Supreme Chef

Chapter 918 I'll help you find a reason

Chapter 918 I'll help you find a reason
Mi Xuan and Cao Xiu had the same caliber, but they took over the four pavilions and one army.

Cao Xiu and Mi Xuan couldn't move, and they didn't dare to move. Even if Fumanlou was destroyed, Mi Xuan and Cao Xiu couldn't die. At most, the Four Pavilions would capture them.

After all, the status of Qidu is different from that of ordinary cities. If it is not Qidu but Soul City that is talking now, then the two of them will definitely not be polite.

But this is Qidu, which provides spiritual treasures to the entire East Xuanzhou, and even the entire cultivation world.

Not to mention how many people are waiting for Qidu's spiritual treasure, even those masters who have received Qidu's favor can drown them both with a single mouthful of spit.

The current situation makes it difficult for the two of them to ride a tiger, so let's bow our heads.That must have been a shame.Don't bow your head, they really can't afford this responsibility.

"I offended the Fourth Pavilion just now, please don't take offense." In the end, the leading elder of Tiandi Pavilion stood up decisively and apologized.

Tiandi Pavilion is the most powerful among the four pavilions, and it is also the head of the four pavilions.

Mi Yan snorted, and said, "I know I've offended you, so please be more careful when you speak from now on. I'm an old man with a bad temper, and I'm always wary of pennies, so don't offend me."

Hearing Mi Yan's words, the two elders of Sun Moon Pavilion and Xingchen Pavilion were also itching with hatred.

"It's a bad start! Before I can do anything, I apologize to others first." The two thought depressingly in their hearts.

"The two of you are personal grievances between us and Fumanlou. I wonder if the two of you can stop intervening? If the two of you insist on intervening, if there are rumors that Qidu intends to fight for the hegemony of Dongxuanzhou, I'm afraid it won't happen. Alright." The elder of Tiandi Pavilion said quietly.

Hearing the elder of Tiandi Pavilion's words, Mi Yan and Cao Xiu's expressions changed slightly.

The reason why Jidu can get so many users is that it provides Lingbao.The most important thing is that the weapons are all neutral. For millions of years, the forces of Qidu have always been active in the vicinity of Qidu, and they have never taken a step.

Such a neutral place that provides spiritual treasures, naturally no one will regard it as an opponent, and they will deliberately please it.

But if the rumor that Qidu is no longer neutral, even if it is a rumor, Qidu's prestige will be greatly reduced.

The two elders of Sun Moon Pavilion and Xingchen Pavilion felt a burst of relief when they heard the words of the elders of Tiandi Pavilion.

"Okay, you don't have to play these little tricks anymore. The grievances between you Sige and our Fumanlou have nothing to do with the two seniors. I just ask you one last time, will you pay the ransom or not?" Lin Mu didn't want Mi Yan to let it go. It was difficult for Cao Xiu, so he took the initiative to stand up and take over the conversation.

Hearing Lin Mu's words, the four leading elders couldn't help being overjoyed.

Without the participation of Qidu, before the support from Soul City and Ghost City arrived, they would completely believe that the people they brought would have the strength to destroy Fumanlou.

"Lin Mu, you have made a big mistake by colluding with the Demon Realm, and now you have arrested my elder of the Fourth Pavilion for no reason. It is still too late to repent, don't make a big mistake, and it will be too late to wake up." The elder of the Tiandi Pavilion said loudly .

Lin Mu couldn't help laughing when he heard the elder's words, and said: "Actually, I think you are living a miserable life. It is obvious that you are bewitched by others to covet my mountain gate of Fumanlou. Instead, you must make up a reason and return it to me." Let yourself think that the reason you made up is true."

Changing the subject, Lin Mu said: "But since you are willing to believe the reason you made up, then I will come and slap you in the face right now to see how thick-skinned you Sige are?"

"You say that I colluded with the demon world, okay! This is the image of me fighting against the eleven princes of the demon world in Xijizhou. These are the influences of my life-saving seal of the passage of the demon world. These are the influences of me uniting with my comrades in Xijizhou to encircle and suppress the demon world. You Do you think the reason why you said I colluded with the Demon World is still valid?"

Lin Mu took out three memory crystals in a row, and presented everything he had done in Xijizhou to everyone.

In fact, Lin Mu did not prepare these specifically for the Four Pavilions. Originally, Lin Mu prepared them for Taixuan Mountain and Hunyuan Sect, but he did not expect that his unexpected breakthrough made these memory crystals useless.

But I didn't expect to use it after returning to Dongxuanzhou. This can be regarded as a windfall.

