Supreme Chef

Chapter 771 Take the initiative to admit defeat

Chapter 771 Take the initiative to admit defeat
Nie Shuang plucked the strings twice in succession.

The formed chords are transformed into the most beautiful heavenly sounds.

And one phoenix and one phoenix sing in harmony in the sky.

One is red like fire, and the other is crystal clear like water.



Conquer the main fire, the fire is fierce, burning everything in the world.

Feather dominates water, and the water is so powerful that it washes away everything in the world.

Of all things in the world, water and fire are the most ruthless.

Although water and fire restrain each other, just like yin and yang in the world, if they can be reconciled, they can still exist at the same time, and even exert a stronger power.

At this time, the great elder of the Tiannv Sect had brought all the people together on the arena between Lin Mu and Nie Shuang, laying down layer after layer of restrictions.

Imposing a ban and taking action by them are completely two concepts.If they made a move in person, they would definitely be able to break the move in an instant.

But what they have to do now is not to break Nie Shuang's moves, but to ensure that Nie Shuang's moves will not fluctuate, hurt others, and not damage the power of Nie Shuang's moves.

Lin Shu stared at the high sky, blazing and watery, one phoenix, one phoenix, his face was also full of dignity.

What he practiced was "Taishang Yin-Yang Jue", and Lin Mu couldn't be more clear about the power of offensive moves using the method of Yin-Yang.

At this time, the two divine beasts above the mid-air were already oppressed by the trees and couldn't breathe at all.

Luo Guanyue frowned when she saw that Nie Shuang was using all her strength.

Xu Mei is the one who is most worried among everyone. She never expected that her senior sister would do her best.

Seeing such a powerful move, the old beggar and the others all had solemn expressions.

At the same time, the same idea came to their minds: the disciples of Emperor Zong really are not waiting for nothing.

The people watching the battle below were also nervously looking at the arena where Lin Mu and the others were.

Everyone already knows that this is the last showdown.

Although they stood outside the restriction, they could still easily feel the huge power of the trick.

In fact, Yun Tianhua and the heads of the Emperor Sect felt a warning sign in their hearts when they saw such a powerful move.

Although Emperor Zong seems to be in the same spirit, it is actually a competitive relationship.

These old guys fight again, and their disciples will fight again.

Nie Shuang was already strong enough to emerge from the outside world. In the last competition, he was only slightly defeated by Wang Lang.

But the last time Nie Shuang just moved the four strings, and there was no current chord. If Nie Shuang also made this move at that time, then Wang Lang would definitely lose.

Under the harmony of the piano sound, water and fire coexist peacefully, and the power of both is constantly improving.

And the prohibition is also broken layer by layer. This has not yet attacked, but their increasing power has already caused the prohibition to collapse.

This battle is definitely the most difficult battle Lin Mu has experienced so far when he returned to the realm of comprehension.

Nie Shuang's strength was indeed beyond Lin Mu's imagination.

Besides Nie Shuang's strength, Lin Mu also found out that the lyre in Nie's hands is not a copy, but a sample.

That is to say, the real Qileqin is born out of this product, and this should be the experimental product refined by that powerful senior back then.

There is an essential difference between the sample and the imitation. The sample is the mother copy of the real lyre, and has the same refining techniques and methods as the real lyre, while the imitation is just an imitation of appearance.

Although the sample did not take shape in the end, its power almost completely inherited the power of the real seven instruments.

Facing the coercion above the sky, Lin Mu did not back down a step.


Lin Mu also began to raise his aura crazily. The high fighting spirit in Lin Mu's body was also the momentary confrontation with the power of Yun Xiao and Feng and Huang.


Feeling the surging fighting spirit on Lin Mu, Feng and Huang also screamed unwillingly.

The more the phoenix and phoenix chirped, the higher the fighting spirit on Lin Mu became.

Lin Mu's fighting spirit seemed to have no limit, it just increased crazily all the way.

Nie Shuang looked at the forest trees that seemed to be burning, and Liu Mei couldn't help but twitch slightly.

