Supreme Chef

Chapter 434 Mysterious Forces

Chapter 434 Mysterious Forces
When the female cultivator heard Lin Mu's words, she straightened her expression and said, "Fellow Daoist, my father was poisoned by the Chilian snake, but he was not bitten by the Chilian snake, but injured by a villain with a hidden weapon."

Lin Mudao: "Do you know what level of red-trained snake venom your father has? If it is above level five, then this bear bile is useless to you."

The female cultivator frowned, and said, "Are there still levels of snake venom?"

Lin Mudao: "Of course, for red snake venom below level [-], it is effective to use level [-] red brown bear bile. For red snake venom above level [-], if you use the fourth level red brown bear's bear gall, it can only It works as a reliever, but not as a detoxifier.”

After the nun heard this, her pretty face turned pale, and she said, "There is such a saying?"

The two male cultivators who followed the female cultivator shook their heads blankly when they saw the female cultivator's gaze. Obviously, they had never heard of such a saying.

Although I haven't heard of it, it doesn't mean it's fake. The female cultivator also quickly bowed and said: "Fellow Daoist knows the red brown bear so well, I think you must be an alchemist. Please also ask the alchemist to follow me to Xipu City to save my father. , I must thank the Xipu Chamber of Commerce."

Yu'er finally took the bait, Lin Mu was also secretly happy, and made a look of embarrassment, and said: "I am indeed an alchemist, but I haven't gone to the craftsman's union to verify my alchemist level."

The female cultivator heard this, and quickly said: "It doesn't matter, the teleportation array leading to the nearest craftsman's guild in Xipu City is under the jurisdiction of my Xipu Chamber of Commerce. As long as Master Alchemy can save my father, I will send someone to send it to the Master of Alchemy immediately." People go to the Craftsman Guild."

That's what Lin Mu wanted, nodded, and said, "Okay, I'll go with you. But if it's a Chi Lian Snake above level five, I can't help it."

The nun said: "No matter what, I, the Xipu Chamber of Commerce, will thank alchemist for your help."

After a pause, the nun said: "Little girl Wen Fei, I haven't asked the name of the alchemist."

Lin Mu said: "My name is Lin Mu."

Wen Fei cupped her hands again, and said, "So it's Master Lin Dan, the little girl is being polite."

Wen Fei paused for a moment, and said, "Master Lin Dan should be a body refiner, right?"

In fact, Wen Fei had wanted to ask this question a long time ago. Based on Lin Mu's strength and physical strength in dealing with the red brown bear with his bare hands just now, coupled with Lin Mu's not high cultivation level, Wen Fei guessed that Lin Mu should be a physical practitioner.

Lin Mu shook his head, and said, "I just happened to get an incomplete book of body training exercises, and it's not just physical training for fun."

Of course, Lin Mu would not admit that he is a body cultivator, because the value of body training exercises and spiritual consciousness exercises are very great in the world of self-cultivation. read.

After hearing Lin Mu's explanation, Wen Fei didn't think much about it, but said, "Master Lin Dan, come back to the city with me now, and go save my father."

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Okay!"

After Wen Fei finished speaking, she sacrificed her flying magic weapon.

Looking at this third-grade flying spirit treasure, Lin Mu's eyes also shined.

Although there is no shortage of spiritual treasures in the cultivation world, flying magic weapons specially used for flying are very rare, especially high-level flying magic weapons are even rarer.

Wen Fei can own a third-grade flying spirit treasure, which shows that her status is definitely not ordinary in the Xipu Chamber of Commerce.

After the four of them boarded the flying magic weapon, Wen Fei asked one of the two people who came with her to control the flying magic weapon, while she chatted with Lin Mu.

"Master Lin, I don't know how many alchemists you plan to certify when you go to the craftsman union this time?" Wen Fei asked.

Wen Fei's question really stumped Lin Mu.

In the realm of comprehension, of course, the higher the alchemy level, the better, but my current cultivation is not good enough. If I really want to certify a high-level alchemist, I may be captured by a certain force and become a tool for their alchemy. This was obviously not what Lin Mu wanted.

