Supreme Chef

Chapter 743 The Master Is Here

Chapter 743 The Master Is Here

Seeing the Goddess of War, Wu De stretched out his jade hand to stop him, and couldn't help but tighten his expression, saying: "You said that you only want boxing records, and you don't want anything else."

Sun Shuangdao: "I don't want to compete with you for the soul, but I haven't found the boxing manual yet, I just want you to help me find the boxing manual."

Wu De teased, and said: "You can find the boxing score by yourself, and I can't help you? And don't you have a helper?"

Sun Shuangdao: "I really don't need your help to find me, but if I find the boxing manual, I need you to help me decipher the formation there."

Wu Dedao: "He is also the master of the formation, you just ask him to help you, and I will collect other treasures here."

Sun Shuangdao: "If you don't help me, I can only attack the formation by force. It will be bad if it destroys this place or attracts people from the Ye family."

Wu De rolled his eyes and said, "What does it have to do with me if you ruin this place, and it's their own choice whether people from the Ye family come or not."

Sun Shuang smiled slightly at Wu De, and Wu De couldn't help but froze when he saw it.

But at the next moment, Wu De realized that something was wrong, and quickly reached out to grab his own heart essence.But Sun Shuang had already controlled the essence of the earth in his hands when he was in a daze.

"You don't think it's good, and I don't think it's good. It's a pity that such a good thing would be ruined here." Sun Shuang looked at Wu De leisurely.

Wu De looked at Sun Shuang and gritted his teeth: "You are so despicable."

Sun Shuang smiled lightly, and said, "I'm just a little girl, it's too serious to be despicable, I just ask you for help."

Wu Dedao: "You ask me for help, but give me back my things?"

Sun Shuang looked at the heart of the earth and said, "The heart of the earth is so precious, I'll keep it for you first, so that you don't accidentally lose it when you help me find it. When you help me find it, I will naturally keep it for you." The core of the earth is returned to you."

Wu De looked at Sun Shuang with a feeling of powerlessness, and Lin Mu also found it funny to see such a black-bellied person like Wu De deflated.

"What are you laughing at? It's not because of your little lover!" Wu De couldn't vent his anger on Sun Shuang, so he could only vent his anger on Lin Mu.

Sun Shuang said: "I will be very angry if you say that about my lover. When I get angry, my hands tend to shake. It will be bad if I accidentally drop your heart essence on the ground."

"You..." Wu De was also irritated by Sun Shuang's words and had no choice.

"What about me, hurry up and find something." Sun Shuang urged.

"Okay! I'll look for it!" Wu De also said angrily.

People rely on chance and luck to find things on the ground, but Wu De is definitely an expert in finding things in ancient tombs.

In just half an hour, Wu De found the Daoquan boxing score near the coffin of the ancestor of the Ye family.

"You two help me protect the law. The formation here is related to the survival of the entire ancient tomb. If you are not careful, the entire ancient tomb will self-destruct." Wu De said seriously after watching the formation.

Lin Mu and Sun Shuang nodded, and then protected Wu De from left to right.

He is also very interested in this legendary Ye family's unique skill, Daoquan Linshu.

Facing such a careless formation that would lose everything, Wu De was also very careful.

A day passed, and Wu De was just observing one by one, and had no intention of doing anything at all.

Two days later, Wu De is still observing.

On the third day, Wu De finally started to do it.But the speed is not fast, every time is very careful.

Seeing that Wu De had made a move, Sun Shuang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Someone is coming!" Just two hours after Wu De started, Sun Shuang said with a slight movement of his consciousness.

In fact, Lin Mu has already discovered that Lin Mu's cultivation of spiritual consciousness is stronger than Sun Shuang's, not weaker.However, Lin Mu didn't want to reveal too much of his hole cards. Even if Sun Shuang never showed any malice towards him, Lin Mu didn't want to reveal his secrets.

"No matter who is coming, you two must help me block it. Once this formation starts, it cannot be stopped. If it stops, the three of us will never get out alive." Wu De said solemnly.

