Supreme Chef

Chapter 394

Chapter 394

"Soul chains!" Lin Mu stared at the three chains and shouted in surprise.

Soul chains, as the name suggests, lock people's souls.

But Lin Mu was not surprised by this, but because this is a method only available to practitioners.

And although this is called a soul chain, in fact it is not the soul that is locked, but the primordial spirit used to imprison the practitioner.

Three blood-red chains pierced through the body of the ancient shikigami as soon as they appeared.


The ancient shikigami screamed, staring at the three Patriarch Naihe with blood-red eyes, and said: "Those three despicable guys divided my primordial spirit, and even forged a soul chain to imprison me. I will kill you!"

However, when the three Patriarchs saw this, they quickly stirred the chains, causing the ancient shikigami to roll on the ground in pain.

Some people may be able to bear the pain of flesh and blood, but this kind of pain that directly affects the soul is not something that people can bear.

After rolling and tossing all over the floor for a long time, the ancient shikigami also knew that he could not break free from the chains, so he could only accept his fate.

"What do you want me to do?" the ancient shikigami asked.

However, Patriarch and the others were delighted to see the ancient shikigami surrender, and said quickly, "I want you to kill that Huaxia man."

The ancient shikigami glanced at Lin Mu, and said, "You can kill him, but after killing him, I want you to let me go."

However, the three Patriarchs hesitated when they heard this condition.

This ancient shikigami obviously has enmity with the three of them. If he is released, won't it be the same as letting the tiger go back to the mountain?When the time comes, he will slaughter his own three families in turn, and they will have no room to resist.

The ancient shikigami seemed to see the worry of the three of them, and said, "Don't worry, if you let me go, I won't take revenge on you. The matter of the older generation is over, and those three old men are already dead." , I don’t want to be as knowledgeable as you juniors.”

The three of Patriarch Naihe were silent for a while, and exchanged glances with each other. In the end, Patriarch Naihe gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! We agree, as long as you kill this Huaxia man, we will let you go."

The ancient shikigami also smiled in satisfaction when he got the answer he wanted.

Turning his head, the ancient shikigami looked at Lin Mu, and said with a smirk, "Huaxia people, you'd better not let me do it. If you kill yourself, you will be less painful."

Lin Mu rolled his eyes, and gave the ancient shikigami two words: "Stupid|forceful!"

The ancient shikigami didn't get angry when he heard Lin Mu's words, and said, "For the sake of us being Chinese, I forgive you for your disrespect to me."

Lin Mu gave the Ancient Shikigami another roll of his eyes, and said: "I found out, saying you're stupid is flattering you. You're not even as stupid as a cultivator on the ninth floor of the Nascent Soul, who was killed by a bunch of bastards." Not to mention killing him, he was imprisoned by a gang of bastards, and now he still believes what the bastards said."

This time it was the turn of the ancient shikigami to be surprised: "You can see that I am the primordial spirit, and you can also see my cultivation base? Are you also a cultivator? How is it possible? Is there another sect of cultivation in China?"

Listening to the ancient shikigami talking to himself, Lin Mu suddenly felt that this ancient shikigami had been imprisoned for too long, and his head was already showing off.

After the ancient shikigami talked to himself for a long time, Lin Mu was really impatient to hear: "Will you fight or not, hurry up and finish the job quickly. Since you are willing to be a dog to the bastard, I will send you to the west as soon as possible."

Hearing Lin Mu's words, the ancient shikigami woke up from his chaotic thoughts, glared at Lin Mu ferociously and said, "Since you are also a cultivator, you can just serve as a cauldron for me to regain my physical body."

After Lin Mu listened to the words of the ancient shikigami, he began to raise his aura until it reached the peak of the third foundation building.

The ancient shikigami couldn't help laughing wildly when he saw that Lin Mu was only at the third level of foundation building, and said, "I thought you were such a powerful cultivator. Fingers can crush you to death."

After speaking, the ancient shikigami also began to raise their momentum crazily, and soon surpassed the trees.

Lin Mu looked at the ancient shikigami who looked like an idiot, and cast a very pitiful look.

Before the ancient shikigami could understand what Lin Mu's eyes meant.A thunderbolt suddenly fell from the top of his head.


