Become a rich girl

Chapter 124 Is there something tricky?

Chapter 124 Is there something tricky?
"Change the examiner? Mr. Liu, this, this."

"Hehe, don't be nervous, don't be nervous, it's just that there are too many people who signed up today! It's nothing else!"

"Just add an examiner to you, to help you!"

Add an examiner?

Hearing these words, Zhang Tu was stunned. Could it be that Mr. Liu came to invigilate the exam himself?
Why suddenly add an examiner?If it is really Liu Weimin in front of him who wants to invigilate the exam, then it will be bad. Finally, he can use the opportunity to let Li Lu pass the selection!

If Liu Weimin joined, even if Li Lu answered well, it would be very difficult for him to make a direct decision. If Liu Weimin asked a few questions that he didn't have, it would be bad!

Liu Weimin looked at Zhang Tu, who was a little nervous in front of him, and patted him on the shoulder.

He said with a smile: "This time, our company's top management is here!"

The top management of the company?
Aren't you the top executive of the company?Who else?Is it a shareholder of the board of directors?
Speaking of this, Liu Weimin whispered a few words in Zhang Tu's ear, and the latter's expression immediately changed.

what! ?

The rumor about the teenage director is true!

Liu Weimin just told him in a low voice that the person who came to participate in the assessment this time is the real behind-the-scenes boss of the company!

Although the company's top management has always wanted to hide this matter, someone in the company has already seen the boss behind the scenes, and it has been rumored for a long time that everyone knows about it.

The girl board of directors came here in person today?
Thinking of this, Zhang Tu felt a little relieved. After all, she was just a little girl, and she was much easier to deal with than this Liu Weimin.Besides, as long as I left a good impression on her, do I need to worry about my future?

Thinking of this, Zhang Tu respectfully accompanied Liu Weimin to the door, ready to welcome the legendary behind-the-scenes boss!

Anyone else coming to proctor?
Li Lu who heard this sentence was also very surprised. At this time, an examiner is needed?why is that?
The dazed Li Lu was already ready to start answering, but now she was very disturbed when she heard that there would be an additional examiner.Who is it?

It seems that both President Liu Weimin and Director Zhang Tu are very afraid of that person?So who is that person?At least it has to be someone on the company's board of directors, right?If you want to intervene in specific daily affairs, you must have specific duties!

Li Lu was very disturbed and waited quietly for the boss to show up.

"Hi everyone, everyone has worked hard!"

"Ah? Who is this?"

"This is?"

The other two examiners Wang Ting and Zhang Yusheng were very nervous, but they were stunned when they heard the sweet voice and the beautiful figure standing in front of the door.

Liu Weimin introduced the three of them kindly: "Don't be nervous, this is Miss Lin Yiyi from our board of directors! I won't disclose the details!"

Miss Lin Yiyi from the board!
Hearing this sentence, coupled with the previous rumors!

Could this be the girl chairman behind the scenes?
"It's you!"

Li Lu, who was standing in the examinee's seat, immediately opened her mouth wide when she saw Lin Yiyi!
Isn't this the girl who had some disputes with her mother in front of the door just now?She is not an examiner?He is also a member of the board of directors of Bandung Media!


Apart from being shocked, Li Lu at this moment is uneasy!These two emotions made her dare not look directly at Lin Yiyi's beautiful face!

I offended the people on the board of directors of Wanlong Media just now!

But she is only ten years old?How can it be possible to become a member of the company's board of directors?Is it the real behind-the-scenes of a certain director?

"Hehe, this is classmate Li Lu, right? We met just now, everyone sit down."

After Lin Yiyi sent Liu Weimin away, he motioned for several people to sit down.

He smiled at Li Lu who was already in a daze.

"Lin, Mr. Lin is good!"

"We are all students of Tianhua City, so we can be regarded as classmates! Don't be too polite!"

"Three examiners and teachers, please continue! I'm just here to study and study, nothing else!"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Lin, please sit here!"

Zhang Tu gave up the main seat very sensiblely, and Lin Yiyi also sat down unceremoniously.

Facing Lin Yiyi who was sitting in the main seat, Li Lu held the examination paper nervously.

