she couldn't open her mouth at all, she could only let the tears flow from the corners of her eyes, and then quickly disappeared into the air.

Lin Mu and Tong Jiahui fell extremely fast. In less than a minute, they fell from a height of 1 meters to less than [-] meters above the sea.

Although it only lasted a minute, the aura in Lin Mu's body had already been consumed, and most of it was used to block the strong wind for Tong Jiahui.


Lifting up the last bit of remaining spiritual energy, Lin Mu raised his hand and sent all the spiritual energy towards the sea.


There was a violent explosion when the spiritual energy came into contact with the sea water, but this was only to ease it up, and it didn't really slow down Lin Shu's speed much.


Lin Mu's body was smashed into the sea water heavily. The huge impact made Lin Mu feel that his internal organs had been displaced, and the bones on his body were almost broken.

It's also fortunate that Lin Mu has practiced "Witch God Body Refining Technique". If there is no Witch God Body Refining Technique, just this one is enough to turn Lin Mu into meat sauce.


Lin Mu's body was smashed heavily into the deep sea, and he spurted out four or five mouthfuls of blood continuously, staining the surrounding sea water red.

"Do not……"

"Do not……"

Because of the protection of the trees, Tong Jiahui was hardly injured at all.Tong Jiahui cried and shouted loudly, even when the sea water entered her mouth, she didn't feel bitter at all.

"Sister Jiahui, let's go..."

These are the last words that Lin Mu left behind by gritting his teeth.

Since the Jiangnan Ye family can plot against him here, he will obviously send someone here to make sure he is dead.

How could Tong Jiahui leave Lin Mu alone at this time, with all her strength, Tong Jiahui pulled Lin Mu up with all her strength.

Floating to the surface of the water again, Tong Jiahui didn't know where the strength came from, and dragged the trees desperately to swim out.

Tong Jiahui didn't know the direction at all, and couldn't see the land. She just paddled desperately, trying to find a safe place.

I don't know if it was Tong Jiahui's luck, or Lin Mu's life was undeserved.

Just when Tong Jiahui was almost out of strength, a big tide came over.

Feeling that the tide was pushing her forward, Tong Jiahui didn't need to paddle for the time being, and let the tide push her forward, but she was holding on to Lin Mu's hand, but she refused to let go.

Just when Lin Mu and Tong Jiahui were pushed to nowhere, a helicopter quickly arrived at the sea area where Lin Mu and the others had just left.

"Did you see anyone?" On the helicopter, the member of the Ye family who was beaten away by Lin Mu asked another person while patrolling the sea.

"No! It may have been eaten by sharks long ago!" Another person said while searching.

"This man is very strong. We can't take it lightly. We must find his body. Even if we can't find it, we must find evidence of his death."

Tong Jiahui didn't know that someone was still looking for them. At this time, Tong Jiahui didn't know where to find a piece of wood.She was holding the board and pulling the trees, and she didn't know the direction at all as she moved forward with the ocean current.

(End of this chapter)

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