Supreme Chef

Chapter 440

Chapter 440

Wen Changqing brought a group of people from the chamber of commerce to the front of the guard formation, seeing the formation that had almost been breached, Wen Changqing was also furious.

"Ouyang Lin, you old man, you took advantage of my injury and deceived me that there is no one in the chamber of commerce. Today, this old man vows to take your life!" Wen Changqing roared angrily.

Hearing Wen Changqing's roar, all the people in the Xipu Chamber of Commerce were in a state of spirit.

"President, have you recovered?" The Great Elder understood, Wen Changqing, and was also happy in his heart.

Although the Great Elder is also at the ninth level of the Nascent Soul, Chiyu Sect has three cultivators at the ninth level of the Nascent Soul, and his own side is also alone, so he can only lead the people from the Chamber of Commerce to passively defend.

If Wen Fei hadn't captured Ou Bin back, the formation of defending the mountain might have been broken by now.

Wen Changqing nodded to the Great Elder, and said, "Thank you, Great Elder."

The Great Elder waved his hand and said, "It's okay, the president is safe and sound, and the Xipu Chamber of Commerce will be saved."

After a pause, the Elder pointed at Ou Bin and said, "If Feifei hadn't captured this little bastard and let the old bastard Ouyang Lin use his tricks, I'm afraid my Xipu Chamber of Commerce would have been wiped out."


Ouyang Lin was also shocked when he heard Wen Changqing's words.He didn't expect Wen Changqing to recover so quickly.

Although his sect is an absolute master, he has an advantage.However, Wen Changqing's strength is even higher than his own, and Wen Changqing also has a sixth-grade spiritual treasure, so he is not Wen Changqing's opponent at all in terms of magic weapon.

So now Wen Changqing is fine, which means that it is impossible for him to win the Akabane faction today.

"Ouyang Lin, you old man, how dare you come out and fight with me!" Wen Changqing took a step forward, stood in front of the formation, and shouted with great fighting spirit.

Ouyang Lin looked at Wen Changqing, who was full of fighting spirit, his face changed a few times, and finally he snorted coldly and said: "Old man, today I don't want to argue with you anymore. Your Xipu Chamber of Commerce threatened my son, which has already made the world The comrades ridiculed, even if I fight you, I dare not use my full strength."

There is no such thing as the most shameless, only more shameless.

Obviously it was his Akabane faction who took advantage of the vacancy, but now he said that it was like the Xipu Chamber of Commerce took advantage of the danger.

Ouyang Lin said: "You return my son to me, and our Akabane faction will withdraw our troops here. You and I will still not violate the river water in the future."

Ouyang Lin knew that it was impossible for him to win this battle, so he might as well withdraw his troops as soon as possible, so as to save wasting time here and make people laugh.

In fact, Wen Changqing also understands the same truth.The Akabane faction can't eat his Xipu Chamber of Commerce today, and it is impossible for him to take revenge today.

If the two sides continue to fight like this, it will only allow others to reap the benefits of the fisherman. However, the XJTLU Chamber of Commerce lost so much today, and it is obviously impossible for him to swallow this breath.

Wen Changqing sucked Ou Bin into his hand with his palm, and without hesitation at all, shattered Ou Bin's golden core.

"Give this trash back to you!" Wen Changqing swung his arm and threw Ou Bin to Ouyang Lin who was opposite him.

Ouyang Lin saw his son flying over, so he hurriedly stepped forward to catch him.

Finding that his son's golden core had been shattered by Wen Changqing, Ouyang Lin was also furious, and roared angrily, "Wen Changqing, the old man and you are incompatible. In the future, Xipu City will have you without me, and me without you." !"

Ouyang Lin is just such a son, and he is also the son with the best talent, but in the end he was deposed by Wen Changqing. It's hard for him not to be angry.

Wen Changqing also responded strongly, saying: "However you want to play with the Akabane faction, I, the Xipu Chamber of Commerce, will accompany you at any time!"

With this incident, there would have been you without me, and me without you, so Wen Changqing didn't have to be polite to Ouyang Lin.To be polite at this time makes it appear that you are too hypocritical and cowardly.

