Supreme Chef

Chapter 874 Talking While Drinking

Chapter 874 Talking While Drinking
Lin Mu was a little embarrassed to be stared at by so many people.With a rare humility, he said: "How can this junior's attainments in formation be compared with Senior Guo's."

Guo Zhenshan said: "Lin Mu, you are wrong. You were the one who helped me decipher the formation in the back mountain. If it weren't for you, I don't know what's in it now. Such an ancient formation, I don't know what it is. But there is no way."

"What! Lin Mu cracked an ancient formation back then!"

Everyone was shocked again when they heard Guo Zhenshan's words.

When Lin Mu heard Guo Zhenshan's words, he couldn't help but smile wryly. It seemed that he was destined to be difficult to keep a low profile.

The president was also very pleasantly surprised when he heard Guo Zhenshan's words, and said: "Since Lin Mu is like this, the matter of sealing the boundary area will be done by you and Brother Guo."

Lin Mu cupped his hands and said, "Ding Dang, the junior, will do his best."

It is obviously not a good signal for Lin Mu to seal the boundary.

If Lin Mu fails, it is definitely not good news for them.Because in that case, the demon world will come across the world, and they will die at that time.

But if Lin Mu succeeds, it will not be a good thing for them either.

Lin Mu's prestige is already extremely high at this time, if he successfully seals the boundary again.

At that time, Lin Mu's reputation will definitely be even higher, and most importantly, everyone will know that Lin Mu is not just an eighth-rank half-immortal alchemist.He is also a master-level formation master.

They thought that no one would be willing to offend such a genius.It will be even more difficult for them to think about what to do with the trees.And now it is obvious that the Craftsman City, Xuannv Palace, and the Magic Mountain represented by Guo Zhenshan are all on the side of the forest.

Moreover, Yang Hongxi, who came from the emperor's sect, was severely suppressed at this time. It would be very, very difficult for them to deal with Lin Mu now.

"Since the alliance has been determined, let's go to the Mountain of Warcraft now. I will lead the people from the Mountain of Magic to directly attack the Mountain of Warcraft. What are you going to do here? It's best to act quickly. Our time is limited." Guo Zhenshan said.

The president said: "We will hurry up."

"Lin Mu, do you want to go directly with us, or wait here first?" Guo Zhenshan looked at Lin Mu and asked.

Lin Mudao: "Senior Guo and I will go directly to Warcraft Mountain. After all, I don't know the situation there yet. I want to take a look first."

Guo Zhenshan nodded, took out a list, and said: "This is the materials I have so far and the materials I lack. You can see that there are such things in your craftsman city. I will take them away immediately and go back to prepare .”

The president took the list of materials in Guo Zhenshan's hand, looked at it for a while, and said, "I have most of the materials in the material warehouse in Craftsman City, but a small part of them is not there yet."

After finishing speaking, the president marked all the materials he could provide, and then said: "Look, everyone, do you have the rest of the materials?"

"Look, old man." He Zhizhou said.

The president handed the list of materials to He Zhizhou, and He Zhizhou glanced at it and said, "I have the rest of the materials in the Shenzhou Chamber of Commerce, so I'll let someone fetch them."

Guo Zhenshan looked at He Zhizhou and smiled, and said, "Old Niubi, you must be bleeding this time."

He Zhizhou snorted coldly, and said: "Guo Zhenshan, don't talk sarcastic here, if you can't seal it, I will kill your magic mountain."

Guo Zhenshan laughed and said, "If I fail to seal it, I don't need you to kill my Demon Mountain. I myself can't leave the Demonic Beast Mountain Range."

Although Guo Zhenshan was still laughing when he said it, but in the ears of other people, there was a kind of tragic flavor.

Guo Zhenshan obviously went with the determination to die.

After He Zhizhou heard this, he couldn't help but feel slightly moved.

"Okay, hurry up and collect the materials. We'll leave when we have collected enough materials." Guo Zhenshan said with a big wave of his hand.

He Zhizhou didn't waste any time, and immediately took out the communication jade slip, and sent a voice transmission to the door, so that someone would send over the materials Guo Zhenshan needed immediately.

At this time, Lin Mu finally had time to have a good talk with Liu Yiyi.

"You must be careful." Liu Yiyi is a smart woman, she knows that even if she stops Lin Mu, Lin Mu will definitely go.

Lin Mu looked at Liu Yiyi's bun, and said with a smile, "I think you still look good with your hair up."

When Liu Yiyi heard Lin Mu's words, her pretty face blushed slightly, and she said, "I will always do it in the future."

Lin Mu held Liu Yiyi in his arms, and said, "I'll take you back to Dongxuanzhou when I understand what's going on here. I've already arranged a new home for you there. When we get there, we don't have to worry about being separated anymore." Something happened."

Liu Yiyi nodded, and snuggled tightly into Lin Shu's arms, enjoying the tranquility and warmth of this moment.

The materials Guo Zhenshan needed were quickly collected.

Bringing all the materials, Guo Zhenshan and others went straight back to their own magic mountain.

They only have one chance, so they can only succeed and not fail, although Guo Zhenshan said it easily.But in his heart, it was not easy at all. They had to gather everyone together and make good preparations.

It is much easier to recruit people from Moshan, because of the existence of Mochang, the top ten demon kings were quickly summoned.

There is no debate at all on the Momen's side, and all arrangements have already been decided.

Seeing the magic mountain so united, Lin Mu finally understood why the declining magic mountain could stand forever.

"When Lao Niubi and the others start to act, we will start to act immediately. Everyone, go back and prepare now." Guo Zhenshan is the most accomplished formation technique in the Demon Sect, so this time, Mochang also directly handed over the command right to Guo Zhenshan.

"Lin Xiaoyou, we are going to fight side by side this time, how about a drink before we leave?" Guo Zhenshan offered to invite him.

Lin Mu said with a smile: "This junior is exactly what I mean. I just happen to have some meat from ninth-level spirit beasts here, which can be used for drinks and dishes."

"Good! Good! I have long been greedy for your precious medicine of flesh and blood. Since I ate your spirit beast last time, I have tasted nothing for several years." Guo Zhenshan said with a hearty smile.

"I don't mind the old man getting one too." Mo Chang said faintly when he appeared again at some point.

Guo Zhenshan looked at Mochang, laughed and cursed: "When you come back, can you say something? I thought you were dead if you didn't show your face for thousands of years."

In fact, when Guo Zhenshan saw Mochang, he was also very surprised.Mochang has not appeared for thousands of years, Guo Zhenshan himself thought that Mochang was dead.

Now that there is an opportunity, Lin Mu will naturally not waste it, and hastily said: "Senior, this junior has a few questions that I would like to ask senior. I also ask senior to enlighten me."

Mo Chang said: "Let's talk while drinking."

(End of this chapter)

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