Supreme Chef

Chapter 438 I Don't Accept Apprentices

Chapter 438 I Don't Accept Apprentices
Holding Ou Bin in one hand, Lin Mu said, "Now is not the time to be sad, take me to see your father."

When Wen Fei heard Lin Mu's words, she also reacted, nodded heavily, and gritted her teeth: "I will not let Ah Da and Ah Er die in vain. Let's go! I will take you to see my father now."

"Miss, you are back!" Wen Fei and Lin Mu said in surprise when they saw an old man on the third floor of Nascent Soul before taking two steps.

Wen Fei bowed her hands and said, "Third Elder, I found the gall of the red brown bear."

The third elder was overjoyed when he heard that Wen Fei had found the gall of the red brown bear, and said, "Okay! That's great, the president is saved now!"

After the surprise, the third elder looked at Lin Mu vigilantly, and said, "Who is he?"

Wen Fei just remembered, and quickly introduced to the third elder, saying: "The third elder is Lin Danshi, I invited Lin Danshi back to help refine the detoxification pill, and the bear bile of Ou Bin and the red brown bear are both Lin Danshi Helped get it."

"Ou Bin!" The third elder was also surprised when he heard that Wen Fei and the others had captured Ou Bin.

Wen Fei said: "Yes."

The third elder looked at the person in Lin Mu's hand. It was indeed Ou Bin, and he also laughed loudly: "Okay! Okay! This time, my Xipu Chamber of Commerce has been saved. Miss, you take Master Lin Dan to treat the president immediately, and Ou Bin Leave it to me, and I will bring it to the Great Elder for disposal."

"it is good!"

Wen Fei nodded, and Lin Mu also directly threw Ou Bin to the third elder.

Wen Fei took the trees and quickly passed through the inner hall and the courtyards, and arrived at the place where Wen Fei's father was recuperating.

"Miss, you are back!" Seeing Wen Fei's return, the guards in the inner courtyard immediately came up to say hello.

"How is my father's situation?" Wen Fei didn't have time to greet everyone, and asked her father's situation directly.

"The poison in the president has been temporarily suppressed. Master Ye is in the room, trying to find a way to detoxify the president?" Someone stepped forward and said to Wen Fei.

Wen Fei said, "I found the gall of the red brown bear, and immediately took me to see my father."

Hearing that Wen Fei had found the gall of the red brown bear, everyone couldn't help but be overjoyed, and without further ado, they took Wen Fei directly into the president's room.

"Alchemist Ye has worked hard. I found the bear gall of the red brown bear, and I can refine the detoxification pill." Wen Fei came to an old man in a blue gown with a third-level golden core, and said respectfully.

The old man was wearing a long gown unique to alchemists, and the red medicine cauldron on his chest represented that he was a second-rank alchemist.

When Ye Youshen heard that Wen Fei had found the bear gall, he couldn't help being overjoyed, and said, "Okay! Great, I'll start refining the detoxification pill now."

"Wait!" Lin Mu said suddenly.

Wen Fei turned her head to look at Lin Mu, and said, "Is there any problem with Master Lin Dan?"

Lin Mudao: "Master Ye, I don't intend to offend you, but I would like to ask, how does Master Ye plan to refine the detoxification pill?"

The alchemist's character is generally very arrogant. Hearing someone dare to question him like this, Ye Youshen is also very upset, but because of Wen Fei's face, he still said: "Naturally use bear bile to match lotus root. Refining detoxification pills."

Lin Mu said: "If the president survives after taking your detoxification pill, he should really thank you."

"What do you mean!" Ye Youshen was also furious when he heard Lin Mu's words, and said: "Miss, I am employed by the Xipu Chamber of Commerce and have been working hard. When the Chamber of Commerce is in trouble, I have not given up on it. Let me go, just say it. Why find a brat who doesn't even have alchemist certification to humiliate this old man!"

When Wen Fei heard Ye Youshen's words, she also glanced at Lin Mu in embarrassment.