Seeing Lin Mu frowning, Wen Fei quickly explained: "Master Lin, don't misunderstand, it's just that the largest craftsman union in Xipu City is far away from me, and the highest can only be certified as a third-rank alchemist. I'm worried..."

Lin Mu smiled, interrupted Wen Fei, and said, "Don't be nervous, I just don't know how many alchemists I am."

Wen Fei also breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Lin Mu's words, and said, "Master Lin Dan, why are you in the Xipu Forest?"

Lin Mudao: "I'm here to find some elixir, I'm going to refine the Great Yi Dan, and I'm going to attack the Golden Pill."

When Wen Fei heard that Lin Mu could refine Dayi Dan, her expression changed again, and she said in surprise: "Master Lin Dan, can you refine a third-grade elixir——Dayi Dan?"

Dayi Dan is a necessary elixir for foundation-builders to attack the golden elixir, and it is a third-grade elixir.

Lin Mu didn't know why Wen Fei was so surprised, but he nodded and said, "I can indeed refine Dayi Dan, is there something wrong?"

Wen Fei managed to regain her usual expression, and said, "So Lin alchemist should be a third-rank alchemist."

Lin Mu nodded again and said, "It should be counted."

Wen Fei said with a serious face: "Master Lin Dan, Wen Fei has an unfeeling request. Wen Fei hopes that after Master Lin Dan goes to the Craftsman Union for certification, he can serve as a guest elder in my Xipu Chamber of Commerce. Of course, my Xipu Chamber of Commerce will definitely We will spare no effort to support Danshi Lin.”

After hearing Wen Fei's words, Lin Mu became a little confused.Although the third-rank master said that the level is not low, it should not be too high for a five-star force. This Wen Fei is too enthusiastic about herself.

And according to Lin Mu's understanding, although alchemists are rare in both the cultivation world and the fairy world, it is not possible for a five-star power to humbly beg him, a third-rank alchemist.

Moreover, this five-star force is still a chamber of commerce. With the financial and resources of the chamber of commerce, it shouldn't be a problem to invite a fourth-rank alchemist.

Alchemists below the third rank are collectively called alchemists, those from the third rank to the sixth rank are called spirit alchemists, and those from the sixth rank to the ninth rank are called semi-immortal alchemists.

Lin Mudao: "Doesn't your Xipu Chamber of Commerce have no alchemists?"

Wen Fei's face turned awkward, and said, "There is only one second-rank alchemist elder in my Xipu Chamber of Commerce."

Hearing Wen Fei's words, Lin Mu became even more confused. There is only one second-rank alchemist elder in a dignified five-star power, which is obviously unreasonable.

Seeing Lin Mu's bewildered expression, Wen Fei seemed to guess something, and said, "Master Lin Dan has been practicing all year round, so he doesn't know what's going on outside, right?"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "I was taken away by my master since I was born, and I have been practicing with my master. Today is the first time I have left my master to practice alone."

Wen Fei said: "Didn't your master tell you something about the cultivation world?"

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "Master has never told me anything about the world of cultivation other than guiding me in cultivation."

Wen Fei nodded, and said suddenly, "It's no wonder."

Lin Mu asked back, "No wonder why?"

Wen Fei said: "Alchemist Lin probably didn't know that 500 years ago, a mysterious force suddenly appeared in West Jizhou, which hunted and killed alchemists who were cultivators, causing the alchemists in West Jizhou to flee to death."

Lin Mu really doesn't know about this, because alchemists have a very high status no matter in the realm of cultivation or in the world of immortality, and that force treats alchemists respectfully, so how come there are forces that specifically kill alchemists.

Lin Mu said: "What else?"

Wen Fei nodded, and said: "That's true, that force seems to have popped up in Xijizhou all of a sudden, it specializes in hunting alchemists, and it comes and goes without a trace. Many forces in Xijizhou, many They encircled and suppressed them for the first time, but in the end they didn't even catch a single figure of them.

The reason why my father was assassinated this time was also when he was protecting the second-rank alchemist of our chamber of commerce, he was assassinated by those people. "

Lin Mu frowned after hearing Wen Fei's words. Lin Mu had never heard of such a strange force.

(End of this chapter)

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