Supreme Chef

Chapter 399 Temporary Workers

Chapter 399 Temporary Workers

The door was kicked open suddenly, startling everyone in the room.

Tang Xin was stunned when he saw the two people walking in: "Lin Mu, Mu Xue, why are you here?"

When the urban management saw a man and a woman who suddenly barged in, they were also slightly taken aback.Immediately, all the male urban management involuntarily turned their gazes to Mu Xue's G's twin peaks.

When Lin Mu saw Tang Xin's broken forehead, the anger in his heart burned even more.

"Who did it?" Lin Mu's voice was cold, as if it came from an ice cellar.

"Who are you? Who let you in?" Lin Mu's voice brought the urban management back to reality.

Lin Mu didn't pay attention to the captain's question, but repeated it, "Who did it?"

The city manager who pushed Tang Xin just now stood up arrogantly and said, "What's wrong with me?"

Lin Mu sneered and said, "Okay! Very good!"

After speaking, everyone felt their eyes blur, and then they saw that Lin Mu had already stood up and pushed him in front of Tang Xin's urban management.

The sudden appearance of Lin Shu also startled the urban management officer, and subconsciously took a step back.

"You... what are you going to do?" the urban management officer asked with some stuttering words.

Lin Mu grabbed his neck and said with a sneer, "If you don't do anything, I'll let you experience the feeling of smashing your head."

After speaking, Lin Mu directly pulled his head down, and grabbed him to the place where Tang Xin broke his head just now.


Lin Mu directly pulled the urban management officer's neck, and he used the urban management officer heavily to the ground, knocking his entire face on the hard and cold tiles.


The tiles shattered, and the head of the urban management officer was almost deformed by the impact, and blood flowed out like money.

But Lin Mu didn't want his life, so he wasn't dead yet, but almost dead.

"" Seeing Lin Mu's attack so fiercely, the rest of the city management team members were also speechless.

Lin Mu let go, looked at the rest of the urban management team, and said, "Who else did it just now?"

Seeing Lin Mu attacking so hard, how dare they admit it.One or two are silent, and some even dare not look into the eyes of the trees.

"Tang Xin, are you okay?" Mu Xue helped Tang Xin up and asked with concern.

Tang Xin shook his head and said, "I'm fine, why are you here?"

Mu Xue took out a wet towel, wiped the blood on Tang Xin's forehead, and said distressedly: "He said it's okay, if we don't come, you will be beaten to death."

Tang Xin didn't feel it if Mu Xue didn't wipe it. After Mu Xue wiped it like this, Tang Xin realized that his forehead was broken.

"The police are here! The police are here!" someone shouted from the crowd, and then the crowd dispersed automatically, and four policemen walked in.

Seeing the police coming, these city management officers were relieved, after all, the police were their own people.

"What's going on?" asked a black-faced policeman in the lead.

The urban management captain trotted to the front of the police, looked at Lin Mu with a little complacency, and said, "Captain Wang severely injured our people."

Captain Wang glanced at the city management team member who was lying on the ground, his head was deformed, his face darkened even more, and he said sharply, "Arrest him!"

Lin Mu took a step forward, picked up the captain of the city management team, then fell behind and said, "You can't fight, but it's pretty quick to make a small report."

"What are you doing!" The black-faced policeman shouted angrily when he saw that Lin Mu dared to commit murder in front of him.

The captain of the urban management managed to get up from the ground, and said, "Captain Wang, quickly arrest this thug! We can't let him commit crimes again!"

Lin Mu turned his head and gave the urban management captain a cold look, who immediately shut his mouth.

Lin Mu said: "Captain Wang, right? You should be able to contact the leaders of your city. This is my ID. Let the leaders of your city roll over to me as quickly as possible!"

Captain Wang was about to get angry when he heard Lin Mu's words, but when he saw the dazzling national emblem on Lin Mu's certificate, he swallowed back the words that came to his lips.

Captain Wang took the ID from Lin Mu's hand, and just glanced at it, his hand trembled.

"Hello, Chief!" Captain Wang is a professional soldier, and he knows what the certificate in Lin Mu's hand means.

Lin Mudao: "Captain Wang, I have expressed my meaning very clearly just now, don't you need me to repeat it again?"

Captain Wang said: "The chief's meaning has been expressed very clearly."

Lin Mu said: "Then why are you still standing here? You haven't informed your city leaders. Tell them that you can't make it through within 10 minutes and let him resign tomorrow."

"Yes! Chief!" Captain Wang replied loudly.

The urban management captain saw that Captain Wang didn't even dare to refuse Lin Mu's words, his body trembled involuntarily, and his face became much paler.

"Ling Mu, look at Tang Xin first, I'll go buy some gauze." Mu Xue had already seen Lin Mu's power, so she wasn't surprised by Lin Mu's performance.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Go, I'm here."

Tang Xin grabbed Mu Xue who was about to leave, and said, "No need, there is a medicine box inside the counter."

When Mu Xue heard Tang Xin's words, she hurried to the counter to search for the medicine box.

After bandaging Tang Xin, Lin Mu had time to ask Tang Xin what happened.

The matter was similar to what Mu Xue said, because of the demolition issue, Tang Xin's father had a conflict with the city management.The urban management made a mistake and beat him to death.

Originally, Tang Xin was planning to wait for his father's first seven days to pass and let the old man go away quietly, before he got into trouble with these people, but he didn't expect them to come directly to the door.

After listening to Tang Xin's words, Lin Mu turned to look at the captain of the city management team, and said, "Who took the lead in beating, was it you?"

The captain of the urban management team looked at Lin Mu, shivered involuntarily, nodded, then quickly shook his head and said, "No... no, I took the lead, but I didn't hit anyone!"

Lin Mu came to the captain of the city management in two steps, grabbed the captain of the city management from the ground, and said, "You didn't make a move, did you? Then tell me who did it."

The captain of the urban management trembled tremblingly, and looked back at his subordinates. Those subordinates all trembled involuntarily, and each of them looked uglier than the other.Afraid that his captain would point to himself.

"I... I forgot, the scene was too chaotic at that time, I... I didn't see it clearly." The urban management captain stammered.

Lin Mu sneered, and said: "You want to show loyalty, right? Then I will fulfill you, and I will treat it as your doing!"

After Lin Mu said, he threw the urban management captain down hard, only to hear a 'click', two sounds of bones breaking, and then he heard the urban management captain's screams like killing a pig.

Lin Mu said: "If you want to show loyalty, you can kneel here and watch Uncle Tang's spirit. When Uncle Tang forgives you, you can get up again."

When the urban management captain heard Lin Mu's words, his heart was ashamed.Uncle Tang forgives him, how could Uncle Tang forgive him, Uncle Tang is dead.

Could it be that if Uncle Tang doesn't forgive him, he will kneel here every day.


Lin Mu gave the captain of the city management a cold look, and said, "I didn't let you talk. When Uncle Tang forgives you, you can talk again."

The cold murderous intent on Lin Mu's body made the captain of the urban management unable to say a word, and his body was only trembling.

"Tell me." Lin Mu pointed to another city manager and asked coldly.

"I... I... don't know, I didn't make a move, I'm just a temporary worker!" The urban management who was selected by Lin Mu said tremblingly.

Lin Mu said coldly, "You're a temporary worker, right? If I hurt you, isn't that considered a work-related injury?"

"I... I... know, I know." Seeing Lin Mu walking towards him, the urban management officer said hastily.

Now all these urban managers are really regretful. If they knew that Tang Xin's family had such a deep background, even if they were killed, they would not come here.

(End of this chapter)

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