Supreme Chef

Chapter 961 The Ancient Family Conference

Chapter 961 The Ancient Family Conference (1)

With the help of the army, the third branch of the blood building was completely crushed by the trees without any effort.

After solving the three branches of Xuelou in Dongxuanzhou, Lin Mu led Lu Jun back to Fumanlou directly.

Although Liang Bing was saved by himself, if he was rescued in time, even if he was saved, he might not be able to practice anymore, so Lin Mu was also in a hurry to go back.

Lin Mu had just returned to Fumanlou, and the specific news about the three seven-star cities destroyed by Lin Mu quickly swept through Dongxuan Continent.

The blood building's secrecy measures are considered good, but that's because when these three cities still existed, they no longer exist now, so naturally there are no secrets to speak of.

Almost all the monks in Dong Xuan Continent knew that these three major cities were the branches of the Blood Building in Dong Xuan Continent.

Lin Mu single-handedly selected the three branches of the Blood House in Dong Xuan Continent. Such news quickly swept across the entire Dong Xuan Continent.

There is no doubt about Lin Mu's strength, but every time Lin Mu does something, it is still so earth-shattering.

First, Emperor Zong was forced to dare not look up, and then the three branches of Xuelou in Dongxuanzhou were wiped out. Everyone really didn't know what Lin Mu's next move would be.

In the next step, maybe Lin Mu will directly attack Xuelou and Emperor Zong.

Of course, everyone also knows that Lin Mu is not a warlike person, nor is he a madman who wants to rule the cultivation world. Just mess with Lin Mu.

After returning to Fumanlou, Yu Yaqing and the others also surrounded her. After all, they hadn't seen each other for many years, and everyone missed her very much.

Yu Yaqing and others surrounded Lin Mu, but none of them took the initiative to hug Lin Mu.

Because after all, there are a lot of people, it's not that everyone doesn't want to be the first, but everyone is being humble.

Lin Mu was bold and unrestrained. He stretched out his arms and said, "Don't be too polite, let's hug together."


Hearing Lin Mu's words, the girls were not polite, and threw themselves into Lin Mu's arms.

Wu De watched from the side, and also said: "Tsk tsk, I said it's useless to get so many women, you can't hold one hand now."

The Blood Spirit Dragon directly covered his eyes and said, "Not suitable for children! Not suitable for children!"

Wu De kicked the Blood Spirit Dragon's ass, and said, "You are a thousand-year-old dragon, why are you pretending to be young? Look at the two kids over there watching. Why are you pretending?"

Naturally, Wu De was referring to Gu Xuan and Chen Ziyan. The two little guys hit it off right away when they first met, and they immediately formed a troublesome duo.

"You dare to kick your uncle Long's ass!" Xue Linglong yelled angrily after being kicked by Wu De.

"Xiaolonglong, you have to be good, don't be so irritable!" Seeing that the blood spirit dragon was angry, Gu Xuan immediately flew over and patted the blood spirit dragon on the head.

And Wu De seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and looked directly at the blood spirit dragon proudly.

The blood spirit dragon is not angry, but Gu Xuan is here, so it is not easy to get angry.

"Wu De, please remember!" Xue Linglong said through gritted teeth.

Gu Xuan raised her head, looked at Wu De and said, "Uncle Wu, don't bully Xiao Longlong, okay, Xiao Longlong is very good, and Xiao Longlong still wants to protect me?"

Wu De saw Gu Xuan's gun head turned, and said quickly: "I didn't bully it, it fell accidentally."

Xue Linglong looked at Wu De and rolled his eyes, and said: "You still said that you didn't bully me, you see my butt is swollen from your kick, and you kicked me, how can I protect Xuanxuan?"

"Uncle Wu, you really kicked Xiaolonglong's butt swollen, why are you so cruel, I'm going to tell my little grandpa." Gu Xuan said.

When Wu De heard this, he also panicked, and quickly said: "Uncle Xuanxuan Wu and Xiao Longlong were playing around, so you don't need to alarm your little grandpa about such trivial things."

Seeing the deflated Wu De, Xue Linglong was immediately relieved.

