Become a rich girl

Chapter 212 Lin Wancheng's Support!

Chapter 212 Lin Wancheng's Support!

"Baga! What a bastard woman! I don't know what's wrong with her!"


Minako Teruda, who walked out of her elder brother's room, came to the pond in the backyard angrily.

And her husband, Jiro Aida, whose head was already green grassland, nodded in agreement.

The reason why Jiro Aida agrees with his wife is very simple!
Minako Teruta's status in the family is very low, but that Liu Di is simply a seasoned vixen, who knows how to deal with the world!
Not only did he make his cousin obsessed, but he also served his old man very well!She really deserves to be a social butterfly from Huaxia!If this continues, what status does he have in the family?
The reason why Jiro Aida married Minako was because of the support of the Teruta family.If his wife's status in the family is getting lower and lower, he will definitely be affected.

You must know that your pharmaceutical company is under the protection of the Huitian family, so it can develop so well!
Now I still have a new drug to develop, and I need someone to invest in it!This made Aida Jiro even more worried about his wife's status at home.

If the old man of the Huitian family doesn't nod, where will the money come from to develop new medicines?

"No! She must not be allowed to enter the Huitian family!"

"But now it has become a fact, the old man also agreed, and Yayoi is the leader of Huitian Media Group. Isn't this unrealistic?"

Aida Jiro on the side knew that it would be impossible to destroy the two of them!
But on second thought, even if they are married!As long as that Liu Di doesn't make trouble, isn't it the same?

"Minako, I think we can hit her, so what if she becomes Yayoi's wife? She has no status in the family, so it's useless!"

Being reminded by her husband, Minako looked at her husband suspiciously.

In fact, Minako knows that Aida Jiro still has brains, but his appearance is very ordinary!It even looks a little wretched!
Thinking of this, Minako tentatively asked, "Husband, do you have any ideas?"

"Hey, it's very simple! Doesn't the Huitian family have a family rule? Those who want to enter the Huitian family must not only obtain the approval of the patriarch, the old man, but also have corresponding dowry gifts and battles at the wedding! "

House rules?

In fact, Minako thought about this too!
bride price!This is the family rule of the Huitian family, and the Huitian family is a wealthy family in the island country!Naturally, there are many rules. Whether it is a woman who wants to marry in or a man who wants to marry a woman from Huitian's family, there must be a bride price of sufficient style and a team.

The so-called battle is the guests you invite, and the status of the guests!

Minako knew that Liu Di was a well-known etiquette teacher in Huaxia, but those with rights in Huaxia below a certain level would not easily come to such a sensitive occasion as the island country.

As for the bride price!

It is also called dowry in China, and Minako doesn't really believe that this Liu Di can come up with a decent dowry!
Jiro Aida instantly understood what his wife was thinking!

It turned out that she wanted to embarrass that Liu Di in this regard!Make her feel embarrassed to look up and be a human being in the future?
But after thinking about it, Aida Jiro thinks that this plan is still feasible, as long as he successfully hits that Liu Di, then his wife's status in Huitian's family will still not be lowered.

"Suiga, let's do this!"

"That's good! I'll go get ready!"

After seeing Aida Jiro nodded, the scheming Minako immediately pulled Aida Jiro away from her mother's house.

at the same time!

The Lin family far away in Xiahua City, Huaxia!

At this time, Lin Wancheng finished his day's work and sat comfortably on the sofa.

Holding a glass of Moutai in his hand, he smelled the aroma.

This was the first time Lin Yiyi saw Lin Wancheng drinking white wine. In the past, she only saw her father drinking foreign wine and red wine!

In Lin Yiyi's impression, it seems that rich people like foreign wine?

Lin Wancheng on the side seemed to see his daughter's doubts, and said with a smile, "What? Have you ever seen dad drink liquor?"

Lin Yiyi nodded, and said helplessly, "I've never seen it before, and I've never seen anyone drinking baijiu dry! Isn't baijiu supposed to be drunk with meals?"

"Haha, Yiyi! You are ignorant! I am tasting wine, not drunk. Of course, I only need to taste the aroma of the wine. It doesn't matter if you don't eat vegetables!"

"Anything like that?"

Lin Yiyi drank baijiu with Liu Hao before, but they were always eating skewers on the street, or eating in small restaurants!
Lin Wancheng waved his hand, as if he felt that his daughter didn't know everything!
"Okay, let's not talk about this! Tomorrow you are going to the island country, what? Do you really want to get Liu Di back? Didn't you really dislike her before?"

Lin Wancheng clearly remembered that Yiyi was very dissatisfied with the etiquette teacher she invited!

Why do you still want to stand up for her now?
"Is it because of Xiaoyun?"

"Well, no, no, no, not all of it!"

When Lin Wancheng looked at him suspiciously, Lin Yiyi didn't know what to say.

After organizing the language, he said again: "There is Xiaoyun's reason. Xiaoyun is worried that she is not sincere, but is being coerced. Secondly, I think Liu Di is a talent! So I want to find her back!"


Hehe, has my daughter already started to learn how to form her own power?

Lin Wancheng is very clear that the current president of Wanlong Media was personally trained by Lin Yiyi, and this guy is not only capable but also loyal.

In terms of employing people, he really can't find any faults!
"Employee? Haha, how are you going to use it?"


Lin Yiyi still doesn't want Lin Wancheng to know her specific thoughts, after all, it's just an idea at present!
But Lin Wancheng seemed to have seen through Lin Yiyi's mind like a seasoned old fox!
He smiled and said, "Little fox, don't think I don't know what you're planning!"

"Hee hee, since you know Dad, do you object to my going to the island country?"

"Against? Is it useful to oppose? I don't think I can control you now! You are the famous Miss Yiyi in the capital! Which dude doesn't have a headache seeing you?"

Seeing Lin Yiyi's grinning face, Lin Wancheng was really not worried that his daughter would suffer!
Lin Yiyi pouted dissatisfiedly: "Dad, this sounds like a compliment to me, but why do I always feel a little irony in it?"

"Haha, come on, come on! You little fox think too much!"

"In short, this time you go to the island country, I will give you a certain amount of support. Don't lose face to us Chinese people!"

"Hey, Dad, I'll just wait for your words!"

That's right!

The reason why Lin Yiyi was still waiting for Lin Wancheng in the living room so late was because of his words!
Seeing his daughter's success, Lin Wancheng was not angry, but very relieved!
The growth rate of the girl in front of me is really too fast!

Even he himself can't believe it!

Thinking of this, Lin Wancheng shook his finger, and said seriously: "It's fine to support you! But don't go too far, after all, it's not our territory in China! Be more cautious in other people's territory!"

"Okay, I got it! Dad, give me all your connections in the island country!"

"Okay! I'll call right away!"

Lin Yiyi looked at Lin Wancheng taking out the phone, and laughed excitedly.

She is more confident about this trip to the island country!
(End of this chapter)

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