Lin Mu didn't seem to see Ye Youshen's glaring at all, and said in a calm manner: "President Wen has the snake venom of the fourth-level red-brown snake, but it can be detoxified with the fourth-level red-brown bear gall. It's just that Chi-lian Snake venom also has another characteristic. According to the degree of snake venom entering the human body, the supplementary drugs are naturally different.

Bear bile combined with lotus root is completely useful when the snake venom has not invaded the internal organs, but when the snake venom invades the internal organs, using lotus root as medicine can only speed up the spread of the toxin.To detoxify, one must use the tailbone of the Chilian Snake as medicine, attack the poison with the poison, and neutralize the poison with bear bile, in order to completely detoxify. "

Everyone present did not understand what Lin Mu said, but Ye Youshen, who was also an alchemist, showed a thoughtful expression after hearing Lin Mu's words.

After a while, Ye Youshen suddenly bowed and said shamelessly: "A villain has eyes but doesn't know Mount Tai, Master Lin Dan has a good idea."

Ye Youshen bowed suddenly, which stunned the rest of the XJTLU Chamber of Commerce.

Ye Youshen's status in the Chamber of Commerce is definitely no less than that of the president. When has Ye Youshen been so polite to others?

Ye Youshen got up and said to Wen Fei, "Miss, it was indeed an old mistake just now, and she almost missed the president's life. It is indeed as Lin Danshi said, using bear bile and red training snake's tailbone to refine snake and bear pills for the meeting Long detoxification."

Pausing for a while, Ye Youshen said, "However, this old man doesn't know how to refine snake bear pills, so I asked Master Lin Dan to help."

After hearing Ye Youshen's words, Wen Fei also turned to look at Lin Mu quickly, and said, "Can master Lin Dan refine snake and bear pills?"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "I will, but I still need Alchemist Ye's help."

Ye Youshen bowed and said, "But according to Lin Danshi's orders."

Lin Mu quickly wrote down the pill formula of Snake Bear Pill on a piece of paper, and handed it to Ye Youshen, saying: "Master Ye, you and I cooperate to extract half of the medicinal materials above, and try to speed up the time of alchemy."

Ye Youshen took the prescription from Lin Mu and was also stunned, then suddenly fell to his knees and said, "Master, please accept Ye Youshen's respect!"

Ye Youshen did this suddenly, and Wen Fei and the others didn't react for a moment.Ye Youshen had a big beard and even knelt down to Lin Mu, and he was still an apprentice.

In fact, this is why Wen Fei and the others don't know some internal rules of alchemy.Alchemists are indeed very rare, but even more rare than alchemists are alchemists.

Every alchemist has his own alchemy recipes, and these alchemy recipes are their secrets, unless you worship under his sect, otherwise you will never get his alchemy recipes.

As for an alchemist, the more alchemy recipes you master, the greater your value, and likewise, you have a higher possibility of being promoted to a higher level alchemist than others.

Often the price of a good pill is several times, even dozens of times higher than the price of the pill itself.

There used to be people in the cultivation world who spent millions of high-grade spirit stones just to buy a pair of alchemy formulas.

So it can be seen that the value of this prescription given by Lin Mu is to Ye Youshen.

In fact, Lin Mu also did it on purpose, Ye Youshen has a good temper and is sincere enough.Lin Mu knew that he could not stay in Xipu City for a long time, and he had to go out to find resources.

And when he was gone, this Ye Youshen was obviously the best candidate to replace him.

Lin Mu helped Ye Youshen up, and said: "Master Ye, you are welcome, we will communicate frequently in the future, so we will be exempt from accepting apprentices."

Ye Youshen was inexplicably relieved when he heard that Lin Mu didn't want to accept him as an apprentice, and he didn't continue to insist.In fact, Ye Youshen didn't really want to be a teacher, but Lin Mu gave the pill formula, and he had to behave himself.

After all, Lin Mu looks too young, let him, at such an age, follow a boy every day and call out "Master", "Master", he really can't say it.

But soon Ye Youshen regretted that he didn't persist just now.

(End of this chapter)

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