Lin Yiyi looked at Zhang Tu, and the latter gave instructions immediately, and said loudly: "Student Li Lu, please start your answering questions!"

"Ah? Good!"

"The first question is about my views on China's film and television industry. In fact, I think that China's film and television industry still has many opportunities, such as many themes that have not been fully valued."

Because of the preparation, Li Lu started to give a perfect answer even though she was very nervous.

What if an additional examiner is added?You are a member of the board, and I naturally respect you!Although we have festivals, my strength lies here, right?
Li Lu quickly adjusted her mentality. She thought that with her uncle around, even this young director should show some face, right?
With the answers given to her by industry insiders in advance, Li Lu's answers are very fluent!
There is indeed a fraud!

Lin Yiyi stared at Li Lu, and found that she was not only confident, but also fluent in answering questions.You must know that it is impossible for a teenage girl to answer these questions so fluently and perfectly!

You must know that this answer sheet was kept secret in advance, but she can still answer it so fluently and perfectly!

There are only two possibilities. The first is that she is really a genius!The second is that someone gave him a leak in advance!
"Well, that's a good answer!"

Zhang Tu, who is the chief examiner, nodded in satisfaction after hearing Li Lu's answer.

I also feel relieved, it seems that this Li Lu still has a certain ability to withstand pressure, and her answers are still so fluent!

Not only Zhang Tu, but the other two examiners also nodded appreciatively.

Zhang Tu carefully observed Lin Yiyi's face, and asked cautiously: "Boss Lin, what do you think of Li Lu?"

"That's right, the answer is very fluent!"

"Thank you Mr. Lin for the compliment!"

Hearing Lin Yiyi's answer, Li Lu couldn't help but feel relieved. At first, she was worried that Lin would always embarrass herself, but now Lin Yiyi seemed to agree with her!

"Boss Lin, and two other colleagues. I think this student Li Lu has great potential! I think it's better to keep her and participate in the re-election later?"

After these words were spoken, Wang Ting and Zhang Yusheng, who were very shrewd, did not speak.

Just kidding, now that the boss of the company is sitting on her, how can she draw a conclusion if her attitude hasn't shown yet?If Mr. Lin doesn't like this Li Lu, aren't they asking for trouble?
Lin Yi leaned on her chin, smiled and said: "I think it's ok, this student Li Lu is really good, you can stay! I'm looking forward to her performance in the re-examination."

"Thank you! Thank you Mr. Lin, you are so generous! Thank you Mr. Lin for your appreciation!"

"Hehe, it's okay, it's okay, classmate Li Lu is relying on her own strength."

After hearing that Lin Yiyi agreed to let Li Lu pass and enter the cast.Our Director Zhang Tu finally felt relieved.

It seems that Mr. Lin is still very good at fooling around, what kind of girl director is just a little girl!
Lin Yiyi looked at this chapter picture, and the smile on his face became colder and colder!

Damn guy, is he playing tricks?Seeing how you look, you can't wait for us to sign a contract with this Li Lu immediately!What a traitor!
Lin Yiyi knew that she couldn't use simple violence to deal with this kind of person, and others did it flawlessly, so what could she say?I'll clean you up later!

Thinking of this, Lin Yiyi spread her hands and said with a smile: "Then Li Lu can stay here for now, how about we continue to invite the next candidate?"

"Okay, Mr. Lin is right! Mr. Lin is really quick and resolute in doing things, I really admire him!"

"Hehe, that's right!"

"Boss Lin is really courageous, the old people in our circle have to obey!"

Zhang Tu flattered very quickly. Now that Li Lu's problem has been solved, the remaining candidates are not a big problem, so it's okay to flatter!

As for the other two, in order to perform in front of this young director, they also followed suit!
"Let me see, the next candidate!"

"Oh? Classmate Zhou Momo? Then please come in."

Lin Yiyi had already looked through the candidate's information sheet, and saw that the next one was Zhou Momo.

"Let candidate No. 19, Miss Zhou Momo, come in now!"

Zhang Tu was in a good mood and hurried to greet the staff outside the door.

Hmph, I'd like to see what tricks you're up to!I'll settle the score with you later!

(End of this chapter)

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