Ouyang Lin glared at Wen Changqing angrily, as if he wanted to kill Wen Changqing with his eyes, and finally Ouyang Lin waved his hand angrily and said, "Let's go!"

The people from the Akabane faction withdrew, and Wen Changqing also turned to the people of the Xipu Chamber of Commerce, saying: "This time, the Xipu Chamber of Commerce suffered heavy losses. Fortunately, everyone resisted desperately. Now the matter is over, and I will let people discuss it later. Reward for meritorious deeds."

There is still some difference between the chamber of commerce and the sect. Although the chamber of commerce will also cultivate its own disciples, most of them are hired, so it is very necessary to reward each time after a war. The loyalty of the Chamber of Commerce, and finally willingly joined the Chamber of Commerce.

Wen Changqing explained a few words to the elder, and then took Wen Fei and others back to his courtyard.

Wen Changqing screened everyone back, leaving only Wen Fei alone.

"Feifei, what's going on with that Master Lin Dan?"

Now Wen Fei told her father everything in detail from when she met Lin Mu to when Lin Mu made alchemy for Wen Changqing.

Wen Changqing was also slightly surprised after hearing this.

"You mean Master Lin Dan killed a level four red brown bear with his bare hands?"

Wen Fei nodded, and said: "Yes. At that time, Ah Da and Ah Er, I and I were unable to attack for a long time. It happened that Master Lin Dan passed by. I asked Master Lin Dan to help, and Master Lin Dan killed the red brown bear with his bare hands."

After being confirmed, Wen Changqing also took a deep breath.If he didn't use spiritual energy and magic weapons, he might not be the opponent of a fourth-level red brown bear, but Lin Mu could kill a red brown bear with his bare hands. The physical strength of this Lin Shu is really shocking.

After being shocked for a moment, Wen Changqing said again: "Are you sure that alchemist Lin is a third-rank alchemist?"

Wen Fei said: "I wasn't sure at first, but then I asked Alchemist Ye. Alchemist Ye said that Lin Mu is at least a third-rank alchemist, and that Lin Mu's future cultivation in alchemy is limitless, and he is absolutely beyond his reach." of."

After a pause, Wen Fei added, "And if there is no Danshi Lin this time, I'm afraid I will miss your father's life."

After hearing this, Wen Changqing pondered for a moment, and said, "Hey, it's a pity that such a talent cannot stay in our XJTLU Chamber of Commerce forever."

Wen Fei said: "Father, the Xipu Chamber of Commerce is only a five-star force after all. If Lin Danshi is really a talent? He will definitely not be subservient to a five-star chamber of commerce, and Lin Danshi's master is waiting for him in Dongxuanzhou. I think his master let him out this time, it should be just to train him.

I am very lucky to be able to get the help of Lin Mu in the XJTLU Chamber of Commerce.And now that the XJTLU Chamber of Commerce has made good friends with Lin Danshi, it will be of great benefit in the future. "

Wen Changqing knew that what his daughter said was reasonable, so he could only nod his head and said, "That's the only way to go. After all, we are still not strong enough."

After a pause, Wen Fei said: "Father, Ah Da and Ah Er, in order to protect their daughter, they have already died with the people of the Akabane Sect. Master Lin Dan promised to help them refine Da Yi Dan. Dan, give it to Ah Da and Ah Er's family."

"What! Forest trees can refine Dayi Dan!" Wen Changqing really couldn't calm down this time.

Although Dayi Dan is only a third-grade elixir, it is generally the most difficult to refine the elixir that breaks through the cultivation base.Ordinary third-rank alchemists can't refine it at all.

In the past, this kind of situation was easy to solve, as long as the fourth-rank alchemist was invited to take action.But let alone spirit alchemists now, even ordinary alchemists are pitifully few.His XJTLU Chamber of Commerce has not sold Daedan for decades.

It is conceivable that if Lin Mu can really refine Da Yidan, then his Xipu Chamber of Commerce will become the most profitable chamber of commerce within a radius of ten thousand li.

(End of this chapter)

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