Supreme Chef

Chapter 866

Chapter 866
Lin Shu is arrogant, and he has the capital of his arrogance.

Lin Mu's cultivation level is no less than that of the Eleventh Prince. The Eleventh Prince has a magic weapon in his hand, and Lin Mu also has a fairy weapon that is no less than that of the Eleventh Prince.

The Eleventh Prince had his back against the Demon Realm, and behind Lin Mu, there was also the Craftsman City.

The Demon Realm is indeed powerful now, and it is very successful every step of the way.But both the demon world and the comprehension world in Xijizhou understand.

The demon world is only greedy for territory, not people.

Even if there are some boneless people who seek refuge in the Demon Realm, they are completely unable to stir up any waves.

The reason why the demon world has the current trend is entirely due to the disunity in the cultivation world of Xijizhou.

The disunity in Xijizhou made everyone not want to be cannon fodder.In this way, there will be no more and more people hiding, hiding in places that the devil world can't reach.

The Demon Realm also knows this, so they can't make mistakes, because once they make a mistake, these people hiding in the dark will appear and give them a fatal blow.

This is also the reason why the Demon Realm did not dare to directly attack the land with soldiers and directly capture the Craftsman City.Because they are afraid that they will make mistakes, and that they will be lost forever.

All these thoughts just passed through the Eleventh Prince's mind, and then the Eleventh Prince gave Lin Mu a cold look, and then flashed back to his palace.

"Let's go!" Eleventh Prince's cold voice came out.


Following the order of the Eleventh Prince, the demon gates and demon world besieging the craftsman city retreated one after another and left the craftsman city.

And seeing the soldiers who besieged him leave, everyone in the craftsman city cheered loudly.

The president, Jiao Feiyang and others stood on the craftsman's building, and they were also very excited.The soldiers from the Demon Realm are under pressure, and they are under a lot of pressure.

But none of them thought that all the difficulties would be solved as soon as the trees came out.

"Good boy! Good boy! Good boy! Done all my work." Jiao Feiyang was also very excited, and said three good boys in a row.

Lin Mu also put away the other wing of the eleventh prince, and then turned back to the craftsman city.

Seeing Lin Mu returning to the city of Craftsman, everyone automatically made way for Lin Mu, and everyone looked up to such a hero who saved the whole city.

Lin Mu stepped onto the craftsman's building step by step, and some masters standing on the craftsman's building also unconsciously gave way to Lin Mu.

What Lin Mu has done makes Lin Mu worthy of such a courtesy. Of course, the most important thing is that Lin Mu has the strength to have all these.

Although Lin Mu is still only on the seventh level of Transcendence Tribulation, Lin Mu's strength makes many experts in the Ascension Realm deeply afraid.What's more, in the hands of Lin Shu, there is also an immortal artifact, which is a real immortal artifact.Even if Lin Shu couldn't fully urge it, but just a little force, it was completely beyond their ability to stop.

"Thank you, Lin Mu! Thank you for solving the danger of my craftsman city!" The president came to Lin Mu and said very excitedly.

Lin Mudao: "This is what juniors should do, seniors are really serious."

Jiao Feiyang also smiled boldly: "That's good boy! Really good! Now, old man, I'm a little afraid of you."

"Haha!" After Jiao Feiyang finished speaking, Lin Mu also laughed out loud.

After a pause, Lin Mu said, "Senior and junior want a quieter room to recover from the injury."

"No problem, I will arrange it for you immediately." The president also readily agreed.

Lin Mu's room was quickly arranged, it was a very quiet and defensive courtyard, and it was also very thoughtful.

Even so, after Lin Mu entered the courtyard, he re-arranged it before entering the room with peace of mind and starting to practice.

Of course, the injury on Lin Mu's body was only a small problem. Lin Mu just performed the "Witch God Body Refining Technique" a little, and the injury on his body was healed.

The reason why Lin Mu really wanted this courtyard was to study the pair of wings of the eleven princes.

The fragments of guidelines contained in the body of the eleventh prince are engraved on the wings, and the reason why Lin Mu is in a hurry.It was because Daoist Guang told Lin Mu that these principles would disappear quickly with the passage of time.

Taking out the two wings, Lin Mu also carefully looked at the mysterious runes on the wings.

If these runes were replaced by others, it might take a long time to study them thoroughly.But for Lin Mu, who also mastered the speed rules, these runes are nothing but a concrete manifestation of the speed rules.As long as Lin Mu compares these runes with the speed rules he has mastered one by one, he can easily guess the meaning behind these runes.

While Lin Mu was speculating, Taoist Guang was also speculating constantly.Taoist Guang is the discoverer of the speed rules after all, so his understanding is much deeper than that of Lin Shu.

Lin Mu and Daoist Guang were all busy, only Xue Linglong was very leisurely.

According to Xue Linglong's words, "You two watch it first, and when you two finish reading it, I'll just roast it and eat it. At that time, I can still integrate the speed rules into what I have mastered." '

This is the innate advantage of the blood spirit dragon as an ancient beast, something Lin Mu couldn't learn even if he wanted to.

"These rules just made up for my regrets back then. Although the Demon Realm is known as an abandoned place, the Dao gave them advantages that outsiders can't imagine." After the deduction, Taoist Guang was also full of emotions.

Lin Mu didn't talk to him, but was trying his best to digest these fragments of speed rules from the demon world.

For three days, Lin Mu sat there motionless, constantly comparing these fragments with the rules he had mastered one by one, and finally integrated them into his own rules.


Lin Mu suddenly opened his eyes, and the next moment Lin Mu's body slowly became unreal.

This is the manifestation of the extreme speed. According to Taoist Guang, such extreme speed is very close to the legendary time rule.And if you want two selves to appear in one place at the same time, you have to break the time rule.

But Taoist Guang warned Lin Mu not to try such a taboo thing.

Of course, Lin Mu wouldn't do these things so crazily, Taoist Guang couldn't resist the erosion of time, and the current self was even less likely to do so.

"It's so fast, if it steals something and escapes in the future, no one can stop it at all." The blood spirit dragon also sighed in the chaotic world.

Taoist Guang also said: "The fragments of guidelines contained in the blood of the prince of the devil world just made up for some of my incomprehensions back then. Your speed rules will be more perfect, and perhaps in the not-too-distant future, you can really touch them." That unreal time."


Lin Mu also repeated it softly, he could really touch the rules of time, which of course was what Lin Mu wanted.But Lin Mu also knew that it was not something he could consider now.

"That's enough! That's enough! You two are done enlightening, let me eat the rest." Blood Spirit Dragon also said impatiently.

Lin Mu also directly threw a pair of wings to the blood spirit dragon. The blood spirit dragon didn't cook the wings as he said, but ate them directly.

"I'm going to retreat, don't bother me if you have nothing to do." After eating the wings, the blood spirit dragon also twisted its buttocks, sat in the divine substance and began to retreat.

After refining the fragments of the speed rules, there is no need for Lin Shu to stay here.

After leaving the courtyard, Lin Shu also reappeared in the Craftsman City.

Looking at the fearful and respectful eyes of the people around him, Lin Mu was also very helpless.In fact, Lin Mu has always been a very low-key person, but now it is impossible for him to keep a low profile.

(End of this chapter)

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