Become a rich girl

Chapter 147 Discipline Your Daughter For You?

Chapter 147 Discipline Your Daughter For You?

"Parents please? Please go ahead! I'll call my dad right away!"

Originally, Sun Mei's own words could subdue Lin Yiyi who was pretending to be calm!
It is embarrassing to invite parents to such a thing in the upper circles. It is embarrassing not only for the student but also for her parents if other students know about it!Asking parents is not a glorious thing.

If you criticize a few more words, you will be able to bluff the other party immediately!Besides, in his own capacity, who in the upper circles would dare not buy his account?
Please parents?Want to invite parents?
Huang Can on the side can be regarded as having some background, at least he is considered a famous family in Tianhua City and Xihua Province!His father was a leader!

But if his father is invited, Sun Mei can only bow her head in the face of this complicated background!

What happened to Lin Yiyi?Why are you against this Sun Mei?

Lin Yiyi's calm appearance surprised Sun Mei!

Everyone including Sun Mei was watching the scene where Lin Yiyi picked up the phone.

The little angel in the eyes of the students dialed a number, holding the phone with one hand and looking confident.

What is the background of the little angel?
This is what students care about the most!There have always been many rumors about Lin Yiyi's background. Some people say that Lin Yiyi's father must be a high-ranking official, while others say that Lin Yiyi's father is a wealthy businessman!

But until now, no one has guessed Lin Yiyi's real background!

"Hey, Dad? It's me!"

Under everyone's gaze, Lin Yiyi started talking to the father he was talking about.

Is Lin Yiyi's father finally going to show up?The man of the day and the number one school belle of Tianhua Foreign Language School.Is the little angel Lin Yiyi, who has angered countless bosses, finally revealing her life experience?
This is big news!Big news!
At this time, the bell rang for the end of get out of class, and countless students gathered outside the classrooms of Class [-] and Class [-] after hearing the news.

When they heard that Lin Yiyi was going to be invited as a parent, they all started their own guesses!
"Let me tell you, little angel Yiyi's father must be a bigger leader than Mayor Huang!"

"Would it? Didn't Little Angel Yiyi invite Charlotte Reed last time? Maybe it's the daughter of a media tycoon!"

"Tch, isn't your guess too simple? I think the butler Yiyi, the little angel, is very powerful. He must have a military background!"

Many students have wildly guessed Lin Yiyi's real identity!

"Yes, our dear dean wants you to come in person!"

"Yes, it's the dean of our school. I didn't cause any trouble, it's just that some people seem a little dishonest!"

Not honest?

Grooving, the little angel still speaks so domineeringly?

Directly alluding to his father that Director Sun is dishonest?

This is not something that ordinary students can say. If ordinary students are invited by their parents, which one is not downcast and very uneasy to tell their parents?
Not honest?

Sun Mei was even more angry when she heard this sentence!

I want to see who your father is!How dare he let his daughter talk nonsense like this!This Lin Yiyi must be playing tricks, maybe she pressed the mute button when she said this sentence?

It's not like Sun Mei has never seen such a deliberately pretentious student!
"What? Dad, can't you come? Are you going to participate in the Huaxia Business Summit Forum held in a neighboring city?"

"Father, I don't want to either! But there's no way, our Director Sun wants to see you!"

China Business Summit Forum?

The students who heard this term were shocked!

This China Business Summit Forum is not something ordinary businessmen can participate in. This summit forum even has high-level leaders from China participating. This can be regarded as a major event in China's economic circles!
It seems that little angel Yiyi's father is a businessman, and not just an ordinary businessman!

But the tense expression on our dear Sun Mei's face seemed to ease after hearing the news.

merchant?As long as you are a businessman, it's easy, isn't it a businessman?Where can the endurance go?
Hehe, to participate in the Huaxia Business Summit Forum?
This must be just an excuse for Lin Yiyi or her father!
No, you must not let go of this opportunity to clean up Lin Yiyi and make a name for the students by the way!
Thinking of this, Sun Mei came to Lin Yiyi and said suspiciously: "Student Lin Yiyi, please let me notify your father personally!"

Hehe, do you suspect me of cheating?

Looking at Sun Mei, Lin Yiyi stretched out her arm holding the phone, and smiled faintly: "I'll turn on the speakerphone right now, you can talk to my father in person!"


When Lin Yiyi pressed the hands-free button.

Sun Mei said directly and seriously: "Hello, I am Sun Mei, the teaching director of Tianhua Foreign Language School!"

"Hello! Director Sun!"

A magnetic voice came from the phone.

Wow, is this the voice of the little angel's father?It sounds so good!
After Lin Wancheng's voice was heard by everyone, they immediately began to imagine the appearance of the little angel's father.

