The host of the beauty is holding a beautiful murder

Chapter 130 The General is Above and I am Below

Chapter 130 The General is Above and I am Below (22)

Eat a little too much.

Yun Yuan originally made it for a few people, but he didn't expect that only Luo Cheng and the military division were left in the tent after it was done.

Luo Cheng picked up the chopsticks and started to eat. After eating two mouthfuls, he raised his head and glared at the military master, "Why are you still sticking here?"

Halfway through the discussion on the important matter, the military adviser planned to continue talking to Luo Cheng, but he didn't expect that after Luo Cheng got a woman and food, he would actually drive him away? !

The military adviser shook his head in disappointment, shook his sleeves and left.

Yun Yuan looked at the big plate of food and blinked, "General, don't you ask them to come in and eat together?"

Such a big plate is for several people!

"No need." After Luo Cheng said lightly, the movements of his hands quickened.

Yun Yuan held his small face and watched Luo Cheng quickly finish the snacks for several people, and once again lamented that the general not only has a big aura, but also has a big appetite.

When Luo Cheng was full, Yun Yuan bit his lip and frowned, with an expression of wanting to say it or not after thinking about it for a long time, but still wanting to say it.

"General, when I was making snacks in the kitchen, someone came looking for me." Yun Yuan spoke in a very soft voice.

"Huh?" Luo Cheng put down his chopsticks, "Who is looking for you?"

"I don't know his identity, but the clothes he's wearing should be ordinary soldiers." Yun Yuan slowly said what happened just now, "He first said a code, and then I also said a code, It really deserves it."

"What code?"

"The clouds are floating above the clouds and below the clouds, and the wind blows when the wind blows."

"What's next?"

"After matching the code, the little soldier asked me why I haven't sent any information for so long! ##%¥%&——"

After Yun Yuan finished speaking, he looked at Luo Cheng's face and saw nothing, "General, I will tell you all my secrets without reservation. I hope that the general can protect the people of the world and prevent the people of the world from being overwhelmed by these treacherous officials. Corrupt officials and families are ruined."

"rest assured."

Although Luo Cheng didn't talk much, he kept his promise.

"In the future, if anyone still contacts you, please tell me."

"I will." Yun Yuan nodded, "I'm just a pawn of Anda Hou, I don't know much information, at most I just pass on information, if the general doesn't think I'm useless, I can do anything for the general .”

Luo Cheng looked at her with sharp eyes, "Sometimes I really can't figure out why you betrayed Andahou. If Andahou arranged for you to come to my side, it would be impossible without some way to control you, yes What made you risk your life to betray Andahou?"


The opportunity is here.

Yun Yuan glanced timidly at Luo Cheng, then lowered his head, biting his pink lips with his white teeth, a blush crept up on the base of his ears, "If I say it, the general will definitely laugh at me."

Luo Cheng slightly raised the corners of his lips, "But it's okay, I won't laugh at you."

"Really?" Yun Yuan raised his eyes and looked at Luo Cheng brightly, "No matter what I say, the general won't laugh at me?"

"Really." Luo Cheng nodded.

Yun Yuan pursed his lips, and there were layers of joyful ripples on his face, which spread outward round by round, covering his fair and tender face round by round.

The smile on the girl's face was as bright as the sun, and her eyebrows and eyes were as picturesque as a painting.

"Because I like the general!"

The joyful voice was very crisp, comparable to a yellow warbler coming out of the valley.

The straightforward thoughts reached Luo Cheng's ears, like clusters of small clusters of colorful flowers, blooming everywhere in his heart.

She liked him, so she was willing to betray Andahou at the risk of being discovered at any time and being poisoned to death.

(End of this chapter)

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