After Lin Mu made out with all the girls, he immediately went to refine the Nine Ranks Returning Soul Pill.

"You have just arrived in the realm of self-cultivation, which is the best time for cultivation and breakthroughs. I have arranged a gathering array for you at the main peak. You must seize this time to make as many breakthroughs as possible. The world of self-cultivation may usher in great changes at any time. "Before Lin Mu refined the elixir, he also specially told the girls.

Although the girls came and his own cultivation level had been raised to a very high level, Lin Mu still felt unsafe, mainly because the cultivation world had changed, and it became different from the cultivation world Lin Mu knew before.

After the girls came to the cultivation world, they realized that their invincible strength on earth was just the lowest existence in the cultivation world.

They don't want to be a burden to Lin Mu, they want to be Lin Mu's helper, so even if Lin Mu doesn't say anything, they will take the initiative to ask for retreat and practice.

After all the girls retreated, Lin Mu was also ready to start refining the Nine-Turn Returning Soul Pill.

The reason why Lin Mu was in such a hurry was firstly because of Liang Bing, and secondly because besides Gu Meiru, Shen Siyun also separated from everyone.

Shen Siyun was the latest to practice, and also the last one to enter the Golden Core Stage. Although Shen Siyun's aptitude is good, it is still very dangerous in such a complicated cultivation world, so Lin Mu is also anxious to find Shen Siyun.

Of course, when Lin Mu was refining the elixir, he had already sent Xiao Diao to look for it, because according to Yu Yaqing, Shen Siyun was the last to separate from them, so the place where Shen Siyun appeared should not be too far away from them .

It was not the first time for Lin Mu to refine a ninth-grade elixir, and he was quite familiar with it.

However, because this elixir is used to save lives, when the wood is refined, it is still extra careful, for fear of any mistakes.

In half a day, the elixir was refined by Lin Mu, and it was also given to Lu Jun's daughter-in-law and Liang Bing for the first time.

After Liang Bing took the Nine Turns Returning Soul Pill, with Lin Shu's help, he also quickly melted the medicinal power.

Soon, Liang Bing's body had regained its vitality, and Liang Bing's damaged dantian also recovered quickly.

"Boss Lin!" Liang Bing was also very pleasantly surprised when he saw Lin Shu.

Seeing that Liang Bing was awake, Lin Mu was also very excited, and said, "Well, Liang Bing, thank you for saving Xue'er!"

Liang Bing said: "Boss Lin, what you said is that my life is yours. If it weren't for you, how could I have the opportunity to embark on the road of cultivation. I should do what I should do to save my sister-in-law."

Lin Mu patted Liang Bing on the shoulder, and said: "Your dantian has been damaged this time, and your cultivation has been completely lost, but this is the world of cultivation, and we also have plenty of resources in Fumanlou. You can just cultivate with confidence. .”

Liang Bing said: "Boss Lin, don't worry, I, Liang Bing, won't be knocked down so easily, so I'll start all over again soon."

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Okay! It's good if you have such confidence. In fact, this injury is also an opportunity for you. Your previous aptitude was not very good, but this time I just happened to help you adjust. Once, plus your dantian recasting, if you seize the opportunity, it is only a matter of time before you surpass the past."

Liang Bing nodded and said, "Okay, Boss Lin, I'm going to retreat now!"

Lin Mu nodded, and also raised his hand to send Liang Bing to Yu Yaqing's retreat place.

Just as Liang Bing was being sent away, Lu Jun ran over excitedly and said, "My wife is awake, thank you Master Lin for saving her life."

Lin Mu looked at the excited Lu Jun and said, "We are all a family now, thank you very much, I have something to go out, and I will leave the family to you."

Lin Mu could see that Lu Lu was an upright and trustworthy person, so Lin Mu felt at ease and entrusted the safety of Fumanlou to him.

Lu Lu patted his chest and assured: "Don't worry, head, as long as my Lu Lu is there, Fumanlou will be fine, unless my Lu Lu is dead."

Lin Mu patted Lu Jun on the shoulder and said, "I believe in you."

But just as Lin Mu was about to leave, he received a letter from Chen Yunkai.

(End of this chapter)

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