Supreme Chef

Chapter 741 Let Me Come

Chapter 741 Let Me Come

When Lin Mu heard Wu De's words, he also asked, "Is the Ye family's complete Daoquan also in the ancient tomb?"

Lin Mu was also deeply impressed by Ye Family's Daoquan.

This is also the first time Lin Mu has seen a combat skill that can transform the principles of Tao into boxing.Lin Mu is also very interested in the true power of Daoquan.

"The complete inheritance of Daoquan was originally passed down from generation to generation, but because of a series of events in ancient times, the essence of boxing was lost. The Ye family has always wanted to complete the boxing, but they have never had the opportunity. This time the secret third The layer was opened, and the Ye family finally had the opportunity to recover the complete boxing technique." Wu De explained to Lin Mu.

"Come out, since you're here, don't hide." The Goddess of War suddenly looked at the place where she and Wu De were hiding.

Now that he was discovered, Lin Mu didn't continue to hide, but followed Wu De out.

"It's you?" The Goddess of War couldn't help being taken aback when she saw Lin Mu.

Lin Mu looked at the Goddess of War, smiled wryly and said, "I want to say it's you too, but I can't remember who you are at all?"

The Goddess of War also smiled slightly when she heard Lin Mu's words, and then changed into the appearance of being on the boat.

Seeing the appearance of the Goddess of War on the boat, Lin Mu suddenly realized, "So it's you."

The Goddess of War returned to her original appearance, smiled slightly, and said, "It's me."

The Goddess of War looked at Wu De and said, "He shouldn't have come with us?"

Before Lin Mu could open his mouth, Wu De said, "I sneaked in. I met Brother Lin by chance. We hit it off and came together."

The Goddess of War was obviously not very interested in Wu De's nonsense, so she didn't comment at all.

"Everyone is here for this tomb, so it's better for everyone to cooperate. I only need the boxing records inside, and I won't touch anything else." The female war goddess said straight to the point.

Wu De said: "Okay! Okay! Brother Lin and I break the formation, you help us two watch the wind, and when the formation is broken, we will call you."

The Goddess of War looked at Wu De and said, "Brother Lin and I came here together, and we don't seem to be familiar with you. Even if we are in charge, you should be in charge, right?"

Lin Mu said: "I agree, you go and watch the wind, the two of us will break the formation."


Wu De opened his mouth, but finally closed it. The three of them were two to one, and he lost no matter what.

Wu De muttered: "There are people of the opposite sex but no humanity, so I will treat you as a brother."

After Wu De left, the Goddess of War looked at Lin Mu and said, "I'm not proficient in formations. If I break the formation with brute force, I will definitely attract people from the Ye family."

Lin Mudao: "I'm fairly proficient in formations, so just leave it to me to break formations."

"Okay!" The Goddess of War simply nodded in agreement.

Lin Mu walked around the ancient tomb of the Ye family, and found that the formations arranged around the tomb were not difficult at all for him who was already a master of formations.

It is really rare for an ancient tomb with treasures and skills to be arranged so easily.

Of course, the ancestors of the Ye family must have never thought that there would be outsiders coming into the secret realm of their own home, and there would be so many people when they came in.

Seeing Lin Mu's familiar way of cracking the formation, the Goddess of War looked at Lin Mu curiously, and said, "Aren't you curious, how could I find this place earlier than the people from the Ye family."

Lin Mu looked at the Goddess of War and said with a smile, "I'm curious that you have already found this place. Could it be because of my curiosity that you can leave here?"

The Goddess of War also smiled when she heard Lin Mu's words, revealing two beautiful dimples.

Looking at the Goddess of War, Lin Mu couldn't help being absent-minded for a while.

"How did you find this place?" the Goddess of War looked at Lin Mu and asked.

Lin Mu glanced at Wu De who was letting the wind go, and said, "He brought me here."

The Goddess of War glanced at Wu De, and said: "That fat man is not simple, he must have a lot of secrets, you'd better be careful when you are with him."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Don't tell me you don't have any secrets? Or are you willing to reveal your secrets to me so that I don't have to guard against you?"

The Goddess of War was not annoyed when she heard Lin Mu's molesting words, she just smiled lightly and said, "You are very interesting. You are the first man who dares to talk to me like this, but I don't hate the way you talk."

