Supreme Chef

Chapter 447 It's Your Face That Slapped

Chapter 447 It's Your Face That Slapped
With little effort, a man wearing Qingyun boots and a costume representing the elders of Taixuan Mountain came in front of Lin Mu and the others.

"You belong to the Xipu Chamber of Commerce." The elder came to Wen Changqing and said.

Facing this elder whose cultivation level he could not see at all, Wen Changqing dared to be negligent, and quickly said: "Exactly."

The elder of Taixuan Mountain glanced at Wen Changqing, then looked at Wen Fei, and said indifferently: "My apprentice said that he likes your daughter and wants to form a Taoist couple with your daughter."

Wen Changqing was stunned when he heard the words of the elder Taixuanshan, but soon he understood what was going on.

This seems to be the master of the Taixuan Mountain disciple who left just now.At this time, Wen Changqing also knew why he asked for his daughter's name when he left.

"Why do you have an opinion?" Elder Taixuanshan, looking at Wen Changqing's troubled face, asked arrogantly.

Facing the giant Taixuan Mountain, Wen Changqing really didn't dare to have an opinion.He is just the president of a five-star power, and Taixuan Mountain wants to destroy you, it's just like playing.

Although they are said to be a branch of the Shenzhou Chamber of Commerce, they are only branches.Or to put it more bluntly, they just pay a very considerable fee to the China Chamber of Commerce every year, and then use the name of the China Chamber of Commerce to do business. In fact, the connection with the China Chamber of Commerce is not too great.

So Wen Changqing didn't have to count on it. If Taixuan Mountain wiped out his own chamber of commerce, the Shenzhou chamber of commerce would raise himself up, because that was simply impossible.

"I don't dare to have any opinions. It's just that I have to ask my daughter's opinion on this matter." Wen Changqing said, cupping his hands.

The elder of Taixuan Mountain showed a trace of contempt, and said: "If you form a Taoist couple with my apprentice, you can immediately become a disciple of my Taixuan Mountain, enjoy all the treatment of my Taixuan Mountain disciple, and I can also help you with the Shenzhou Chamber of Commerce. It is recommended that your chamber of commerce become a chamber of commerce directly under the Shenzhou chamber of commerce, and you can reduce the annual fee by [-]%."

This elder of Taixuan Mountain did not seem to be here to propose a marriage at all, but to order that Wen Changqing must marry his daughter to him in Taixuan Mountain, and even so, people thought that Wen Changqing had taken advantage of it.

Although Wen Changqing is only the president of a five-star chamber of commerce, the mud bodhisattva still has some anger.

Hearing the words of the elder of Taixuan Mountain, Wen Changqing was also very angry.

But even Wen Changqing was about to explode with anger, but he didn't dare to show the slightest bit on his face.

At this time, Wen Fei suddenly said, "Father, I will not marry into Taixuan Mountain, because I have already made a life-long commitment with someone."

"Who? Could it be that my core disciples of Taixuan Mountain are outstanding?" The elders of Taixuan Mountain couldn't help but change when they heard Wen Fei's words.

Wen Fei's rejection of him so bluntly is no different from hitting him in the face.

Lin Mu stood up slowly at this time, and said, "No, I'm going down."

The elders of Taixuan Mountain were even more annoyed when they saw that Lin Mu was only a cultivator with a nine-story foundation.

This is simply a blatant slap in the face. His disciple is the core disciple of Taixuan Mountain. In less than a hundred years, he has already broken through the ninth level of Jindan and formed a Nascent Soul.

But the Wen Fei in front of her didn't choose her own disciple, but chose a piece of rubbish on the ninth floor of the foundation.

The elder of Taixuan Mountain looked at Lin Mu and said, "Why are you arguing with my disciple?"

Lin Mu smiled faintly, and said: "It's not based on anything, it's just based on the gift I gave, you can't afford it."

The elders of Taixuan Mountain laughed even more contemptuously when they heard Lin Mu's words, and said, "I, Taixuan Mountain, can't afford any betrothal gifts for you, a little foundation builder."

Wen Fei was also very nervous when she heard Lin Mu's words.

It was Lin Mu's sound transmission that told her to say that just now, otherwise, how could Wen Fei say such things.

Lin Mu took out a jade bottle and said lightly, "It's nothing, it's just a Zhuyan Pill."


"Zhuyan Pill!"

Hearing Lin Mu's words, the face of the Taixuan Mountain Elder in front of him also changed suddenly.

Zhuyan Pill is indeed not a very expensive pill in the cultivation world, but the main medicine for refining Zhuyan Pill is seven-color grass, which makes Zhuyan Pill become a sky-high price, and even so, it is still valuable no city.

