Supreme Chef

Chapter 376

Chapter 376

Lin Mu also laughed when he heard Shen Siyun's words, but the smile was very cold: "I never thought that my death would attract so many monsters and monsters. It seems that they can't wait for my death."

Shen Siyun said: "Ever since you were born, they have already felt a deep sense of crisis. Now that you are dead, if they don't seize the opportunity to make a comeback, they will never have the chance .”

Lin Mu said: "But why don't they think about it, what if I don't die?"

Shen Siyun said: "That's why they are so eager to take action, just in case you are not dead. When you come back, the overall situation is already settled, and you will not be able to make any waves."

Lin Mu said: "Then I'm afraid they will be disappointed, I came back a bit earlier than they expected."

Shen Siyun smiled and said: "It's true that you came back a bit early. In fact, if I were an old man, I wouldn't let you come here as soon as they made a move. I will wait until they are almost done, and then let you shine Try to turn the tide, so I can appreciate and appreciate their wonderful expressions."

Lin Mu looked at Shen Siyun and said with a smile, "You really think of me as a superman?"

Shen Siyun smiled sweetly, and said: "In my eyes, you are a superman, such a serious air crash. The plane disintegrated in the air, but you were safe and sound. What are you not a superman?"

Lin Mu smiled and said, "You praise me so much, if I don't put on a good show for you, I'm afraid I'll be sorry to you."

Shen Siyun nodded, and said: "Of course. Why is this lady condescending and running all the way to pick you up?"

Lin Mu unintentionally glanced at the roadblocks that had been set up ahead, and said, "Maybe a good show will be staged soon."

Seeing the roadblock ahead, Shen Siyun frowned slightly, and said: "They are really bold, they set up a roadblock here."

After speaking, Shen Siyun rummaged from the box in front of the car for a long time, took out a human skin mask, threw it to Lin Mu and said, "Here! Put this on, and they won't recognize you."

Lin Mu looked at the human skin mask and said, "It seems that you have already prepared it."

Shen Siyun argued: "Don't get me wrong, I didn't know in advance this time, and I planned to use you as a weapon. This is what I usually prepare for myself."

Lin Mu believed what Shen Siyun said.There is nothing in the world that this little witch can't do.So in her grandfather's car, it is quite normal to prepare some of these things.

Lin Mu put on the human skin mask, glanced at the rear view mirror, and found that the human skin mask was really exquisite, with no traces visible at all.

Shen Siyun glanced at the completely changed forest, and was also very satisfied, then took out a certificate and said, "This is your certificate."

Lin Mu opened the certificate and found that this certificate was matched with this human skin mask.Shen Siyun's thought was thoughtful.

Shen Siyun said: "The person in front may be Guoan, what are you going to do?"

When it came to Guoan Linmu, he didn't have a good impression, and said, "What do you think I should do? How about I take you to smash the scene?"

"Smash the scene!" Hearing Lin Mu's suggestion, Shen Siyun's eyes couldn't help but brighten up, and said, "Okay! Okay! This is my favorite! I'll go with you!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Siyun took out a human skin mask, put it on his face, and changed his appearance, saying: "Since you are messing up the scene, don't show your true colors. I like to do good deeds without leaving a name!"

Seeing Shen Siyun's proficiency, Lin Mu knew that it was not the first time for Shen Siyun to do such a thing.

Lin Mu and his car were quickly inspected. Several national security personnel glanced at the license plate and at each other, then stepped forward and said, "Miss, please show your ID."

Shen Siyun had already prepared to smash the scene, so he didn't come up politely with them, and directly cursed: "Are you all blind? Can't you see whose car this is? You also want to use Commander Shi's car." Dare to stop!"

The staff of the national security, with a serious and businesslike look, said: "We don't care whose car this is, we are now performing official duties. We cannot allow any terrorists who may damage the capital to enter. Please show your ID !"

The terrorists who destroyed the capital actually came to check the trees to see if they were alive and whether they had already arrived in Beijing.