Lin Mu said: "That said, I want to thank the Goddess of War for showing me favor."

The Goddess of War looked at Lin Mu, couldn't help but smiled coquettishly again, and said, "I find that you are really getting more and more interesting."

Lin Mudao: "I also found that the Goddess of War is not as scary as in the legend."

The Goddess of War smiled mischievously and said, "Don't you want to see me when I'm terrified?"

Lin Mu quickly shook his head and said, "I don't want to, I don't want to in my life."

"Hurry up, both of you, stop flirting there, people from the Ye family will come looking for you later." Wu De said anxiously to the two of them via voice transmission.

Lin Mu and the Goddess of War looked at each other and smiled, and then Lin Mu's movements accelerated a lot.

Seeing the speed at which Lin Mu cracked the formation, the eyes of the Goddess of War could not help but light up.


After breaking through the last layer of formation, Lin Mu shouted loudly, and then slapped the eye of the formation with his palm.


With a crisp sound, all the surrounding formations collapsed, revealing a seemingly ordinary ancient tomb.

Looking at the small mound in front of him, Lin Mu also frowned.

Lin Mu frowned, not because the small mound was too ordinary and did not match the identity of the owner of the tomb.

It's because this small mound of dirt seems to be too unusual.

Although the mound looked loose, it was completely impossible to force it open.

If you want to open it, you can only open this ancient tomb with the blood of the Ye family's strong man in the tribulation realm.If there is no blood essence to forcibly open it, the ancient tomb will immediately self-destruct.

"The formation is broken!" Wu De rushed over when he heard the sound of the formation breaking.

Lin Mudao: "The formation is broken, but if you want to enter it, you must have the blood of a strong Ye family crossing the tribulation realm."

Wu De said excitedly: "Let me do this."

After finishing speaking, Wu De flipped his hands and took out a bottle, then uncorked the bottle, and poured a few drops of blood from the bottle.

This is obviously the blood essence of the strong Ye family crossing the tribulation realm, but how did Wu De get it.

Taking advantage of the fusion of essence and blood, Lin Mu said, "Where did you get this essence and blood?"

Wu De said: "It's nothing, the blood essence was given to me by the Ye family."

"I gave it to you?" Lin Mu asked.

Wu De nodded, and said, "Didn't I find a Clothes Tomb? Then I made the Clothes Tomb as if it were real, cheating the powerful Ye family, and forced a lot of blood out."

"That's okay!" Lin Mu and the Goddess of War said in unison after hearing this.

Wu De said proudly: "For me, nothing is wrong. If I didn't get carried away later and was discovered by them, now I can collect a pot of blood from the Ye family."

Lin Mu looked at Wu De, and really mourned for those idiots in the Ye family.

Essence and blood don't need anything else, the higher the cultivation level, the harder it is to recover the essence and blood.With a large pot of blood, the loss of the Ye family this time seems to be not small.

The blood essence merged with the mound, and the mound slowly left, but after the mound split, what appeared was not the entrance, but another mound of wind and soil.

This mound of soil is different from the one covered above, this one was not opened with blood essence, it had to be dismantled by brute force.However, if it is brute force, it will definitely cause great fluctuations.

It seems that the ancestors of the Ye family are not completely unprepared.

"Don't...don't... let me do this too!" Seeing that the Goddess of War was about to make a move, Wu De quickly stopped the Goddess of War.

Stopping the Goddess of War, Wu De took out a shovel as if offering a treasure.

"Level eight spirit treasure!" Lin Mu and the Goddess of War blurted out at the same time when they saw the shovel.

Of course, Lin Mu and the Goddess of War were not surprised by the eighth-level spirit treasure, but that the eighth-level spirit treasure seemed to have no attack power except for shoveling, which was too wasteful.

Wu De didn't care about this, and said with a smile: "In our line of work, you must have tools at your fingertips."

After Wu De finished speaking, he began to dig the soil one shovel after another.

Wu De's tool was really in his hand, and when he shoveled it down, there was no sound at all.

Soon the entrance of the cave was dug through, and a smell of vicissitudes suddenly burst out from the entrance of the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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