Supreme Chef

Chapter 817 Power Limit

Chapter 817 Power Limit
Lin Mu gave a clear chirp, and there was a sound of popping beans in his body, and then Lin Mu's broken arm was completely connected.


Wei Gu sneered again, and the aura on his body instantly increased by a large amount.

For his own strength, Wei Gu has absolute confidence.

Wei Gu's self-confidence is above strength, and in the entire cultivation world in the Tong realm, absolutely no one can surpass him.

Only Wei Gu himself knows how much pain Wei Gu endured in order to train his strength.

From the day he was born, he was chosen to enter the blood building.

When there was no foundation for cultivation at all, Wei Gu and all the selected people were crushed under a huge rock weighing ten thousand catties.

Although Wei Gu was born in the realm of comprehension, his body is only a little stronger than ordinary people.And without any cultivation basis, the weight of ten thousand catties is definitely far beyond the limit they can bear.

In this way, all the children who were selected like him will have to survive under heavy pressure for a month.

No one will care about your life or death this month, even if they all die, the Blood Tower won't care in the slightest.

Because Xuelou doesn't care about the dead, he only cares about the result.

Among the one hundred selected people, only Wei Gu survived with difficulty.And all of this is just the beginning of Wei Gu's ordeal.

For Wei Gu, the subsequent tempering can no longer be described as inhuman, it is simply killing him.

Every promotion, every tempering, is rushing to defend Gu Ming.

The credo of Yongxuelou is that we don't care about your life, we only care about whether you are strong enough.

Everything flowed through Wei Gu's mind in an instant, but no matter what he endured in the past, Wei Gu has survived now, and he will continue to live.

The corner of Wei Gu's mouth reveals a hideous smile with a hint of happiness in it, which makes people shudder.

"Die to me!" Wei Gu whispered, and then all the strength in his body poured into his arms.

Wei Gu's punch was like a burning star.The seawater with a radius of hundreds of miles was evaporated to dryness by Wei Gu's powerful punch.

And the trees in the center of the storm are also feeling the pressure.

Although Lin Mu was already mentally prepared, Wei Gu's pure power still shocked Lin Mu very much.

Not to mention in the world of self-cultivation, even in the world of immortals, Lin Mu has never seen such a monk who purely cultivates strength.

Wei Gu completely gave up his moves, his aura, and even his spirit treasures. He just purely tempered his own strength.

Lin Mu couldn't imagine such an extreme person.

"Be afraid, then die!" Seeing Lin Mu's expression changed, Wei Gu became even more excited.

Wei Gu is a 'pervert', he likes the taste of blood, especially the blood of the strong, he prefers to see the strong, begging to die under his ravages.But all of this cannot deny one thing, that is, Wei Gu is very strong, even a little outrageous.

But no matter how strong Wei Gu is, Lin Mu will not be afraid.

Lin Mu knew that he would face the Blood Tower and the Great Emperor Sects in the future.

If even Wei Gu couldn't surpass, then Lin Mu didn't have to face Xuelou and Emperor Zong directly.

If Lin Mu wants to kill Wei Gu, Lin Mu must have a way.The most direct way is naturally to use the Heavenly Dragon Bow and Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow directly.

As soon as the Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow comes out, not to mention that Wei Gu is coming to the Ascension Realm, Lin Shu is sure to keep him.

But relying on external things like this is obviously not what Lin Mu likes.Ever since he cultivated into the Flawless Body, Lin Muzhong never believed that he would be weaker than anyone else in terms of body and strength.

If you can't pass Wei Gu's hurdle today, if you can't beat Wei Gu in terms of strength and body.Lin Mu knew that it would be difficult for him to make any progress in his body training in the future.

But if he can successfully cross over, then his flawless body is very likely to usher in a breakthrough opportunity.

If he can successfully enter the late stage of the flawless body, then Lin Mu believes it.In the world of comprehension, very few people can surpass themselves physically.

At the same time, after entering the late stage of flawless body, Lin Mu is also qualified to aspire to the top, the realm of immortal body that the ancient body refining power once reached.

Looking at Wei Gu who was getting closer and closer to him, the fighting spirit in Lin Mu's eyes was also burning fiercely.


Lin Mu also let out a roar, and then the spiritual energy in his whole body seemed to be burning, and the flawless body was also running at a high speed.

Lin Mu's body became almost transparent, almost transparent body, it looked like it was very weak.

But anyone who knows the flawless body knows that this is the sign of the flawless body's true power.

Although the body is almost transparent, Lin Shu feels that the strength of his whole body is increasing in a geometric progression.

Wei Gu looked at Lin Shu desperately trying to crush himself in terms of strength, but also smiled contemptuously, and said: "It's useless. Although you have a flawless body, the strength exercises I have are also inherited from ancient times. It can completely suppress your flawless body."

When the strength climbed to the peak, Lin Mu also opened his eyes suddenly, looked at Wei Gu fiercely, and said: "Sit in the well and watch the sky, the reason why the flawless body can be called the limit of body training profound meaning, is it that you can know. Today I'll let you see the true power of the flawless body!"

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he also rose directly into the sky.

The strong fighting spirit rushed towards him all of a sudden, which also made Wei Gu feel that his breathing was stagnant.

Seeing the whole body seemed to be on fire, and the trees that radiated more dazzling light than the sun, Wei Gu's heart couldn't help jumping for no reason.

"Impossible, no one can suppress me in terms of strength!" Wei Gu ruthlessly shook off the trace of fear in his heart, and then the strength in his hands increased a bit.


The two finally collided, and the powerful impact penetrated each other's flesh.

At the same time, the terrifying fluctuations visible to the naked eye directly wiped away the sponges with a radius of thousands of miles.

At the same time, the powerful impact not only cleans the sea surface.It even penetrated to the bottom of the sea, and the terrifying fluctuations extended hundreds of miles to the bottom of the sea.

All the creatures on the bottom of the sea were disturbed by this terrible fluctuation, and they all ran for their lives.And those underwater creatures that escaped slowly were directly strangled.

Soon a terrifying vortex with a diameter of thousands of miles and a depth of hundreds of miles formed around Lin Shu and Wei Gu.

Seeing the fight between the two, the Blood Spirit Dragon had already retreated back and forth.The blood spirit dragon is now five thousand miles away from the battlefield, but standing on the bow of the boat and looking at the terrifying whirlpool, the blood spirit dragon still couldn't help but gasp.

"Is this really what strength can achieve?" Blood Spirit Dragon couldn't believe his eyes at all.

(End of this chapter)

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