Supreme Chef

Chapter 444

Chapter 444
Seeing Wen Fei leave, Lin Mu can finally let go of his hands and feet.The pure yang energy of these foreign devils is not refined, but for Wen Fei, even such impure pure yang energy is not something she can bear.

But for Lin Mu, this did no harm at all.

Seeing the fifteen people pounced on him, Lin Mu also let out a grin, and rushed into the crowd.

If there were fifteen cultivators higher than him, Lin Mu might turn around and run away. After all, cultivators are good at using spiritual energy and magic weapons to attack, and Lin Mu's biggest advantage now is that he can crush all the physical strength of the same level.

In a long-distance attack, Lin Shu's physical advantage could not be used at all.But these foreign devils are different, they are not good at using magic weapons, they rely entirely on their own bodies and pure yang energy.

But this is right in Lin Mu's arms, and none of the foreign devils here is Lin Mu's opponent.

Rushing into the crowd, Lin Mu first had a head-to-head fight with the leader whose strength was equivalent to that of the seventh floor of Foundation Establishment.


There was a muffled sound, and the trees and the leader's fists all made harsh friction sounds as bones collided with each other.


Both of them took a step back, feeling their arms go numb for a while.

"Physical cultivator?" The leader stared at Lin Shu with vigilance in his eyes.

They have been cultivators for so long, and they have never met a body refiner. According to their understanding of the cultivation world, body trainers are the greatest threat to them, but there are very few people in the cultivator. .

Lin Mu looked at the leader, sneered, and said, "It seems that you guys know a lot about cultivators. You should have studied the realm of comprehension for a long time, right? What's your purpose?"

The leader stared at Lin Mu, and said, "I will tell you when you die!"

Before the words were finished, the leader attacked Lin Shu again, and at the same time, other people rushed towards Lin Shu one after another.


Lin Mu let out a cold snort, and went up to meet him again, also choosing head-to-head.

In the world of self-cultivation, it is rare to meet body-training cultivators. Now that he finally meets these foreign devils, Lin Mu must hone his body-training skills.


This time, both of them used their own energy, and when they collided, a violent explosion occurred.

The air wave of the explosion directly overturned all the surrounding houses.

The two separated again, but Lin Mu took advantage of this rebound to accelerate his body suddenly, and rushed towards the three people behind him.

Relying on the aftermath of the punch just now, Lin Mu swung another punch, and the dazzling light of the fist covered the bodies of the three of them.


The three of them let out a scream at the same time, and then their bodies fell from mid-air like a kite with a broken string.


The bodies of the three of them fell heavily on the ground, and a large piece of their chest was obviously collapsed, obviously they couldn't survive.

"Three more!"

Lin Mu stopped in mid-air, looked at the leader, and said lightly.


Let Lin Mu kill three more people on his side in front of him. The leader was also very angry. With a loud shout, holy light gushed out from his fist, as if a volcano was about to erupt.

Lin Mu didn't back down, and with a cold look in his eyes, he also bullied himself and punched him with a completely unreasonable punch.


The head-to-head confrontation between the two caused another violent explosion, and the ground under their feet was turned over again.

Lin Shu followed the same pattern, followed by his strength, and charged into the crowd.


The fist wind blew, and four more people fell to the ground.

"Four more!"


The leader looked at the trees and almost went crazy.


The concealment mask on the leader's face was broken, and the clothes on his body were also torn apart.

Then a foreign devil in golden armor, white skin, yellow hair, and blue eyes appeared in front of Lin Shu.

Lin Mu found that after he removed these disguises, his strength actually increased a lot.

"I want you to die!"

"Holy Master Fist!"

The leader let out a loud roar, and the holy power in his body seemed to be on fire, and the originally golden armor was once again covered with a layer of dazzling golden yellow.

Looking at the leader who was gaining momentum, Lin Mu also knew that he underestimated these foreign devils.

It turned out that they had been suppressing their own strength just now.

But soon Lin Mu discovered another problem, that is, the more their strength increased, the greater the oppression of the surrounding world rules would be on them.

"That's what happened."

Lin Mu looked at the leader who was almost on fire, and understood the reason.

They are not people from the cultivation world. In their interface, they can be allowed by the rules of their own interface, but when they arrive in the cultivation world, they are not allowed by the world rules of the cultivation world.

If they don't use all their strength, they may still be able to deceive the rules of the world of cultivation, but once they reveal their true bodies and use their full strength, the rules of the world will crush them mercilessly.


"Since this is the case, I won't be polite to you anymore. Let's see who dies first."

"Witch Emperor Fist!"

After understanding the truth, Lin Mu also used his strongest moves.


The collision between the two caused a violent explosion. With the two at the center, all the houses within a radius of ten miles were moved to the ground.The people surrounding the two were all pushed five miles away.


Lin Mu spat out a mouthful of blood, but the fighting spirit on his face remained undiminished.

The leader was also uncomfortable, not to mention spitting out two mouthfuls of blood in a row, and he had no idea that his punch could not kill Lin Shu, but instead caused him a lot of damage.

And because he was injured, the rules of heaven and earth in the cultivation world oppressed him more and more.

"Come again!"

Lin Mu let out a cry of excitement, and then pushed forward again.

"Witch Emperor Fist!"

Lin Mu also used the Wuhuang Fist.

Lin Mu had never tried performing the Wuhuang Fist twice in a row.

Seeing that Lin Mu still used the same move just now, the leader complained endlessly, but for his own life, he could only use the Holy Master Fist here.

One is dazzling, and the other is black and shiny.

The heavy collision of the two fists made the entire space tremble violently.


Lin Mu spat out another mouthful of blood, but the fighting intent in his eyes became stronger, and Lin Mu found that with each collision, his understanding of the Wuhuang Fist deepened. layer, not far away.

The leader looked at the fighting spirit of the trees, but gradually felt timid in his heart.

Lin Mu's strength exceeded his expectations, and the rules of the world of cultivation that his body could bear had reached their limit.

"Come again!"

Lin Mu screamed excitedly, the same Wuhuang Fist, but this time the pitch-black fist was tinged with a little yellow.

Seeing that Lin Mu was still brave, and his punches seemed to be stronger than before, the leader also wanted to retreat.


The leader who gave the order to retreat decisively turned around and ran away, ignoring the trees at all.

"I want to run! It's not that easy!"

Lin Shu's speed suddenly doubled. Driven by the fist, the surrounding spiritual energy quickly gathered, making the surrounding space stagnant.


The leader suddenly felt his feet pause, and a sudden fear of death filled his heart.


Lin Mu's fist slammed heavily on his armor. The golden armor quickly cracked under Lin Shu's fist, and finally turned into pieces and fell to the ground.

Then the leader's body split open little by little, and finally turned into a pile of corpses, scattered all over the place.


After solving this person, Lin Mu's eyes also flashed a gleam of joy, because with that punch just now, Lin Mu comprehended the third true meaning of Wuhuangquan.

Quickly found the ring left by the leader, and then quickly evacuated the scene and headed to the teleportation hall.

(End of this chapter)

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