Become a rich girl

Chapter 251 Director Liu's First Show

Chapter 251 Director Liu's First Show ([-])


All the students of Tianhua foreign language students saw Liu Di's domineering scene!
Can you confront Chen Hui head-on?The students have always longed for such a heroic figure.

Originally, they hoped that little angel Yiyi would take care of Chen Hui, who was pretending to be a tiger for the position of teaching director, but now little angel's relatives took care of her.

As for the appointment letter that Liu Di mentioned, they have no idea what it is!
What letter of appointment?Do Appointment Letters Work?
"Teach the dean?"

What?What dean?
Just when the students were extremely confused about Liu Di's actions, that damned Chen Hui howled like he saw a ghost!
He pointed at Liu Di as if he had seen a ghost and said, "This! How is it possible! You! You are the new dean? No! This is not true!"

"Comrade Liu Di is hereby appointed as the director of the Teaching Department of Tianhua Foreign Language School!"

After seeing the letter of appointment signed by the Tianhua City Education Bureau, Chen Hui almost fell to the ground like a deflated ball.

What!This person is the new dean?Liu Di?

"No way! This person is the dean? I never heard that the dean is a foreign teacher!"

"That's right, he's still the same as Sun Mei, he used to be an etiquette teacher!"

"Isn't this amazing? The woman who accompanied the little angel into the school is actually the new dean?"

Not only Chen Hui, but all the students were shocked when they heard the contents of the appointment letter!
"But that's okay? Director Liu just now spoke for us!"

"Yes, yes, it seems that he is not the same person as that lunatic Sun Mei!"

"It shouldn't be too bad for her to be the dean, right?"

Amazing!Really great!

At this moment, Lin Yiyi and Liu Hao have seen Liu Di's tricks!Liu Di, who wanders in the high-level circles of Huaxia, is worthy of being an elite. Her actions not only punished that Chen Hui, but also bribed the students present at the same time.

These students who have witnessed everything will spread her story widely, and the image of a dean who loves students has been preliminarily achieved!
It turns out that this Liu Di is not simple, haha, this is a good show!
Liu Hao stared at Liu Di's haughty appearance, and then looked at Lin Yiyi, only to realize that Liu Di is nothing, and the most powerful one is his best friend!

When she told him that she would bring Liu Di over, he didn't have any idea, what he thought was that there was one more person of his own!But now he found out what impact Lin Yiyi would have on the school after getting Liu Di here.

As an etiquette teacher, Liu Di has been involved in high-level circles. Naturally, her knowledge and knowledge are not bad. In addition, she is open-minded and scheming, as well as her current background. It is not unreasonable to want to compete with the high-level officials of this school. possible.

"how is this possible?"

"Mr. Chen Hui, I don't think it's impossible. Now that I'm the director of the teaching department, you are my teacher. I think you can ignore this matter and go back to work immediately!"

Liu Di pointed at the office building domineeringly, just as Chen Hui was about to speak!

But now he has already lost his soul, and he can't say anything.

The woman in front of me is the teaching director?How can it be?Why is the dean not himself?Why did this letter of appointment appear in front of my eyes like this?

But upon closer inspection, this was really an official letter of appointment.

Since Tianhua Foreign Language School has been listed as a public school, but the reform is still in progress, but now the appointment of the school management is in the hands of the Education Bureau, this letter of appointment is true!

Fail yourself?Was once again robbed of the position of dean by an etiquette teacher named Liu Di?

"Don't you understand what I'm saying? Dear Teacher Chen Hui, now I will let you go back to work immediately!"

"Ah! Yes yes yes!"

Chen Hui didn't have any background, he just followed Sun Mei and got the approval of the school leaders indirectly.

But now that such a situation has arisen, he has nothing to do. The person in front of him is his direct leader!He, Chen Hui, still wants to continue to support his family!If you offend the dean, you can't afford to walk around!
"Haha, what about our Teacher Chen's prestige? Why is it gone now?"

"Hee hee, how dare he play prestige, he was taken care of by our new Director Liu!"

Countless students have witnessed this embarrassing moment for Chen Hui. With Liu Di, the teaching director, calling, they will not be afraid of this damn Chen Hui.

What Liu Di said won the respect of the students. Who wouldn't want a teacher who really cares about the students?What's more, Liu Di is still the teaching director!

Chen Hui has now understood that Tianhua Foreign Language School, which has long been a place of right and wrong, is still a place where ordinary people can hang out?

This Liu Di definitely has an extraordinary background. Leaving aside the power behind her, let's just say that she used to be an etiquette teacher. With this identity, it is possible to have intersections with powerful people.

Not to mention who Lin Yiyi's father is, this Liu Di is most likely the one protected by the Lin family!

Thinking of this, Chen Hui really wanted to die. His dean was snatched away like this, and he also offended a new boss!

You know, I used to just follow Sun Mei's back to play prestige, but now how dare I speak out in front of Liu Di, a well-established teaching director?
"Miss Yiyi, you go to the classroom first! I think the quality of the teachers in this school is very problematic, but don't worry, I will leave this to me, this is my job!"

Speaking of this, Liu Di paused, looked at Lin Yiyi and Liu Hao, and continued: "As for Miss Yiyi and Master Liu, you should do your job as students!"

"Miss Yiyi should be very clear about my work attitude. Even if you are my friends, I will not open the back door! I don't want you to be caught in this school again!"

Seeing Liu Di's extremely serious appearance, Lin Yiyi smiled and didn't care!

After all, my purpose of letting Liu Di come to this school has been achieved, and I invited her to come because I appreciate Liu Di's arrogance and working style, so naturally I will not sweep her face.

He said with a smile: "Okay Director Liu! I will go to the classroom for morning self-study immediately, no, no, no, I am the monitor, and I will organize everyone to study together!"

"Well, let's go!"

Seeing Lin Yiyi and Liu Hao leaving, a smile appeared on the corner of Liu Di's mouth.

Is Tianhua Foreign Language School a magic den?Hehe, I, Liu Di, want to see how terrifying this place is!
Thinking of this, Liu Di followed Chen Hui to the office building with vigorous steps.

(End of this chapter)

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