There is an invincible belief in Lin Mu's heart, and it is this invincible belief that makes Lin Mu's fighting spirit continue to rise.

The most powerful thing about a monk is not his talent and cultivation, but his inner belief.

If you don't have the belief that we are invincible, no matter how high your cultivation is, it will be useless.Your future path will also be firmly restricted.

In the end, Nie Shuang chose to take the initiative to attack, because she felt that if she continued to compete for power like this, she would only lose in the end.


Seeing Feng and Huang, they came to attack and kill him.Lin Mu also let out a loud shout, and then directly rose into the sky, and took the initiative to meet him.

This time, Lin Mu didn't use any tricks, but just rushed up directly holding the Shadowless Knife in both hands.


Halfway through the rush, Lin Shu's speed suddenly increased several times, and his body surpassed the height of Feng and Huang in an instant.

The speed of Lin Shu's sudden increase exceeded all expectations, and even Nie Shuang didn't respond at all.


Lin Shu yelled loudly, and then slashed down with a knife.

This was just an ordinary knife, without using any moves or combat skills.

"Turn complexity into simplicity! Great way to simplicity!" The old beggar stared at Lin Mu's knife, and his eyes couldn't help but shine.

Others looked at Lin Shu's seemingly ordinary knife with shock and thought in their eyes.

Lin Mu's knife seems ordinary, but it is the most ordinary move, which is the most in line with the law of heaven.

Of course, this is not just for anyone to strike with a knife casually, this requires a deep understanding of the Dao.

Moreover, this knife does not seem to have any combat skills, but in fact, Lin Mu has integrated the essence of all the combat skills he has mastered into Lin Mu.This is simply not something outsiders can do.

Lin Shu was high in the sky, and when he slashed down with a knife, a thousand-foot-long knife shadow appeared suddenly. Lin Shu was like a god descending from the earth, and his power was unparalleled in the world.

Compared with Lin Shu, everything around him lost its light in an instant, and the focus of all people was also concentrated on Lin Shu.


When the knife fell, there was an explosion like the creation of heaven and earth.

The Great Elder of the Tiannv Sect looked at the restriction he had set up, and it was completely destroyed.There was also a trace of solemnity on his face, and at the same time, his subordinates kept working together with the elders to set up restrictions.

Such a terrible blow by Lin Mu and Nie Shuang is completely equivalent to the full blow of a strong man in the Transcending Tribulation Realm. If they are not controlled, it is very likely that many innocent people will be affected.

However, the speed of the Great Elder's arrangement is fast, but the explosion and destruction inside are even faster.

Gradually, the Great Elder felt exhausted.

Just when Luo Guanyue was about to make a personal attack, a ray of light suddenly shot from the deepest part of the sect, covering the ring directly.

Looking at the fairy light above the arena, those who know the mystery of it all know that this is the most precious fairy weapon of the Tiannvzong being activated.

Xianguang enveloped the arena, finally controlling the arena.

After half an hour, the smoke and dust completely dissipated.

Everyone can't wait to look at the ring, wanting to see who will win and who will lose in this battle.

Lin Mu and Nie Shuang stood facing each other on the ring, Lin Mu's gown was torn, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

Nie Shuang's hair was in a messy bun, and there was also a trace of blood at the corner of her mouth.

Nie Shuang put away his seven music instruments, then got up directly, and said, "You have won."


Hearing Nie Shuang's words, the people below erupted into a tsunami-like discussion.

Because judging from the scene, no matter how you look at it, Nie Shuang has the upper hand.Lin Mu is only at the seventh level of God Transformation, even if this blow fails to defeat Lin Mu, but if he consumes it, he will definitely be defeated.

Lin Mu cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Senior Sister Nie, you are being polite. Your Wen Xian and Wu Xian have not been plucked yet. After plucking, it may not be possible for any of us to win."

Nie Shuang didn't hide it either, and said, "My cultivation is still unable to move the civil and military strings. And if you hadn't held back just now, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to stand here now."

(End of this chapter)

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