Supreme Chef

Chapter 735

Chapter 735
Sensing that the security formation he had arranged was touched, Lin Mu also stopped practicing.

Coming out of the Time Tower, Lin Mu is also very satisfied with the entry of these seven days, and at the same time Lin Mu is also very grateful that he owns the Time Tower.

Otherwise, after ten months, everything will be too late.

"Someone touched the security formation outside, it seems that people from the Ye family came here." Xue Linglong, who had been watching the monitoring formation, said to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu looked at the few people who came over, and he also knew that there must be too much movement in his cultivation, and these people came to investigate the situation.

Through monitoring the formation, Lin Mu saw the six people on the ground circle around the formation he had arranged several times.Finally, he started to attack his formation.

The six people didn't intend to break the formation seriously at all, but were going to break through with brute force directly. As for whether the people in the formation were alive or dead, they didn't care.

Seeing the deeds of these Ye family members, Xue Linglong was also terrified, and said: "Fortunately, we are not in the formation."

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "Let them dismantle it first, we'll treat it like a monkey."

After half a day, the six people finally joined forces and blasted away the formation, but to their disappointment, there was nothing in the formation.

"Where are the people?" The six people looked at the empty formation and were all stunned.

The six people were attracted by the movement of Lin Mu's cultivation. Originally, the six people thought that they could rob the forest and obtain the immortal practice inheritance, but the six people spent half a day's energy, but it turned out to be empty.

"Look! He must be here." The leader of the six ordered with a blank expression.He will never be reconciled to waste such a lot of energy but get nothing.

"Yes!" The five agreed, and began to search around.

Lin Mu looked at the six of them, and they also put away the chaotic world, and then rushed out of the ground.


The ground cracked, earth and rocks flew, and the six people who were searching for the forest had no time to dodge, and were directly disgraced.

"It's you!"

The six people looked up at Lin Mu, and obviously recognized that Lin Mu had come with the old beggar.

Lin Mu looked down at the six people and said contemptuously, "Is there any need to be so surprised? Don't you guys know it's me?"

The nine people who followed Lin Mu entered the third floor, and only Lin Mu remained on the first floor. Obviously, they should know who it was.

"Hand over your skills and your storage ring, and I will let you leave the secret realm alive!" The leader looked at the trees and said in a cold tone.

Lin Mu said softly, "What if I say no?"

The leader looked at Lin Shu and sneered, "If you say no, then this secret place will be your graveyard. Even if that old ghost is protecting you, you will never leave here alive today."

Lin Mu smiled and said: "This is your Ye family's cemetery, it's better to bury your Ye family members, I, an outsider, won't join in the fun with you."

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu punched down with a bang.

The situation is already like this, it is simply impossible to be kind.Lin Mu didn't have to talk nonsense with them anymore, instead he wasted his saliva.

"You dare to do it! You want to die!" Seeing that Lin Mu dared to do it, the leader gave a cold shout, and then flew to meet him.


The two punched each other with a muffled sound.


With one punch to the other, Lin Mu and the leader retreated a certain distance.

"Body refiner!"

The leader of the Ye family looked at Lin Shu and frowned involuntarily.

The Ye family entered the Tao with martial arts, and their physical strength far exceeds that of ordinary cultivators. The one who can equalize them with one punch is obviously a body cultivator.


It was still Lin Mu's indomitable punch that returned to the leader of the Ye family.

"court death!"

Seeing Lin Mu attacking again, the leader of the strong man who had completed the transformation of the gods also snorted coldly, and then directly went up to meet him.

Ye family's martial arts can be passed down from ancient times to the present, which shows how terrifying it is.


The two punched each other again, and the mountain peak under their feet collapsed, and the ground was cracked inch by inch, like a spider's web.


The man from the Ye family let out a low growl, and the wind of his fist suddenly changed, and a sense of grandeur immediately permeated the audience.

The aura roared, as if countless people were chanting Taoism scriptures, and the vitality around them was violent.

The mountain crumbled and the earth and rocks disintegrated, as if the end was coming.

This is the boxing method handed down by the ancestors of the Ye family that is in harmony with Taoism, and the boxing technique contains Taoist rhyme.

Arouse the resonance of heaven and earth!

"Da Dao Fist!"

The man from the Ye family roared, violent fist wind, raging crazily, as if he wanted to cut the forest into pieces.

Lin Mu snorted coldly, and said, "Hereticians dare to call themselves Daoquan."

"Break the Wuhuang Fist!"

Lin Mu also roared loudly, breaking his fist forcefully with punches.

Although the other party is the perfect god of transformation, the forest is only the sixth level of the god of transformation.But this is a competition of pure boxing understanding and body, not a competition of cultivation.

Whether it is in the understanding of boxing or in terms of body, Lin Mu has the advantage.

The killing domain appeared, and immediately collided with the killing intent generated by Daoquan.



Killing the domain raged crazily, crushing the opponent's fist in an instant.

Hearing the shattering of his fist, the face of the leader suddenly changed.

His Ye family entered Taoism with martial arts, and his Ye family does not say that he is unparalleled in martial arts, but he is definitely an existence at the top of the pyramid.


The leader of the Ye family, seeing that his fist was about to be crushed by the trees, roared and stepped back decisively.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the face of the Ye family member turned pale.

"You are the one who killed my Ye family in the restricted area!" The leader of the Ye family looked at Lin Shu, and a trace of horror flashed in his eyes.

Lin Mu said: "Whatever you say, anyway, people from your Ye family will die by my hands."

"Rampant!" With a cold snort, a Nine-Zone Chain Knife suddenly appeared in the leader's hand.

"I'll accompany you when you're playing with the knife!" Lin Mu sneered, and the Shadowless Knife also appeared in his hand.

"Jingle Bell!"

The leader's arms trembled, and the nine sons chained their knives, trembling endlessly.A heart-throbbing sound came out.

When Lin Mu heard these voices, he only stared at the nine iron rings on the knife.

Lin Mu originally thought that these iron rings were just for decoration, but now it seems that these iron rings obviously have other uses.


The leader of the Ye family let out a loud roar, and the Nine-Sword Chain Knife in his hand suddenly fell down.

The Nine Sons Chain Knife slashed down, and the knife energy immediately overflowed. At the same time, the nine iron rings on the knife body continued to rotate around the knife body, and invisible waves came out.

These waves spread along the air, shattering everything it could touch into powder.

Seeing the invisible sonic air, Lin Mu's eyes froze slightly.


Seeing that Lin Mu was about to leave, the leader of the Ye family suddenly roared and punched out at the same time.

Immediately, the aura here became thicker.

The thick aura immediately restrained Lin Shu's movements.

Although this thick spiritual energy only limited the time of Lin Mu's breath, the time of this breath was enough for the sound wave to attack and attack Lin Mu's body.



The sonic attack immediately separated Lin Mu's body defense, and at the same time left nine terrifying gaps on Lin Mu's body, blood splashed out.

"Ants are ants after all!" Seeing the terrifying wound on Lin Mu's body, the leader of the Ye family also sneered and said disdainfully.

(End of this chapter)

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