Supreme Chef

Chapter 800 He Looks Like an Egg

Chapter 800 He Looks Like an Egg

Seeing so many people agreeing with Lin Mu, Yun Tianhua's face became even more ugly.

Lin Mu looked at Yun Tianhua, whose face was already blackened like ashes at the bottom of a pot, and said, "Master Yun, you have fulfilled your responsibility as a messenger, can you go now?"

At this time, Yun Tianhua really wanted to crush Lin Mu to death. He had already lost face twice on Lin Mu.

And every time he does it in front of the world, if there is someone Yun Tianhua wants to die the most right now, it must be Lin Mu.

Yun Tianhua had already forgotten how long he hadn't been embarrassed by anyone.

But with Lin Mu, he suffered losses twice in a row.And the time between the two times is so close.

Now Yun Tianhua really felt that his skin was already very thick.

Being played by Lin Mu like this, he can still be patient.

"After one month, if you show up in Yunshui City, Fumanlou will be removed from the name!" Yun Tianhua ruthlessly dropped these words, and walked away with tails between his legs again.

"Oh! Cheeky is gone! Cheeky is gone!" Seeing Yun Tianhua fleeing with his tail between his legs, Xue Linglong shouted like he was booing.

The voice of the blood spirit dragon fell into Yun Tianhua's ears, it was so ear-piercing.Because of Yun Tianhua's fingers being too hard, the knuckles have turned an abnormal white color.

Seeing Yun Tianhua leave, those onlookers also left one after another.Although Lin Mu was strong, they didn't want to offend Emperor Zong.

Of course, there are also some people who have not left. These people are planning to join Fumanlou.

Lin Mu naturally opened the door to those who were going to join Fumanlou, but the selection criteria were equally harsh.

"Boy, are you really planning to go to West Jizhou? Then what about the tomb of my first concubine through the ages?" Wu De found Lin Mu and complained directly.

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Isn't there still a month left? When the matter here is settled, we will go directly to find the tomb of the first concubine through the ages."

When Wu De heard that he was about to leave, he couldn't help but be overjoyed, and said, "Really?"

Lin Mu said: "This can still be false."

Wu De glanced at Xu Mei, and then asked with some doubts: "Why do I have the feeling of being sold and counting the money?"

Lin Mu patted Wu De's shoulder with a smirk, and said, "You don't care if it's sold or not, anyway, it's good that you have more money than you can count."

Wu De slapped Lin Mu's hand off, and said, "Don't do this with me, Fatty, your little abacus is as clear as a mirror in my heart. Fatty, I also explained to you in advance, the inheritance of the first concubine through the ages I don’t want it, but we have to split the bill for what’s in it.”

Lin Mu said: "I seven you three, yes!"

Wu Dedao: "I'm seven and you three, you bring me over to Fatty Master. Let Fatty Master me contribute both people and effort, and I still want you to take [-]% of my dreams!"

Lin Mu looked at Wu De quietly and said: "According to my current strength, if I go to the tomb of the first concubine through the ages by myself, how sure is it that I can succeed?"

As soon as Wu De heard Lin Mu's words, he stopped doing it immediately, and shouted: "Good you Lin Mu, you really want to hide everything! Fatty, I have worked so hard to come here with you, and I even went to the pit with you Man, I don’t need me now, so I just want to send Fat Master away!”

Lin Mu looked at Wu De, who was extremely excited, and grabbed Wu De's shoulders, and said, "Don't be excited, fat brother? I'm just joking. Do you think I, Lin Mu, are the one who crosses rivers and demolishes bridges like that? It's just this share, we It really needs to be discussed.”

As soon as Wu De heard that Lin Mu wanted to discuss the share, he quickly blocked Lin Mu with words, saying: "There is no discussion about the share."

Lin Mu said: "Fat brother, listen to me before I finish. I don't have any objection to my [-]%, but fat brother, you see that you are also an elder now. You also have so many disciples under your hand.