"Terrorist!" Shen Siyun sneered, and said, "Which terrorist do you think can swagger in in Commander Shi's car?"

The people from Guoan resolutely said, "We don't care about this, we are just ordered to conduct a routine inspection, please show your ID!"

Shen Siyun was furious when he heard it, and said: "Auntie, I also came out to perform official duties, and I didn't bring any documents!"

Lin Mu watched from the side, and Shen Siyun secretly praised her for showing her acting skills to the fullest.

"Where's your ID, sir?" Seeing that Shen Siyun was not easy to mess with, the people from Guoan could only turn their guns on Lin Shu.

Lin Mu glanced sideways at the Guoan people, and said, "You're blind, but you're still deaf! Our team leader has already said that we're here to carry out secret missions, and we're not allowed to bring ID."

Shen Siyun looked at Lin Mu, and also gave him an appreciative look.

The people from Guoan were scolded by the two before they could ask anything, and they felt very angry.

"Please get out of the car, we now suspect that your car is stolen!"

After Shen Siyun listened to it, she also felt it was funny.In this world, whose car can never be lost.It must be this old car of my old man.

"Why do you say that we stole it, get out of here quickly, don't delay our mission!" Shen Siyun was also furious.

"Get out of the car! Get out of the car now! Or we will take action!"

Several people from Guoan suddenly drew out their guns and said threateningly.

Lin Mu and Shen Siyun looked at each other, and they both saw a smile in each other's eyes.Then obediently got out of the car, but neither of them stopped cursing.

"Take them away! Take them all away! Take them back to the headquarters for a proper interrogation!" The Guoan personnel were also furiously scolded by the two, and they were handcuffed and taken away with a wave of their hands.

The goal was achieved, Lin Mu and Shen Siyun stopped scolding.

"Why don't you stop scolding? Didn't you scold me very happily just now? Why do you know you're afraid now?" the people from Guoan threatened viciously.

Shen Siyun sneered contemptuously, and said, "I'm tired of scolding my aunt, and I want to take a break. If you are willing to listen, my aunt will continue to scold. I promise that there will be no repetitions for an hour. Do you want to listen?"

When the people in Guoan heard Shen Siyun's words, they were so angry that they almost vomited blood.He raised his hand to teach him a lesson, Shen Siyun.

"Don't act rashly, bring it back to the headquarters and talk about it!" As soon as he was about to make a move, he was stopped by another mature and prudent old Guo'an.

Seeing that she had no chance to get angry, Shen Siyun was also very depressed, and said: "Grandson! If you have the ability, come and beat my aunt. If my aunt screams that it hurts, it's not your aunt!"

Looking at Shen Siyun, who is full of ruffians, Lin Mu really wants to laugh.As for the Guoan man, his face was livid with anger.But helplessly, he was stopped by his colleagues, and he couldn't get angry.

Seeing that the provocation was unsuccessful, Shen Siyun didn't bother to scold, and continued to close her eyes and rest, waiting for a while to make things worse.

After bumping for an hour, Shen Siyun and Lin Mu were brought to the outskirts of the capital, in an old factory building.

Looking at the dilapidated surroundings, Lin Mu couldn't help sighing that the same people have different fates.

The place where Shi Jin lives has beautiful mountains and clear waters, and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant.Look at Guoan again, it's just a dump.No matter how well the interior is repaired, it is still a dump.

Lin Mu and Shen Siyun were pushed and pushed into the factory building, and then they entered the elevator.But the elevator does not go up, but down.

About ten meters underground, the elevator opened, and a modern office appeared in front of the two of them.

There had been speculation about these two people for a long time, so I was not surprised at all.

"Leave them to us." As soon as they got out of the elevator, four people came up and said to the people who brought Lin Mu over.

After the handcuffs were untied, the people who came later took out the other two pairs of handcuffs and put them on for Lin Mu and Shen Siyun again.

Then the four people pressed Lin Mu and Shen Siyun into a room that was completely sealed, and left them alone.

(End of this chapter)

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