Become a rich girl

Chapter 24 School starts!

Chapter 24 School starts! (two)

Tianhua City, which has already entered September, is still extremely hot.

The scorching autumn tiger has not dissipated.

"Oh, it's really hot. Dear Director Wang, isn't it hot for you to stand there?"

Old Zhangtou and Xiao Wang, who were guards, were blowing fans, and looked at Wang Wenhai, who was wearing a shirt, very dissatisfied.

This bullshit dean has an air conditioner in his office, but he doesn't install it in his guard room.This also made Lao Zhangtou and Xiao Wang very dissatisfied with him.

Both of them knew that this somewhat bureaucratic Wang Wenhai didn't look like a dean at all.

This year, I don't know if he was lucky, or if he really tried his best, he actually recruited many rich and powerful children.He was praised by the principal Li Tao.

From their point of view, these descendants of aristocratic families have both advantages and disadvantages for their school.

The most advantageous thing is that their fathers are all rich or powerful people. Because of this, they will not allow their children to study in poor schools, and will send them to prestigious universities no matter what means they use.

As for the disadvantage, if these students are too public, they will not be easy to deal with.

But who of these students has background and who doesn't, only Li Tao knows.Some very low-key students, Wang Wenhai can only judge by the language and behavior of the other party.

Wang Wenhai thinks he is very capable, isn't he just some brat?If you can't figure it out, isn't your life in vain?
The school spirit of Tianhua Foreign Language School is so well received because of its own existence!

"Hee hee, have you heard? A very handsome guy came to our school on the day of registration!"

"Have you heard about it? I only signed up that afternoon, and I didn't see anything. But, I heard that the guard's railing was hit by the handsome guy's luxury car!"

"Ahhh, rich and handsome little brother! Why didn't I come earlier that day, even if I can't sign up, I can still come to watch!"

The few girls who passed by the school gate seemed to be in spring, and they crazily pulled each other's shoulders and shouted like a nympho.

damn it!
Hearing these words, three days of black lines appeared on Wang Wenhai's head, and the already bald man became even more ferocious.

He was a witness to the incident that day.

When the student named Liu Hao broke into the school with a car and smashed the railing, he almost wanted to curse.

As the dean of teaching, how could he allow a student to rush in with a luxury car?Doesn't that make me, the dean, very incompetent?
"Hmph, there's no such thing as a student!"

This is not the first time Wang Wenhai has heard such discussions today.

Almost all the students who passed by him were discussing these rumors.

"Hey, have you heard? A little angel has come to our school!"

"Hey, of course I know. I was dragged by my mother to report ahead of time!"

"I heard that little angel ended up in a handsome guy's car?"

"Tch, that's not the rich second generation threatening others! Poor little angel!"

"That's right, I was threatened by a senior. But the little angel is very courageous, and he actually did it. It's a beautiful job! That rich second-generation handsome guy is not a good thing. In order to pursue the little angel, he actually slapped his female companion. sister!"

These are the topics of countless male students.

Not only the freshmen who just entered school, but even the old students listened to these discussions with gusto.

The students sitting around the flower bed gathered here just to witness the legendary little angel and handsome guy and refused to leave.

The students who walked into the teaching building also stood by the railing and waited for the legendary two freshmen to appear.

"What are you yelling about? Don't you know that there are a lot of things to do when school starts today?"

"Damn it, student council president!"

The students gathered at the flower bed turned around and suddenly saw a girl with a ponytail and glasses.

This female student is like that kind of hard-educated and old-fashioned nerd in film and television dramas!
It's just that there was a stern look on her face, and her pointed face was full of anger.

"That student council president, don't be so unreasonable. We are also here to welcome new classmates!"

"Yes, yes, welcome new classmates! Send them warmth!"

After hearing these answers, the student council president's eyes became sharper.

Slowly said: "Oh? Really? To send warmth? You are so enthusiastic?"

"Yes Yes!"

"That's great, there is an action to care for the elderly in the community next door to Zhou Mo. You all go to participate!"

What the hell!

The students who were made speechless by the student council president could only turn around and leave.

After all, there are countless officers standing behind the student council president, and these guys are not easy to provoke.

Being caught by them will definitely lead to a miserable death!

"Ouch, isn't this our student council grown-up?"

"Senior Qiuyue!"

"Wow, Qiuyue-senpai is still as beautiful today!"

Just when the students were about to retreat, a girl who was wearing a school uniform but still couldn't resist the charm of her body came over with a group of people.

Although Li Qiuyue obeyed the school's regulations and wore a school uniform, her legs exposed to the air were unusually slender and attractive.The school group has passed the knee, revealing the most mysterious area.

Come on, Gale!

Countless male animals stared at Li Qiuyue's legs and kept praying.

Sadly, there were no hurricanes today.

"Sister Li Qiuyue. I think you should know that changing the school uniform without authorization is against the school rules, right?"

"Hehe, I don't have one! Dear President Huang Tingting, this dress is definitely original. You can check it if you don't believe me!"

Are you kidding me?
This school skirt seemed ordinary to Li Qiuyue, so she deliberately falsely reported the length of her legs when ordering it.


"What? Is this also a violation of school rules?"

Everyone knows that Li Qiuyue is at odds with the student council president.

As one of the top ten campus beauties selected by the students of Tianhua Foreign Language School, Li Qiuyue naturally wanted to be more famous.

Proudly, she tried to run for the student council president in the last semester, that is, in the first semester of high school, against the scumbag senior Huang Tingting in front of her.

But in the end, she was so popular that she still lost to the local girl in front of her.

This made her very unwilling, because the reason for the failure turned out to be that her academic performance and honor were not enough!
The Huang Tingting in front of her has won the title of the city's three good students for two consecutive years by virtue of her spirit of studying hard.More importantly, this local girl has a lot of support, and most of the nerds and well-behaved students in the school are her supporters.

Li Qiuyue could only give up in the end.

"Hey, two beauties. What's making you so unhappy!"

At this time, Huang Can, the mayor's son who appeared at the registration site that day, walked towards them with a smile.

Haha, you coquettish guy, didn't you make a fool of yourself last time?Mouth spraying dung, being slapped by the little angel and Mr. Liu!Don't you think it's embarrassing?

Before entering Tianhua Foreign Language School, Huang Can also chased after this Li Qiuyue through various high-level gatherings, but the latter looked arrogant.

Although she didn't refuse, she was always going around in circles with her. If her father wasn't the mayor, she might have kicked him aside a long time ago!


"Wow, look! Koenigsegg CCXR, a sports car worth 3000-4000 million!"

"Ah! Is the handsome boy here?"

Just when the few people were about to communicate, bursts of exclamations and discussions suddenly came.

Li Qiuyue, who heard this voice, showed anger again, and walked towards the school gate with a group of students behind her.

"Hey, Liu Hao, Liu Hao. Let me see how you end up now!"

Huang Can sighed, but there was a hint of excitement on his face!
 Add more! ! !Seek support, seek encouragement!
(End of this chapter)

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