The sky thunder fell and struck directly on the primordial spirit of the ancient shikigami.

Whether it is a ghost or a soul, the most feared thing is the sky thunder.

A thunder fell, and the ancient shikigami screamed, and the primordial spirit was directly chopped off by almost one-tenth.

However, the ancient shikigami was not a real shikigami, but a cultivator. He naturally knew what was going on, and quickly gathered his momentum.

"The rules of heaven and earth have changed!" The ancient shikigami said in shock as he watched the gradually dissipating Jieyun.

Lin Mu looked at the ancient Shikigami as if looking at an idiot, and said, "You said that I just said you were stupid, did you flatter you?"

Being ridiculed by Lin Mu continuously, the ancient shikigami became angry no matter how good-tempered he was.

But the ancient shikigami is not a child after all, but an old monster.He quickly forced himself to calm down.And with the fastest speed, I found the crux of the problem.

Lin Mu could tell at a glance that he used to be a cultivator at the ninth level of the Nascent Soul. Obviously, his cultivation level could not be lower than his own, otherwise, how could he see his cultivation level at a glance.

If you look at it this way, you are really a bit stupid|forced.

The ancient shikigami also followed Lin Shu's example and raised his cultivation to the peak of the third foundation building, and he really felt the faint pressure immediately.

Determined that he would not lure the Heavenly Tribulation down again, the ancient god said: "Even if the foundation is built on the third floor, the old man can still take your life, so just obediently be the cauldron of the old man!"

Looking at this ancient shikigami, Lin Mu was really speechless.How can there be such a stupid cultivator in this world, or he has been trapped by the Orientals for a long time, and his IQ has moved closer to the Orientals.

Looking at the expression on Lin Mu's face, the ancient shikigami didn't give Lin Mu another chance to ridicule himself.With a sharp shout, he rushed towards the trees.

Seeing the ancient shikigami attacking, Lin Mu didn't intend to give way, and flew up directly.

Although this ancient shikigami is just the soul of a Nascent Soul ninth-level cultivator, it was raised as a shikigami by the ancestors of the Naihe family, the Yamamoto family, and the Kawashima family.However, there are not too many weaknesses of the cultivator Yuanshen.


Lin Mu and the ancient shikigami directly shook together. Lin Mu's fist hit the ancient shikigami's fist, but it felt almost like hitting a human body.


With a bang, the auras in the bodies of the two collided violently, and a violent explosion occurred.

The air wave generated by the explosion directly blasted a huge earth pit out of the place where the two of them were.The rockery next to it was also affected, and fell directly to the ground, breaking into countless stones.


Lin Mu and Shikigami each took a step back, Shikigami looked at his still intact body, and laughed frantically: "The three old men did a good thing, making the old man's primordial spirit so powerful. "

It's a good thing for the ancient shikigami, but it's not a good thing for Lin Mu.

The Heavenly Tribulation was mainly aimed at himself, so Lin Shu was oppressed even more.Moreover, Lin Shu is tantamount to practicing from the beginning, and the current real cultivation level is the third level of foundation building.The spiritual energy stored in the body is simply incomparable to the ancient shikigami in front of him.

Originally, Lin Mu wanted to use some weaknesses of Yuanshen to deal with this ancient shikigami, but unexpectedly, these weaknesses were made up for by the three old bastards.

"It turns out that you are only building the third floor of the foundation, and you still want to deceive the old man with your bluff, so I will send you to heaven today!" After the real contact, the ancient shikigami also discovered Lin Shu's true cultivation.

Lin Mu said: "Whether you can send me to the west depends on whether you have the ability."

After knowing that his primordial spirit body is not bad, the ancient shikigami is also more confident.

And he believes that, although they are also the third layer of foundation building.But his own combat experience is simply not comparable to Lin Shu.So he also took the initiative to attack.

When meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins, Lin Mu is still clear about this reason.Therefore, he did not choose to retreat, but also took the initiative to attack.



There was a series of explosions in the confrontation between the two.Almost the entire backyard was moved to flat ground during the explosion.

However, the three Patriarchs were also dumbfounded looking at the backyard full of big holes on the ground.

They didn't expect that the power of the ancient shikigami was so great, let alone that Lin Mu's strength was comparable to that of the ancient shikigami.

(End of this chapter)

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