With such a nice voice, it must have a nice appearance too, right?No wonder the little angel is so perfect, it turns out there is a genetic reason!
"Mr. Lin, your daughter's performance in school has been very bad recently! She is often disheveled, sleeps in class, and contradicts the teacher! The conduct score is currently only 70 points!"

Having said that, Sun Mei plans to give an ultimatum to Lin Yiyi's so-called father!

After clearing his throat, he continued: "This has reached the score line for parents, so please come and talk to me about your daughter's education, otherwise she will be suspended from school! Please think about your daughter!"

Ha ha!Now it's interesting!

This damned Sun Mei dared to threaten Lin Wancheng!
What a guy who doesn't know how to live or die, that Bai Fan is really old-fashioned!Are you still sticking to the rules of the Bai family?Important things must not be disclosed to outsiders?

Yes, at present, Sun Mei is not the daughter-in-law of the Bai family, so she is not qualified to know about the affairs in this circle, and with Bai Fan's conservative personality, she will never tell her!

Now it's fun!

Liu Hao looked at everything in front of him with a grin, as if he had a premonition that a good show was about to be staged!
This is an ultimatum!It's a blatant threat!The little angel's father is so pitiful that he was given an ultimatum so directly!
All the onlookers held their breath and quietly prayed for the little angel's father!

Now let me see what you father and daughter are going to do?As her father, it is impossible for you to protect her at this time, right?
According to common sense, Sun Mei guessed that next Lin Yiyi's father would definitely scold Lin Yiyi a few words, and let her reform herself by the way!

But it's too late, is it still useful to admit mistakes at this time?No!

I must let you, the father of a businessman, come to the school and let all the students take a good look at who raised such a daughter. Sun Mei has even thought about how to criticize Lin Yiyi's father!

Silence, when Sun Mei said this, the other students were waiting for the answer from Lin Yiyi's father on the other end of the phone!
It's over!Now that it's over, no father will protect his daughter in front of the teacher, right?

"That, Director Sun!"

In the anticipation of everyone, that magnetic voice sounded again.

He seemed a little busy, because there was some random noise on the phone.Is it in the car?

After a while, the voice murmured: "Director Sun, I'm not free! I'm on the plane to the neighboring city, I hope you can postpone this matter! Is that okay?"

"Postponed? Mr. Lin, don't you know that your daughter's problem is very serious? Now I seriously suspect that you are incapable of disciplining your daughter. Please understand that I am disciplining your daughter for you! Discipline has no discipline. , Lin Yiyi who has no elders!"

Sun Mei was surprised and angry when she heard Lin Wancheng's answer.

The other party's answer didn't take her seriously at all, what forum?Isn't my Sun Mei enough to let you come to school?Not to mention ordinary businessmen, even if you are an entrepreneur invited to participate in the Huaxia Business Summit, I can still make the Bai family look good to you!
"Hehehe, this is interesting. This is the first time someone has criticized my education method! Director Sun, are you sure it's my daughter's problem? It's not that you are too aggressive and against a child?"

Against the little ones!

Everyone heard the disdain and slight irony in Lin Yiyi's father's tone!
As expected of the little angel's father, he speaks the same way!So domineering!Ha ha!

Hearing this, Sun Mei was full of anger, and said directly into the phone: "Yiyi's father! Children are ignorant, don't you? Let me tell you, you must rush to school this morning, otherwise I will be promoted. Punishment for classmate Lin Yiyi!"

"Suspension of classes! And stay in the school for probation! If the performance continues to be bad, I will propose to the school the punishment of expelling from school!"

Sun Mei's words had driven Lin Yiyi's father and daughter to a dead end!
Ordered to drop out?
That's not a joke, once this punishment is issued, it means that Lin Yiyi will face expulsion from school!
Do you want to do this?

The onlookers felt that a big battle was coming!
"Expelled from school?"


The male voice on the phone seemed a little surprised, but soon the magnetic voice came again.

"Okay then, I'll rush to Tianhua Foreign Language School immediately, I want to see how Director Sun will teach me to educate my daughter!"


After saying this, Lin Yiyi's father hung up the phone directly!
Lin Yiyi stared at Sun Mei with a cold smile: "Congratulations, Director Sun, you have successfully invited my father!"

"Hmph! Tell your father to come directly to the teaching office later!"

Leaving this sentence behind, Sun Mei, who seemed to be the winner, glared at Lin Yiyi, and walked out proudly with her back straight!
This Sun Mei is really unreliable!
I can't control it anymore, it's none of my business!
Standing aside, Qin Ling witnessed the whole process of today's incident, looked helplessly at that Sun Mei, and shook his head!

Dear Director Sun, I hope you will not regret it!

(End of this chapter)

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