The four elders in the fourth pavilion didn't expect Lin Mu to be so boring, and they recorded this.What's more, they didn't expect that Lin Mu would serve such a vital purpose in the process of fighting against the Demon Realm.

They attacked Fumanlou on the grounds that Lin Mu had colluded with the demon world.Now Lin Mu showed the evidence, which made their previous reason completely untenable.

"These are just your one-sided words. Besides, how do we know if you fabricated the things in the memory crystal." The elder of the Sun Moon Pavilion quibbled.

Hearing such a low-level sophistry, Lin Mu laughed instead, and said, "Hearing what you said, I think, in order to prove my innocence, I should destroy these crystals, and the reasons you four used to attack my Fumanlou, Distribute it all, let the people of the world judge this truth together. Let's see whether I am shameless or you are shameless."

The elders of the Fourth Pavilion couldn't help but turn ugly when they heard Lin Mu's words.

If Lin Mu really spread out these memory crystals.At that time, although no one would dare to make irresponsible remarks, the prestige of Sige behind the scenes would definitely drop to freezing point.

"Even if you didn't collude with the Demon Realm, it's always true that you disturbed the order of Dongxuan Continent." Seeing that the matter of the Demon Realm was debunked by Lin Mu, the elders of Sige could only turn their guns and talk about the past.

Lin Mu sneered and said, "I disturbed the order of East Xuanzhou. Did I steal the spirit grass from your fourth pavilion, or did I cheat on the woman from your fourth pavilion? What did I disturb your fourth pavilion?"


What Lin Mu said made them speechless again. Lin Mu was indeed with Sige before, and there was no conflict of interest at all.

"Besides, even if I disrupt the order of Dongxuanzhou, isn't there a law enforcement team in Dongxuanzhou? How come your four pavilions have been reduced to only a law enforcement team. It seems that Emperor Zong has four more solid lackeys. Seeing that the people in Sige had nothing to say, Lin Mu continued to speak sarcastically.

"Ling Mu, you are looking for death and insulting my reputation in the four pavilions. I will kill you today." The elder of Tiandi Pavilion shouted sharply.

Lin Mu nodded, and said, "Is that right? It's a barely justifiable reason. But I'll humiliate you, Sige. If you have the ability, you four old dogs come up to bite me?"

The four elders of the four pavilions all turned pale when they heard Lin Mu's words.The four of them couldn't wait more, they rushed up immediately and tore the trees to shreds.


With a strange cry, the four of them wanted to suppress Lin Shu together.

But as soon as the four of them moved, they saw a sneer on the corner of Lin Mu's mouth, and then countless formations densely appeared in the place where they were.

Seeing the formations that appeared out of thin air, the people in the four pavilions were all shocked, but when they saw that these formations were not very sophisticated, the elders of the Sun Moon Pavilion sneered: "I want to rely on these The rubbish formation traps me, it's just whimsical."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Someone said that before, but he died later. Of course, I don't mind repeating what I said that day. These formations are not for trapping people."

"Isn't it used to trap people?"

Lin Mu said: 'Yes!He also asked this question that day, and my answer was, you will know right away. "

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he pinched his hands, and the people in the fourth pavilion saw that the countless formations surrounding him suddenly fluctuated violently, reaching the verge of explosion.

"Boy, you are cheating!"

Seeing this, the people in Sige also understood what Lin Mu was going to do.

But they didn't understand until this time, it was obviously too late.



There was a deafening explosion, and they became one piece in an instant.

With the addition of electric sulfur stone, the power is also expanded several times.

Such power, even from what Lin Mu saw, was somewhat unexpected.

"Brother Lin, is your electric sulfur stone useful?" Lin Mu asked Lin Zexin beside him.

Lin Zexin also took out the rest of the electric sulfur stone, and said, "I still have half of it here, which should be enough to set up a trap of the same size."

Lin Mu was stunned for a moment, and then laughed, feeling that Lin Zexin was very angry with him.

"Okay! When this wave is over, I will definitely arrange another wave. The first wave is also a trap, and the second wave is also killing. It is best to have more people in the fourth pavilion, so that they can really hurt them." Lin Mu said with a big smile.

Seeing how ruthless the trees are, Mi Yan and Cao Xiu both began to pray for Sige.

The explosion lasted for a full day, and the open space in front of him seemed to have turned into a sinkhole. The sky was full of sand and soil, covering the sky and blocking out even the consciousness.

As night fell, the smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and everyone was able to see clearly what was going on in the tiankeng.

(End of this chapter)

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