Become a rich girl

Chapter 200 Huitian Media!

Chapter 200 Huitian Media!


In the inner sea.

Lin Zhenggang, the old man of the Lin family, was sitting in the backyard enjoying the sun, holding a bowl of tea in his hand!
Lin Wanyou happened to be resting today, and he would choose to accompany his old man at this time.

The reason is the same, my old man is already getting old!The rise of the next generation is urgently needed, and it is precisely because of this that he, the representative of the second generation of the Lin family in the power field, wants to learn more.

My old man is a legend in China, and there are so many things worth learning from him!

Once something happens to the old man, only then can he support the big family of the Lin family!

At the same time, this can also accompany the old man. After all, the retired life of the old man is relatively ordinary, and sometimes he is very lonely, so it is good to accompany the old man.

But today Lin Wanyou came here for other purposes!
He's having a little trouble!Yes, little trouble!
"I said Wanyou! What's the matter today? Look at you, you still can't completely hide your emotions!"

The old man opened his eyes and looked at his eldest son.

In fact, he knows that his two sons are very competitive, and the eldest son in front of him is the successor who will support the entire Lin family in the future!

At present, he has also successfully entered the top management of Huaxi!
After a while, he might become one of China's pillars!
But the old man is still a little worried. After all, he is a legend of Huaxia, and he is responsible for Huaxia and his son.

Is there anything that can stump his son?
Lin Wanyou smiled bitterly and said, "Father, it's actually nothing!"

"What does it mean? It's nothing? Just fart, don't be like a bitch!"

My old man has this kind of temper, and he will say what he doesn't like, so Lin Wanyou can only smile wryly!
He looked at the old man carefully, and whispered, "Father, do you know Huitian Media?"

"Oh! Isn't it a media company in a small island country? What's wrong?"

The old man is not very interested in companies from the small island country.

He also knows that Huitian Media has its own business all over the world, and can be said to be one of the world's media giants!

Lin Wanyou saw that the old man was in a stable mood.

Then he continued: "Hehuitian Media has been a little dishonest recently! In China, we have sued countless media companies for intellectual property infringement, and the bigger media companies are fine! But some small companies are simply unable to deal with them. They fight!"

intellectual property?

The old man also knows that this is also a weakness of China.

Sitting up very seriously, he knew that his eldest son was working in an important department in Huaxia, so this must be a difficult thing for him!

"What exactly is going on in this matter, and what intellectual property rights have been violated?"

"It's mainly about animation and music. You know that the island country has always been destined to protect property rights. Before, it just turned a blind eye to our Chinese behavior!"

"But now they suddenly made an effort, saying that many of our media companies have illegally serialized their works on their websites! The copyright fee has not been paid yet, and there are still some problems with the use of some songs!"

After the old man heard this question, he realized that Huitian Company must be trying to make trouble!
But there is always a reason for doing things, right?It's impossible to just turn over old accounts so inexplicably, right?
"Infringement of property rights, this may be a fact! But the main reason why they only filed a complaint now is that I did not approve one of their projects!"

"What project?"

Speaking of this, Lin Wanyou is also very helpless!

This matter was completely caught by others, who wanted to threaten themselves with a threat to let their company continue to grow in China.

But their project, as a Chinese with a conscience, would never pass it!
Lin Wanyou said lightly: "They Huitian Media Group wants to continue to expand their business in China, and proposed to us to build a new company building!"

"A building, so difficult?"

"No, no, father! It's okay that they want to build an office building. Even the land application can be approved through formal procedures, but what they want is the forest in the south of the capital!"

"Forest? The forest that almost became a nature reserve?"

"That's right! It's there!"

Lin Wanyou was afraid that he was not expressing clearly, so he continued to add: "What they want to build is not just an office building, but also a processing plant, specifically a wood and plastic processing plant!"

"Play the piano!"

Speaking of that piece of forest land, due to some reasons it has not become a nature reserve.

That's why the Huitian Media Group took a fancy to it, and it's fine if you build an office building, what kind of processing plant do you need to build?wooden product?Do you want to approve you to process wood products at the same time?
And what kind of plastic factory, it will cause pollution!
How could it be possible for you bastards to give birth in that place?

"Yeah dad, I didn't get approved! So they're a little bit of a backlash now!"

"Huh? Rebound? Come on, are you bullying me that there is no one in Huaxia?"

"So what do you want to do?"

Lin Zhenggang who calmed down even wanted to find other old buddies immediately!
But after thinking about it, he can't come forward in this matter!What is it to come out by yourself?Although this matter is a matter of his own son, it is time for him to come forward before the matter develops.

After calming down, Lin Zhenggang stared at Lin Wanyou and asked sharply, "What are you thinking now?"

Lin Wanyou, who had been prepared for a long time, replied lightly: "It's very simple, father, I won't let people sit on my neck and shit, so I'm looking for this loophole of Huitian Media. Isn't he going to attack the rest of our companies? Then I will also look for his dark history!"

"Haha! Not bad! Did you find it?"

"Not yet! The top management of Huitian Media are all in the island country, Huaxia is just a company formed by our compatriots, and it is impossible to find out what their top management is doing!"

Hearing this, Lin Zhenggang understood!

It's not that my son can't handle it, but it's difficult to handle it. As the eldest son of myself, I want to go to the island country without a name.It is also not convenient to go!

But now we want to catch the handle of Huitian Media, what should we do?

Let him send his hands down?

No, no, this is just a bad idea, this time the other party is obviously targeting his eldest son!The power field in China is extremely complicated, and Wanyou's confidants are not good at acting rashly. Once it attracts the attention of other hostile families, it will be complicated.

It's not safe to send someone you don't know well.

You must know that if this matter is not handled properly, many people will jump out to question the ability of their eldest son, and it is very likely that their future will be ruined.

Now is the most critical moment for Lin Wanyou, absolutely nothing can go wrong~!

(End of this chapter)

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