Become a rich girl

Chapter 283 Bloodshed?

Chapter 283 Bloodshed?

"Miss Yu, what shall we do now?"

Among the top floors!

Sun Xiaoyu stood with dozens of punks, and the leader with the bald head looked at Sun Xiaoyu with a smile.

After hearing this, Sun Xiaoyu glared at the bald man, and said dissatisfiedly: "Don't you guys know what to do? The place has been cleared now! Just follow the original plan!"

That's right, these little gangsters were all known by Sun Xiaoyu's acquaintances!They also gave them the benefits they deserved, and promised to give another sum of money after the matter is completed!

"Those guys who pretended to be ghosts in the haunted house should still be inside, right?"

"Haha, of course! These guys may not have reacted yet! Let's rush in?"

The bald head licked the corner of his mouth very excitedly. The bald head's name was Chen Xiu, but he was not as delicate as his name.Instead, this guy has been a dropout since junior high.

Now he is 25 years old, and he is considered a little famous in Tianhua City. Of course, this guy is far behind some big shots!
Because of this, Sun Xiaoyu asked them to help!

After all, these guys are not very popular on the road, so they won't attract too many people's attention!
"Remember what I told you? From now on I won't appear here again!"

"Haha, I know, I know! Little classmate just wants to avoid getting involved with us? Don't worry, you go in first! We will go in later, and you can say that you don't know us!"

It was also one of Sun Xiaoyu's plans from the beginning to put himself aside from these guys!

"Little classmate, are you sure? You're going to see blood this time?"

Just when Sun Xiaoyu was about to leave, the bald Chen Xiu behind him grinned.

He received the money, so he will definitely do things for this little guy!As long as I do it well this time, I can make some name for myself in Tianhua City.

"According to the plan!"

Sun Xiaoyu really can't stand these little bastards, she said it herself, there must be bloodshed!Otherwise, how could Lin Yiyi be shaken?

And now Minister Liu is outside, as long as something happens, it will involve Lin Yiyi, so that Minister Liu has an opinion on this Lin Yiyi!

As for Yang Chengkai, Sun Xiaoyu didn't care about it!What does this guy's life and death have to do with him?
"Sure enough, nothing has changed!"

When Sun Xiaoyu was the first to enter the haunted house, she quietly waited for the bald head and others to enter!
That's right!Sun Xiaoyu is going to hide in the dark this time and let these punks cause bloodshed!

"Fuck! What the hell kind of place is this? So dark?"

Then the gangsters, mainly bald Chen Xiu, finally walked into the first cemetery scene, and Sun Xiaoyu quickly hid when they entered.

"Brother! What the hell is this haunted house? I want to see if the broken ghosts here can scare our brothers!"

"Haha! Let's go!"

"Kang Dang"

After a group of gangsters walked in, they immediately took out the wooden sticks and steel pipes hidden on their bodies, and walked arrogantly in the gloomy cemetery!

According to the map provided by that little guy, there will be a ghost dressed up in the third tomb ahead to scare people!

The bald head and the little gangster looked at each other, smiling and moving towards their sinister goal.

That's right!The task of the bald Chen Xiu today is to create bloodshed and violence!They will take advantage of the so-called ghosts to come out, and use the weapons in their hands to call directly!
Of course, they acted with discretion, after all, Sun Xiaoyu's instructions were as long as they could see blood!

"one two Three!"

Chen Xiu led her group of brothers to the third tombstone proudly.

And Sun Xiaoyu also took advantage of this time to follow behind them!

That's it!
Sun Xiaoyu already knew this haunted house clearly, as long as the students pretending to be ghosts jumped out later, these people would call them over!
Time passed by minute by minute.

"What's going on here? What about people? Where's the person pretending to be a ghost?"

2 minutes passed, but there was still no movement on the tombstone.

What's going on here?
Sun Xiaoyu looked at the scene in front of her very dullly, why did it happen?

According to my previous exploration, there is a mechanism under this tombstone, as long as it is opened, someone pretending to be a ghost will come out of it!
What exactly is going on?Could it be that the students here all ran away when they heard the wind?How is this possible?Your plan should be perfect!

Even if Lin Yiyi and the others notice it, it is absolutely impossible to notify everyone in such a short time, right?
"Damn it! Are you afraid to come out?"

"Hey, big brother! This ghost must be cowardly!"

"Damn it! Since all ghosts are afraid of me, then you should open up this tomb for me! I want to see for myself whether the ghosts in it are pissed or not!"

Chen Xiu and a bunch of gangsters thought that the students pretending to be ghosts inside must be too scared to come out!So I wanted to destroy the props of this tomb.

"Haha! Give it to me!"


The younger brothers on the side had ferocious smiles and smashed the tombstone made of plastic!
Are the people inside really scared?

Sun Xiaoyu looked at the scene where these gangsters smashed into the cemetery, and looked at Chen Xiu and the others without blinking!

"Fuck! What the hell is this?"

"Damn it! Why is there no one?"

"The flashlight is on! Idiot!"

Chen Xiu scolded a younger brother severely, and then turned on the flashlight very quickly.


"Boss! Boss! What's going on?"

"Is this blood?"

Just when Chen Xiu and the others turned on the flashlight and shot at the tomb, what they saw was an empty cemetery. On the contrary, there were a lot of red liquid in the cemetery, which looked very strange under the light of the flashlight!
"what happened?"

"Little classmate, didn't you say there would be people in here? Where are people?"

When Sun Xiaoyu came to the tombstone, he also saw the blood in the cemetery!

What exactly happened here?Why is there no one here?What is all this blood?There is no such thing in the plan given by Lin Yiyi!

"Let's go! Go ahead and leave this place alone!"

Under Sun Xiaoyu's instructions, Chen Xiu and the others seemed very aggrieved!

What the hell!These little guys, when I find you later, I must open a scoop on your heads!
Why is there no one in the props?What the hell is this going on?

Sun Xiaoyu is not sure at this time, are these people in the scene behind?

"This is what zombie square you said?"

"Hey, brother! There seems to be someone there! It looks like a tourist who hasn't left here!"


After coming to this wide square, Chen Xiu quickly saw a running student under the guidance of his younger brother!
Shouting at him loudly: "Stop what the hell! I want to ask you something!"

Although Chen Xiu had enough momentum, that student-looking guy still galloped away towards the distance.

"Help! Help!"

While running, that guy called for help!

What the hell, are you scared now?No way, I will grab you and be the first to open a ladle on your head!

(End of this chapter)

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