Seven-color grass is too precious, it can prolong life, not to mention that he does not have it in Taixuan Mountain, even if he really has seven-color grass in Taixuan Mountain, it is impossible to use it to refine Zhuyan Pill.

Lin Mu looked at the elder of Taixuan Mountain with a livid face, and said, "If you can come up with something more precious than Zhuyan Pill, I don't mind quitting."

The elder of Taixuan Mountain stared at Lin Mu, his face changed a few times, and finally he snorted coldly, turned and left.

"Friend Daoist, I wonder if your Zhuyan Pill is for sale?" Just as the elder of Taixuan Mountain left, an ethereal woman in green radish came to Lin Mu.

The woman was dressed in green radish, with a veil on her face that could block all spiritual consciousness, making it difficult for people to see her true face, not enough for her figure alone, it has already aroused people's infinite reverie.

"I've seen the saintess of Xuannv Palace!" Wen Changqing was shocked again when he saw this ethereal woman, and hurriedly cupped his hands and saluted.

"I've met fellow Taoist!" The saintess of Xuannv Palace said lightly, her voice was melodious, like the sound of heaven.

Xuannv Palace is one of the four great nine-star sects in West Jizhou. It is many times stronger than Taixuan Mountain. Wen Changqing of Taixuan Mountain dare not mess with it, let alone Xuannv Palace.

Although the saint's face was covered by a veil, Lin Mu could still feel that she was looking at him.

Although this saint has a magic weapon to hide her cultivation, Lin Mu can still vaguely feel that this saint's cultivation is at the level of transforming gods.

Lin Mudao: "I prepared this Zhuyan Pill for Wen Fei. If you want it, just ask her."

"Fellow Taoist Wenfei, I don't know if you are willing to give up your Zhuyan Pill to me. Of course, I won't ask for your Zhuyan Pill in vain. I can take my master, the head of Xuannv Palace, and accept you as a disciple. You see How?" The saintess of Xuannv Palace said slowly, as if she was just talking about an unimportant matter.

But these words were heard by Wen Fei's father and daughter like a bolt from the blue.

The head of the Xuannv Palace is a top expert who has ascended to the ninth floor, and may ascend to the fairy world at any time.Moreover, the Xuannv Palace is a nine-star force, and it is an existence that covers the sky with one hand in Xijizhou. It is already a supreme honor to enter the Xuannv Palace, and it can be accepted as a disciple by the head of the Xuannv Palace, which is a step up to the sky.

Think about it, if his XJTLU Chamber of Commerce had an additional disciple who entered the house from the head of the Xuannv Palace, his strength would almost instantly soar to six stars, and no one would dare to mess with him after XJTLU City.

And the most important thing is that Wen Changqing no longer has to worry about whether Taixuan Mountain will take revenge on himself and his daughter.

His own daughter is the disciple of the head of the Xuannv Palace, and she is dozens of times stronger than his core disciples of Taixuan Mountain. Even if Taixuan Mountain gave him some courage, Taixuan Mountain would not dare to touch him up.

"Hurry up and thank the saint!" Wen Changqing was stunned for a long time before he realized it, and hurriedly urged his daughter.

Wen Fei also reacted at this time, and quickly thanked her, saying: "Wen Fei is very grateful to the saint for her kindness."

Lin Mu weighed the jade bottle and said, "Since Wen Fei agrees, then I will give you the Zhuyan Pill."

The saint took the Zhuyan Pill thrown by Lin Mu, uncorked the bottle and took a look, and after confirming that it was Zhuyan Pill, she put the jade bottle away and said, "I don't know this fellow Taoist..."

Lin Mu didn't wait for the saint to finish speaking, and said loudly: "I got Zhuyan Pill by chance, there is only one, and it was originally intended to marry a wife, but now that I give it to you, it really is gone."

Lin Mu's words are not only for the saintess of Xuannv Palace, but also for other people. If these people come to him later, he will be annoyed to death.

The saint of Xuannv Palace didn't continue to ask after hearing Lin Mu's words, and said, "In this case, I will take Wen Fei to see my master first."

Wen Fei looked at Lin Mu reluctantly, Lin Mu just smiled and nodded at Wen Fei, signaling Wen Fei that it's okay to go.

As soon as Wen Fei left, people around immediately came up to congratulate Wen Changqing, and at the same time wanted to build some relationship with Wen Changqing.

After all, the Wen family now has a student who is the head of the Xuannv Palace, and his status is like riding a rocket.

Although the Xipu Chamber of Commerce is only five-star now, but as long as Xuannv Palace supports the Xipu Chamber of Commerce a little bit, then the Xipu Chamber of Commerce can soar to six-star in an instant. Even if it becomes a seven-star force in the future, it is not uncommon, after all, there is a nine-star force behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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