Supreme Chef

Chapter 885 Shameless and Unlimited

Chapter 885 Shameless and Unlimited
Yang Hongxi looked at the tree whose body appeared on the other side, and his expression also changed a few times involuntarily.

This Lin Mu has only been seen for more than ten years, and he has grown to such an extent that even a person who has made himself a perfect ascension state is helpless against Lin Mu.

Lin Mu is indeed not his opponent, but there is one thing, Lin Mu can't beat him, but if Lin Mu wants to run, it is absolutely impossible for him to catch up with Lin Mu.

But when Yang Hongxi rolled his eyes, he saw Liu Yiyi standing behind the head of Xuannv Palace.

Since you can't catch Lin Mu, then catch Liu Yiyi and let Liu Yiyi force Lin Mu to submit.

As for what is moral or immoral, Yang Hongxi can't care about it now.He has lost the treasure of the sect, if he returns to the sect like this, the punishment he will face will definitely make his life worse than death, so for his own survival, he doesn't care about those morals .

Lin Mu didn't expect Yang Hongxi to attack Liu Yiyi suddenly.

Because in Lin Mu's view, even if Yang Hongxi was shameless, he couldn't be so shameless in public.

But Lin Mu obviously underestimated how shameless Yang Hongxi was.

Yang Hongxi was able to do such a thing, and he did it so righteously.


With a low growl, Yang Hongxi grabbed Liu Yiyi directly.

Liu Yiyi didn't have the ability to follow the speed rules of Lin Mu, so seeing Yang Hongxi flying over, Liu Yiyi was also a little silly.


Seeing Yang Hongxi's shamelessness, Lin Mu's eyes were about to burst with anger, and he burned his spiritual energy directly, so he wanted to attack Yang Hongxi.


But before Lin Mu made a move, the head of Xuannv Palace was one step faster than Lin Mu. She stood in front of Liu Yiyi and blocked Yang Hongxi for Liu Yiyi.

Yang Hongxi and the head of Xuannv Palace exchanged palms, even though they are both at the peak of Ascension Realm.But there is still a big gap in strength, so after this palm, the head of Xuannv Palace also turned pale, and his body couldn't help taking a step back.

"Death to me!"

Being blocked by the head of Xuannv Palace also gave Lin Mu a chance to attack.

Lin Shu, who was completely burning with spiritual energy, moved the fairy sword in his hand to the limit he could move.

The surging sword energy made the entire main hall tremble, and the formation accumulated over tens of thousands of years disintegrated as quickly as snow in spring.

A corner of the hall had already burst open, and everyone was forced to retreat step by step by such a powerful sword energy.

In a hurry, Yang Hongxi also took out his half-immortal shield to resist.

Seeing Yang Hongxi take out his shield to resist, Lin Mu simply burned his blood directly, arousing the power of the fairy sword one step further.

Seeing Lin Shu's desperate efforts, Yang Hongxi also changed color.


Lin Shu's immortal sword slammed heavily on his shield.


There was a sound of breaking, causing some fine cracks to appear on the shield.

This shield is indeed a treasured shield of a semi-immortal weapon, but the fairy sword in Lin Mu's hand is a real fairy weapon.

Immortal artifacts versus half-immortal artifacts can be seen immediately.

And this meant that Yang Hongxi's cultivation level was higher than Lin Shu's, otherwise, the shield would not just crack, but be broken directly.

When Yang Hongxi saw the cracks on the shield, his heart ached too.

He had already lost a treasure. If he broke the shield again, he might really have no chance of surviving.

Yang Hongxi also desperately spat out a mouthful of blood, and a burst of dazzling light came out from the shield.

Everyone who was stimulated by the light couldn't open their eyes, and Lin Mu was the first to bear the brunt. He was directly pushed away by the light, and at the same time spit out three mouthfuls of blood.

After forcing back the trees, Yang Hongxi put away his shield, and immediately fled away, leaving Craftsman City.

Yang Hongxi knew that his failure to capture Liu Yiyi had not only aroused Lin Mu's anger, he had already aroused the anger of the entire West Jizhou monks. If he stayed here again, then the West Jizhou monks would be very angry. Might join forces first and kill yourself.

Seeing Yang Hongxi running away, no one chased Yang Hongxi.Although Yang Hongxi's behavior is very despicable, but Yang Hongxi's strength is here.Yang Hongxi wanted to run, but no one in the main hall could catch up.

"Lin Mu, are you alright!" Seeing that Lin Mu was injured, Liu Yiyi ran over quickly, supported Lin Mu and asked with concern.

Lin Mu wiped the blood, looked at Liu Yiyi with a slight smile, and said, "I'm fine, I just vomited a few mouthfuls of blood."

Lin Mu turned his head to look at Yang Hongxi, who was fleeing far away, and said, "Old man Yang, next time we meet again, I will definitely go to your head. Go back and tell your head, because of you, your Eastern Emperor Sect will The first one to disappear from the cultivation world."

Hearing Lin Mu's threat, Yang Hongxi's teeth were itchy with hatred, but he couldn't turn his head back.He can only run and get out of here as soon as possible.As for the trees, Yang Hongxi will not give up, he will look for another opportunity to continue to catch the trees.

"Let me help you go and have a rest." Looking at the pale Lin Shu, Liu Yiyi said.

Lin Mu nodded, and with Liu Yiyi's support, he came to the Xuannv Palace.

Facing the head of the Xuannv Palace, Lin Mu bowed deeply and said, "Thank you for your help just now, senior."

The head of Xuannv Palace said indifferently: "Yiyi is your wife, but she is also my apprentice. I will not see anyone hurt Yiyi."

Lin Mu knew what the head of Xuannv Palace said, not only talking about Yang Hongxi, but also warning himself.

However, for such a warning, Lin Mu did not have any disgust, but was very grateful.It is Liu Yiyi's blessing to have such a master who treats her like a daughter.

Lin Mu cupped his hands again, and said, "This junior promises that no one will bully Yiyi in the future."

The head of Xuannv Palace nodded, took out a bottle of elixir, and said, "This is the healing elixir of my Xuannv Palace."

In fact, the head of Xuannv Palace knew that Lin Mu would not need his own pills at all, but this was an attitude, showing that he had truly recognized Lin Mu.

Lin Mu naturally knew the meaning of the pill, and quickly cupped his hands in thanks: "Thank you, senior."

Liu Yiyi glanced at her master gratefully, then helped Lin Mu to sit aside.

But Lin Mu didn't know that what happened to him just now was not only seen by the people in the main hall of Craftsman City, but also completely seen by a person in the dark.

"I didn't expect him to become more and more powerful. It seems that I have to do it in advance, and I can't wait for him to continue to grow." The one hiding in the dark is Mr. Tuoba from the blood building.

Mr. Tuoba never gave up on Lin Mu, but he was looking for a chance to kill Lin Mu in one blow. He couldn't let the Blood Tower lose face again.

(End of this chapter)

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