Supreme Chef

Chapter 456 Shadowless Sword

Chapter 456 Shadowless Sword
Zhou Tong understood Wang Kangkang's plan, so he didn't hold back anymore, and attacked Wang Kangkang with all his strength, using all his means, and the purpose was naturally to make a quick decision so that he could rescue Bai Sheng.

On the other hand, Lin Mu and Bai Sheng, Bai Sheng stood where he was, not daring to move at all, trying his best to recover from his injuries.

But if he doesn't move, it doesn't mean that the trees don't move either.

Lin Mu is indeed at the end of his battle now, and the aura in his body has been pumped out. However, if Lin Mu wants to kill Bai Sheng, there are many ways.


Lin Mu's spiritual consciousness turned slightly, and a series of divine consciousness knives suddenly appeared in Bai Sheng's sea of ​​consciousness.

When Bai Sheng saw the sudden appearance of the Divine Consciousness Knife, just as he was about to exclaim, the Divine Consciousness Knife began to wreak havoc in Bai Sheng's sea of ​​consciousness. Almost within a breath, Bai Sheng's consciousness was completely wiped out. ocean.

Of course, Lin Mu would not let Bai Sheng shout out that he has a spiritual consciousness technique.


Seeing Bai Sheng spit out a mouthful of blood, the light in his eyes was lost, and finally fell limply on the ground, Zhou Tong's eyes were about to burst into flames, and he said angrily: "Wang Kangkang, are you playing with fire? Do you want to cause a sect war?"

Wang Kangkang snorted coldly, and said: "Don't scare me with such words, we will fight if we have the ability, I am afraid that you will not succeed if you are too profound."

Lin Mu walked up to Bai Sheng step by step, took off Bai Sheng's ring, and directly burned Bai Sheng's body and Nascent Soul with a fire.

Immediately, Lin Shu began to check, Bai Sheng's ring.

Bai Sheng's ring is much richer than the ring of the disciple of Taixuan Mountain that Lin Mu just dealt with.

However, these spirit stones and elixir were not what Lin Mu wanted.

Turning around in the ring, Lin Mu finally found what he was looking for in an inconspicuous corner.

"Tai Xuan Six Swords!"

Lin Mu checked the items in the jade slips, and it was indeed the six Taixuan swords, but only the skills of the first three swords, not the last three swords.

"Give me back Bai Sheng's ring, or you will die!" Seeing that Lin Mu not only killed Bai Sheng, but also took Bai Sheng's ring for himself, Zhou Tong threatened loudly.

Lin Mu looked at Zhou Tong with red eyes, gave Zhou Tong an idiot look, and said, "If you can get out of here alive, then say such things."

Things are already like this, it is obviously impossible for Taixuan Mountain to let him go if Lin Mu returns the ring.

Zhou Tong glared at the tree, and he couldn't help but go down and tear it up immediately, but Wang Kangkang clung to him so tightly that he had no chance to do it.

"Wang Kangkang, you provoked this matter, I hope you can withstand my anger at Taixuan Mountain!" Zhou Tong stared at Wang Kangkang viciously, and then began to burn his aura crazily.

"not good!"

Seeing Zhou Tong's madness, Wang Kangkang was startled. Zhou Tong obviously wanted to run away.



Wang Kangkang swung thousands of swords again and again, trying to stop Zhou Tong, but Zhou Tong was determined to run, and Zhou Tong's strength was stronger than Wang Kangkang, how could Wang Kangkang stop Zhou Tong.


With a violent explosion, Zhou Tong detonated his burning aura, and then escaped from the medicine hospital with serious injuries all over his body.


Wang Kangkang was also shocked by Zhou Tong's madness, and also spat out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing Zhou Tong who had run away without a trace, Wang Kangkang also frowned.

Coming down from mid-air, Wang Kangkang apologized to Lin Mu, "I'm sorry Brother Lin, I couldn't stop him."

Zhou Tong was indeed a little worried about running away from the trees, but it was only a few, and the trees in Taixuan Mountain had not been taken seriously.

Although I may not be the opponent of Taixuan Mountain now, it is impossible for Taixuan Mountain to catch me. When I kill myself, ten Taixuan Mountains will not be my opponent.

"It's not your fault, and I didn't expect Zhou Tong to be so decisive, to burn his cultivation and escape directly." Lin Mu waved his hand and said.

Wang Kangkang also did not expect that Zhou Tong would be so decisive that he would not tangle with himself at all, and directly burned his cultivation base and ran away.

Wang Kangkang said: "Brother Lin, don't worry, I will report to my master immediately after I go out, and inform my master of this matter in detail. I believe my master will definitely protect you, Brother Lin."

Lin Shu said lightly, "Don't worry, I haven't put Taixuan Mountain in my eyes yet."

If Lin Mu said that just now, Zhu Yu would have started to mock Lin Mu long ago.

But now Zhu Yu's mouth is tightly shut.

One with only the third level of the Golden Core can kill the third level of the Nascent Soul, and make the ninth level of the Nascent Soul feel a dangerous existence against the sky.