Let's see if you can set an example and make some contributions to the sect.Contribute [-]% of your own harvest and put it in the sect's warehouse. "

When Wu De started, he was quite happy to hear that Lin Mu offered to take [-]% of the shares.But the more I listened to Wu De, the more I felt something was wrong.

"Why should I contribute alone. Besides, this Fumanlou is yours. If I contribute [-]%, won't it still be in your hands? What's the difference between this and [-]%?" Wu De said excitedly .

Lin Mudao: "I've already said it, Fat Brother, don't get excited. Why can't you let me finish my sentence?"

Wu Dedao: "No matter what you say today, in short, I can't take things out!"

Lin Mu said quietly: "Fat brother, if we continue to talk like this, I think it will be boring. If you insist on this, then I will have to bear the infamy of crossing the river and tearing down the bridge."

Wu De looked at Lin Mu, and really wanted to rush up and tear Lin Mu up.

Wu De now feels that Lin Mu is his nemesis.I have cheated myself, and now it is a series of cheats, and I have no power to fight back when I am still cheated.

Wu Deyi gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, I agree to contribute part of it, but I will contribute one layer at most. There is no more layer. If you don't agree, I will leave now. I don't want the tomb of the first concubine either." .When I went out, I spread it everywhere, how you broke your promise."

Lin Mu laughed loudly and said, "Brother Fat, let's make a happy decision."

Although Wu De was relieved when he heard Lin Mu's words, he still felt very upset.

"The head has a senior who has crossed the tribulation realm, and he wants to find you by name!" A disciple came to Lin Mu and reported to Lin Muhui.

"A senior who has crossed the Tribulation Realm?" Lin Mu frowned slightly when he heard the disciple's report.

I have just crossed the catastrophe, so I know some seniors who have crossed the catastrophe.

"Male and female?" Lin Mu asked.

"Female!" The disciple below replied.

As soon as the disciple finished answering, Lin Mu felt that there was an extra little hand around his waist, pinching his waist fiercely.

Lin Mu turned his head and saw Xu Mei's almost cannibalistic eyes, and said hastily, "I really don't know any female seniors who have crossed the Tribulation Realm?"

Seeing that his chance to vent his anger had finally come, Wu De immediately fanned the flames and said, "You don't know me, and people can still name you to see you? There must be something wrong with you!"

After hearing Wu De's words, Xu Mei immediately echoed, "Yes! Flies don't drill into flawless eggs. If you have no problems, how could they find you."

"Sister, what you said is too absolute. Your Lin Mu is indeed an egg, but you can see that my sister looks like an egg." Before Xu Mei finished speaking, she heard a pleasant voice. , and then a graceful figure appeared in front of the three of Lin Mu.

"It's you?" Seeing this person who appeared, Wu De and Lin Mu said in unison.

When Xu Mei saw such a heroic female cultivator, she was also a little dazed.

Although Xu Mei is confident in her appearance, her figure is really inferior to the one in front of her.

"This junior has met senior. I didn't intend to offend you just now. I hope senior will forgive me!" After being a little dazed, Xu Mei also said apologetically.

Wu De said carelessly: "Sister and brother, you don't have to be polite to her, she and us are old friends."

Before Wu De could finish speaking, the visitor said, "Lin Mu and I are indeed old friends, but I don't remember when I became old friends with a fat man?"

Wu De was deflated again, and shut up very depressed.

Seeing this, Lin Mu quickly introduced: "Xu Mei is the one I said to help me before, Sun Shuang, the Goddess of War. That is, the person who is also known as the peerless double pride with your senior sister Nie Shuang."

When Xu Mei heard Lin Mu's introduction, she couldn't help but look at Sun Shuang a few more times.

Xu Mei has heard of the peerless twins, and she has been with Nie Shuang, one of the peerless twins, all year round, but Xu Mei, the goddess of war Sun Shuang, has really never seen her.

(End of this chapter)

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