Supreme Chef

Chapter 877 Comprehensive Counterattack

Chapter 877 Comprehensive Counterattack (1)

After listening to Lin Mu's words, Mo Chang also said: "In such a place, I am afraid that only Lin Xiaoyou can go deep into the entire cultivation world."

Guo Zhenshan also nodded along. In the place where the thunder is raging, except for Lin Mu who is flawless and physically mature, I am afraid that no one can really go deep.

The five of them drank until very late before leaving to prepare for the attack on Warcraft Mountain.

On the side of the comprehension world, led by the president, Jiao Feiyang, He Zhizhou and others, they also quickly organized a huge counterattack team.

At the same time, in the name of Craftsman City, the president has notified the entire West Jizhou, hoping that all the monks hiding in the dark will unite and jointly fight back against the attacks of the demon world and the demon gate.

However, I have to say that the name of the Craftsman City is still very useful. In just a few days, millions of masters have gathered in the Craftsman City.

The goal of the comprehension world is very simple and very clear. Gather three groups of people and start encircling and suppressing the Demon Sect and the Demon Realm from three different directions. They are not trying to regain the territory, but only encircle and suppress the vital forces of the Demon Sect and the Demon Realm.

After everything was arranged properly, the chairman also passed on his plan to Guo Zhenshan.

After Guo Zhenshan read the plan, he also gave the order to attack immediately.

Under the leadership of the Ten Demon Kings, the Demon Mountain almost came out in full force.

At this time, the Warcraft Mountain Range was already like an iron barrel, and the Demon Sect disciples on the periphery surrounded the entire Warcraft Mountain Range. If they wanted to attack on a large scale, they could only head-on.

Mo Chang held a ten-meter-long magic stick in his hand, and aimed at the disciples of the Demon Sect who stretched thousands of miles below, he just dropped the stick directly.

Mochang fell with a stick, and the immortal yuan rolled down, and the tightly guarded periphery was directly opened a gap of tens of miles.

"I will lead the way with you in front, and you two will follow behind me." Mo Chang turned his head and said to Lin Mu and Guo Zhenshan.

Lin Mu and Guo Zhenshan nodded, followed closely behind Mo Chang, and rushed in quickly.

Led by a super demon master like Mo Chang, Lin Mu and Guo Zhenshan followed behind, almost unimpeded all the way.

After penetrating into the depths of Warcraft Mountain, that is, where the trees entered the exile, they encountered the obstruction of the Demon Realm.

Several monsters, comparable to level nine spirit beasts, lay across the passage ahead.A sound of magic roar shook the sky.The billowing devilish energy made people feel chills at first glance.


A ferocious monster roared, and directly bit the three of Lin Mu.

"Hmph! Courting death!" Mo Chang snorted coldly, and swept the magic stick in his hand.


The magic stick directly hit the monster's leg bone, and with a bang, the monster's leg bone snapped, and its huge body hit the ground heavily.


Mochang attacked again, and this time the magic stick fell directly on the head of the monster.


The head exploded, the brains splashed out, and a beast comparable to the Ascension Realm died.

[-]% of the true energy in Mochang's body has been transformed into immortal energy. With such strength, even a fairy who has just ascended, Mochang has the ability to fight, not to mention these ascension-level powerhouses in the cultivation world.

The five monsters blocking the way were killed by Mo Chang almost without any obstruction.

Across this exile, the three continued on.

The Demon Mountain suddenly launched an attack on the Warcraft Mountains, which made the high-level officials of the Demon Realm unexpected.

In the meeting hall of the 36 gates of the Demon Sect, the senior officials of the Demon Realm were also greatly shocked when they heard the news of the sudden attack by the Demon Sect.

"What kind of magic mountain dares to boldly attack the Warcraft mountain range, trying to destroy the cross-border of the royal army!"

The Eleventh Prince whose wings had been removed by Lin Shu couldn't help shaking when he heard the report from the elder of the Momen.

This time the leader of the West Jizhou sent by the Demon Sect is the eleventh prince.

"Yes, the people of the Demon Mountain are almost close to the hinterland now." The elder of the Demon Gate replied respectfully.

"Stop them! We must stop them! We can't let them destroy our plan. The arrival of the royal family army is enough to sweep the entire cultivation world." The Eleventh Prince said.

"Yes! I will arrange it now." said the elder of the Demon Sect.

Before the elder from the Demon Sect left, another elder from the Demon Sect hurried in.

Seeing the elder of the Demon Sect who suddenly ran in, the Eleventh Prince could not help but frown.

"What happened again?" Eleventh Prince asked.

"The monks of West Jizhou are united and are attacking several big cities we have occupied. Now seven or eight cities have fallen, and there are countless casualties. The monks of West Jizhou are approaching here at this time." The magic gate The elder reported.

"The monks from West Jizhou have also united." The Eleventh Prince was shocked again.

"His Royal Highness, the situation is critical now, please make a decision immediately."

The Eleventh Prince's face also changed a few times at this time, but in the end the Eleventh Prince still made a decision: "We will do our best to ensure the cross-border of Warcraft Mountain. As for some occupied territories, we can give up all that can be given up."

"But His Royal Highness, if we just give up like this, we may be attacked by the enemy. I am afraid that the demon world will not be able to cross the border, and we will also be wiped out by Xijizhou."

The Eleventh Prince was silent for a moment after hearing what his subordinates said, but finally said: "Don't worry, these monks in Xijizhou are all greedy for small profits. As long as we give up some benefits, they won't be stalking It's done."

"The prince is a monk in Xijizhou this time. Obviously, he already knows about our cross-border affairs. They may not be greedy for these small profits." The elder of the Momen analyzed it in this way.

The eleventh prince also felt a little irritable after hearing the elder's analysis.

Scheming is not the devil's forte, they are just powerful, but when it comes to scheming, they are much worse than human monks.

"Then what do you think we should do?" Eleventh Prince said a little furiously.

The elders of the Momen obviously knew that the prince was not suitable for such scheming, so he didn't pretend to be a fool, and directly suggested: "His Royal Highness, in the current situation, we must not only block the monks in Xijizhou, but also dispatch Go to Warcraft Mountain with our hands. It is certain to give up some of the sites we have already fought for, but we can't give up completely. We must keep some important places, not only to stop the attack of the monks in Xijizhou, but also for our royal legion to cross the border After that, leave a place to stay."

After the Eleventh Prince heard this, he made a final decision and said: "Just do this, immediately send an order to transfer one-third of the people to the Warcraft Mountains, and the remaining two-thirds, except for a few important cities, the rest give up all of it.”

(End of this chapter)

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