If you really let him grow up, how could he really pay attention to a mere eight-star sect.

Lin Mu said: "Let's divide up the medicinal herbs in this pharmacy first, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble."

"Okay!" Wang Kangkang also nodded and said, "But it's up to Brother Lin to assign."

Lin Mu was not polite to Wang Kang either, and directly started to choose the medicinal materials he needed.

Just now he was focused on fighting, Lin Mu didn't look at the medicine hospital in detail at all.

Looking carefully now, there are really many good things in this medicine hospital.

Most of the medicinal materials here are sixth-grade medicinal materials, and even many of them are the main medicines for refining breakthrough cultivation elixir. Such a wealth, even the Nine-Star Sect will not ignore it.

Lin Mu walked around the pharmacy, but he didn't find Mingcao, so he was a little disappointed.

However, Huanmingcao is the rarest of the sixth-grade medicinal materials, if it can be discovered by oneself so easily, there will be a problem.

After Lin Mu selected half of the medicinal materials he needed, Wang Kangkang put away the remaining half of the medicinal materials.

After cleaning up the entire pharmacy, Wang Kangkang said: "Brother Lin, what happened to Bai Sheng is no small matter. My junior sister and I have to leave the land of perishing immortals immediately and report to the master. Brother Lin can go with us, and I will definitely let the master I will protect Brother Lin and accept him as my core disciple of the Zhenyang Sect."

Lin Mudao: "Brother Wang's kindness is appreciated by me, but I will continue to go deep into the land of perishing immortals, and even if Taixuan Mountain wants to do something to me, it will not dare to do it in front of so many people, so don't worry about it, Brother Wang I."

Knowing that Lin Mu was here, Wang Kangkang politely rejected him, expressing that he was unwilling to join the Zhenyangmen, and he no longer forced himself, saying: "That's fine, take care, Brother Lin, if Taixuan Mountain really dares to come to Brother Lin, you Brother Lin must come and find me.”

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Thank you, Brother Wang, for your kindness."

Of course Lin Mu would not accept Wang Kangkang's kindness.

In a five-star power like the XJTLU Chamber of Commerce, it is good to say that they can run whenever they want.

But if you go to an eight-star power like Zhenyangmen, with your current cultivation base, if your secrets are leaked, it will be very difficult to escape.

"Lin...Senior Brother Lin, I was wrong just now, please don't take offense, Senior Brother Lin." Seeing Lin Mu's monster, Zhu Yu also took the initiative to stand up and said.

Lin Mu waved his hands generously and said, "I've long forgotten about it."

Wang Kangkang cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, senior brother Lin, then my junior sister and I will go first."

Lin Mu also cupped his hands and said, "Take care!"

After bidding farewell to Wang Kangkang and Wang Kangkang, Lin Mu found a hidden place, rested for two days, and after adjusting his body, he took out the jade slip that recorded Taixuan's six swords.

Each of Taixuan's six swords is very delicate, which makes Lin Mu's heart bewitched.

"The first sword breaks the spirit, the second sword opens the world, and the third sword wins life and death."

These are the first three swords recorded in the jade slips.

The sword manual is indeed very exquisite, but Lin Mu faintly feels that there seems to be something wrong with this sword manual, but Lin Mu can't tell where the problem is.

Lin Mu didn't have a flying sword, so he could only temporarily gather energy to form a sword, and began to practice the Taixuan Three Swords in the cave.

With Lin Mu's comprehension and insight, it is not difficult to practice the Taixuan Three Swords.

In just two days, Lin Mu has completely mastered the essentials of the first three swords, but due to the limitation of his cultivation, Lin Mu can only use the first two swords for the time being.

"Broken spirit!"

Lin Mu let out a low cry, and a fierce aura spiraled out of the Qi Sword, and the cave in front of him was deepened by nearly five meters.

The first sword to break the spirit is mainly to break through the enemy's defense, while the second and third swords are the real killing moves.

Looking at the huge damage in front of him, Lin Mu was not satisfied, but frowned, because the more he practiced, the more Lin Mu felt that there seemed to be some problems.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Lin Mu's mind, and the next moment, a strangely shaped knife appeared in Lin Mu's hand.

This knife looks a bit like a kitchen knife, but it is nearly five times longer than a kitchen knife, but it doesn't give people a sense of disobedience, and it looks very pleasing to the eye.

This is the Shadowless Knife that Lin Mu discovered but didn't have time to refine.

The Shadowless Knife was obtained by Lin Mu in the Immortal World by chance, but before he had time to refine it, he followed him to the earth.

As for the origin and grade of Wuying Dao, Lin Mu has not figured it out until today.

Looking at the Wuying Dao, which was not at all smooth and shiny, nor was it wanton with fairy spirit, Lin Mu also weighed it.

Although he couldn't see anything unusual about this knife, Lin Mu knew in his heart that this shadowless knife was absolutely extraordinary.If it was really an ordinary knife, how could it appear in such a place.

(End of this chapter)

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