"En!" The two nodded at the same time, and then stared at the entrance closely to see who was coming.

"It's from the Ye family!" Sun Shuang said after seeing the first person leading down.

The people who came down from the Ye family also saw the three of Lin Mu, their expressions turned cold, and they said in a solemn tone: "The ancestors of the Ye family rest in the forbidden place, and the idlers leave quickly, otherwise they will be killed without mercy!"

Sun Shuang looked at the members of the Ye family and said with a light smile, "I really want to see what Sha Wushe is like."

Seeing the person from Sun Shuangye's family, she didn't do anything immediately. Obviously, she also saw how powerful Sun Shuangye was.

Soon, people from the Ye family followed one after another. Seeing more and more masters of the Ye family, Sun Shuang also had a dignified expression on his face.

When the last person came down, Sun Shuang's expression couldn't help but change.

"Isn't this the Goddess of War who claims to be the most powerful in Eastern Xuanzhou? Why are you interested in visiting the secret realm of my Ye Family?" The person who came down last said to Sun Shuang with a sunny smile on his face.

"Ye Tianhen didn't expect that you are from the Ye family." Sun Shuang looked at the last person who came down, and said in a dignified tone.

The little white face like a crown jade called Ye Tianhen looked at Sun Shuang and said, "This should be easy to guess, right? In the whole world, except for the disciple of my Ye family, who can beat the female God of War, and the one named Ye Man can defeat the Goddess of War."

After listening to Ye Tianhen's words, Lin Mu also understood that Ye Tianhen's strength and ranking are definitely above Sun Shuang.

Sun Shuang did not waver at all because of Ye Tianhen's words. Instead, he said sarcastically, "You are only ranked No. 18 because of the huge resources of your Ye family. What's there to show off!"

Ye Tianhen was not angry either, and said, "It's really nothing to show off, but it's enough to defeat the Goddess of War."

"I'm going to deal with the Goddess of War. You guys should fight quickly and take down that ant." After Ye Tianhen finished speaking, he directly attacked Sun Shuang.

"Run away!" Among the 15 people who came here, four of them are strong men in the Tribulation Realm. For a strong man in the divine realm, one is enough to deal with Lin Mu.

Lin Mu was not moved by Sun Shuang's words, but looked at the opposite person calmly.

"Although you are very strong, you are not their opponent. I will help you block them. You should escape quickly!" Sun Shuang saw that the trees were not moving, and said again via voice transmission.

"You can't just run away without me!" Seeing this situation, Wu De also shouted loudly, but his hands didn't stop.Indeed, as Wu De said, once the formation begins to be cracked, it cannot be stopped.

"An ant also wanted to run away, did he run away!" Ye Tianhen said coldly.

Lin Mu looked at Ye Tianhen and sneered, then directly took out the Heavenly Dragon Bow.

As soon as the Tianlong bow was released, it immediately attracted everyone's attention, and everyone's eyes couldn't help but tense.

"This is..." Everyone saw the extraordinaryness of Tianlong Bow, but no one could tell what it was.

Even the well-informed Wu De didn't know the origin of this bow.


Lin Mu aimed at the person on the opposite side, and slowly drew the Heavenly Dragon Bow, but Lin Mu didn't fully draw the bow, but only halfway.

"Go!" The four cultivators of Transcending Tribulation Realm surrounding the forest also let the cultivators of Transforming God Realm behind them rush up.


Facing the four monks who had completed the transformation of the gods, Lin Mu let go of the bowstring without even thinking about it.


A light arrow shot out, and the four of them didn't even have time to react. The light arrow had already deployed, and the powerful explosion engulfed the four of them in an instant.



The air wave generated by the explosion created a huge storm in this small space, blowing countless stalagmites tottering.

The storm dissipated, and there was nothing in the place where the four of them were just now, and all traces had been erased.


Seeing that Lin Shu killed the four monks who had completed the transformation of the gods with an arrow, all of them took a breath.

(End of this chapter)

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